At A Time When A Felon Is Admitted To Practice Law, We Say Kudos To Raymond Wilson The Cop.…

The long­time head of the Police Federation Seargent Raymond Wilson has been pro­mot­ed to Assistant Superintendent of Police.
The pro­mo­tion comes at a time when the out­spo­ken Wilson was involved in wage nego­ti­a­tions with the Government.

Wilson’s pro­mo­tion has set tongues wag­ging that the pro­mo­tion was timed to removed him from the nego­ti­a­tions at a time when the union and the gov­ern­ment are dead­locked in wage nego­ti­a­tions for the rank and file of the force.

Some have even asked whether he was pro­mot­ed to Assistant Superintendent instead of Inspector specif­i­cal­ly to silence his voice.
Police insid­ers argued how­ev­er that “He was inter­viewed from last year, and because he did so well in the inter­view, he was promised a posi­tion above the rank of inspector.”

Lost in the tongue wag­ging is one lit­tle fact, that is that Raymond Wilson has recent­ly earned him­self a law degree.
Why would the JCF not reward such accom­plish­ment after he has served in the depart­ment so faith­ful­ly and long?

It is unfor­tu­nate that instead of talk­ing about the tremen­dous accom­plish­ments of this police offi­cer who came from hum­ble begin­nings the con­ver­sa­tion is cen­tered on whether he was pro­mot­ed for the right reason.

At a time when the legal pro­fes­sion in Jamaica just admit­ted a twice-con­vict­ed felon to prac­tice at the bar, this writer takes this oppor­tu­ni­ty to say kudos to Assistant Superintendent of Raymond Wilson.
Job well done.