Ass-wipe Judge Courtney Daye Gives Murderous Mom Suspended Sentence For Beating Baby To Death.


Fifty-three (53) year old Delreta Smith of a Clarendon Address beat her two-year-old baby to death because the child defe­cat­ed on herself.
Never mind that for all prac­ti­cal pur­pos­es that is exact­ly what most two-year-old babies do.

Nevertheless, the moth­er of 12 — two of whom were born after the grue­some death of two-year-old Sherene Smith in 2006 — was in the May Pen Hospital await­ing surgery when the judge Courtney Daye hand­ed down the sen­tence which may only be summed up as insane and an invi­ta­tion for moth­ers who may be dis­traught and or stressed to sim­ply beat their chil­dren to death.

In one of the most egre­gious instances of judi­cial mis­con­duct, the moron­ic ass­wipe of a judge sen­tenced Smith to three years in prison then spat on the baby’s grave by sus­pend­ing the sen­tence for two years.
Threee years sus­pend­ed for two years for the bru­tal and cal­lous mur­der of a two year old infant! Simply put, if she stays out of trou­ble for two years, she will not spend a sin­gle day in prison for slaugh­ter­ing her infant child.

Asswipe judge Courtney Daye who gave mur­der­ous mom sus­pend­ed sentence

In seek­ing to jus­ti­fy what he clear­ly knows is an inde­fen­si­ble act, he robed ass­wipe tried to explain away his actions. Daye said he took into account the fact that Smith plead­ed guilty on the first rel­e­vant date and is enti­tled to a 50 per­cent reduc­tion in her sen­tence. “There is a pub­lic out­cry against vio­lence towards chil­dren and oth­er vul­ner­a­ble per­sons, but this is not the worst case of manslaugh­ter. It is not a case of neglect or con­stant abuse,” he said. He not­ed, too, that the case had been before the courts for 12 years (11 years in the parish court) and that she has no pre­vi­ous con­vic­tions. “If her tri­al had pro­ceed­ed in a rea­son­able time and she was giv­en a cus­to­di­al sen­tence, she would have served it and be out already,” Daye reasoned.

This is part and par­cel of the pol­i­cy push of Justice Minister Delroy Chuck. A pol­i­cy which has zero to do with jus­tice and every­thing to do with appear­ances that the sys­tem is func­tion­ing properly.
If you are not out­raged as I am you are def­i­nite­ly a part of the problem.
This mon­ster of a judge fell hook line and sinker to defense lawyer Sean Kingston’s wiles when he stat­ed to the court “She is fight­ing a par­tic­u­lar ill­ness and may not have long with us”.
What the fuck does any of that have to do with the killing of this help­less, inno­cent child?
If she was that sick how could she have beat­en her kid to death and worse why is she still alive twelve[12] years after mur­der­ing the poor baby?

This is what obtains as a jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica the crim­i­nal par­adise of the world, a place where you go to com­mit mur­der and walk away Scott free.

If you do not find this rep­re­hen­si­ble you may be among those who sup­port rip­ping away chil­dren from their par­ents because they dare to seek asy­lum. The total­i­ty of the Judge’s rea­son­ing in his own sum­ma­tion is encap­su­lat­ed in these sentences.

(1)” It is not a case of neglect or con­stant abuse”. As long as a mur­der­ous par­ent does not sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly abuse a child(as per this judge) it is real­ly not a big deal if you beat and kill your child in a one-off situation.
(2) The case had been before the courts for 12 years. What does it mat­ter how long the case has been before the courts? In many cas­es, the delays are a direct result of col­lu­sion between these very judges and defense attor­neys with a view to hav­ing the case tossed out eventually.
(3)If her tri­al had pro­ceed­ed in a rea­son­able time and she was giv­en a cus­to­di­al sen­tence, she would have served it and be out already, Really? So because of the length of time, the case lan­guished in the sys­tem the offend­er is enti­tled to a mere slap on the wrist? Is it any won­der this judge did not sim­ply toss the case? More impor­tant­ly, what he is say­ing is that if the case was decid­ed from the time it was brought she would have served prison time and would have been released already. This state­ment is telling because it reveals exact­ly how these com­mu­nists think. three years for mur­der­ing a child!

This sto­ry has been updat­ed since it was first posted.

3 thoughts on “Ass-wipe Judge Courtney Daye Gives Murderous Mom Suspended Sentence For Beating Baby To Death.

  1. You don’t have to go to Jamaica to com­mit mur­der and get away with it. Open your eyes look what’s going on in these first world coun­tries. Families are being award­ed a pen­ny for lost of a bread win­ner by the act of the Sate. Just want­ed to cor­rect that state­ment brother.

    • The arti­cle is about mur­ders in Jamaica sir, one point does not negate the other.
      We are nev­er going to solve prob­lems when we engage in “what abouts” .
      We are nev­er going to solve prob­lems by being defen­sive about wrong.
      And for the record if you take your time to look on this very site I have addressed that very case you referenced.

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