Asking Govt To Provide Buses For Police Impractical.…


The Police Federation is angry at the Portia Simpson Miller Administration for what it sees as a bla­tant dis­re­gard on the part of Government in address­ing it’s request that bus­es be pro­vid­ed to trans­port off-duty offi­cers home after they fin­ish their tours of duty. The Government is neg­li­gent on a host of issues that’s for sure but I do not see this request as a prac­ti­cal solu­tion to the prob­lem. In a scathing speech a few days ago at the funer­al ser­vice of slain woman con­sta­ble Crystal Thomas, Federation Chairman Raymond Wilson blast­ed the Government for it’s fail­ure to accede to the Federation’s request for transportation.

A publicly owned bus , part of the transportation system in Jamaica
A pub­licly owned bus , part of the trans­porta­tion sys­tem in Jamaica

If the Government accedes to the request of police offi­cers , it opens itself to acced­ing to sim­i­lar requests from all oth­er cat­e­go­ry of pub­lic sec­tor work­ers , includ­ing Nurses, Doctors and all oth­er cat­e­gories of pub­lic sec­tor work­ers who have to trav­el at nights. It is imprac­ti­cal for Government to pro­vide bus­es to facil­i­tate those requests which are sure to come were it to grant the request of the Police.
Additionally the Government oper­ates a pub­lic bus com­pa­ny which makes that prospect counter intuitive.
It is sad and indeed a seri­ous indict­ment on the state of the coun­try’s when the pub­lic trans­port sys­tem is not safe for com­muters regard­less of their status.

Constable Crystal Thomas murdered on a bus as she heads home from work..
Constable Crystal Thomas mur­dered on a bus as she heads home from work..

No trans­porta­tion sys­tem in the world is total­ly safe . Criminals are always pry­ing for soft spots across the globe crim­i­nals prey on pub­lic trans­porta­tion sys­tems where they believe their will be less law enforce­ment pres­ence. The flu­id nature of trans­porta­tion sys­tems also helps crim­i­nals in their escape plans after they have com­mit­ted crimes.
The chal­lenge for the coun­try in this regard is three-fold. (1) Improve the abil­i­ty of the police to pre­vent crimes. (2) Improve the abil­i­ty of the police to catch offend­ers after they com­mit crimes and (3) Improve the crim­i­nal Justice sys­tem so that crim­i­nals can spend longer time in prison for the crimes they commit.

Raymond Wilson Federation chairman
Raymond Wilson
Federation chair­man

In my esti­ma­tion I believe that the fed­er­a­tion can do a bet­ter job on it’s own. Members pay fees to the Federation, if nec­es­sary seek per­mis­sion from mem­bers of the rank-and file toward secur­ing a lit­tle big­ger con­tri­bu­tion to the Federation ‑fund which would pro­vide low inter­est loans to mem­bers desirous of pur­chas­ing their own cars. This fund would grow over time allow­ing the Federation to do more for it’s membership.
Additionally the Federation could take a sim­i­lar pro­pos­al to Government ask­ing for it’s help in start­ing that fund as part of the nego­ti­a­tions for bet­ter wage a work­ing con­di­tions. A com­mit­ment of say M$30- M$50 from Government cou­pled with what­ev­er the Federation can scrape togeth­er would go a long way toward alle­vi­at­ing that problem.
If man­aged prop­er­ly that would negate the need for the Federation to make some demands of Government as the fund would grow and increase in value.
A plan of that nature would absolute­ly be pop­u­lar with the rank and file. Naturally not every­one who apply would be able to receive a loan ini­tial­ly so it should be done sole­ly on the basis of the amount of loans the fund can afford per year.

I thing so , where there is a will there is a way . It requires a lit­tle imag­i­na­tion and inge­nu­ity. Obviously the Police will have to do more for them­selves if the Administration has no mon­ey or more sin­is­ter,.. refus­es to help.

3 thoughts on “Asking Govt To Provide Buses For Police Impractical.…

  1. Mr. Beckles for the first time i am dis­agree­ing with you on aspect of your blog. Firstly, i do agree that every­one is at risk when trav­el­ling on any­thing or any­where in Jamaica. However, how many time have you heard of some­one being shot and killed sim­ply because of their pro­fes­sion. This is what police offi­cers are faced with every­day, they are being shot at, crit­i­cized, vic­tim­ized, mur­dered sim­ply because they are police offi­cers and they pose a threat to crim­i­nals. Therefore its quite nec­es­sary that police offi­cer be treat­ed dif­fer­ent­ly from oth­er pub­lic sec­tor work­ers because the haz­ards and dan­gers they face by just wear­ing the uni­form is non con­para­ble to oth­er class of work­ers. I agree with you though that the police fed­er­a­tion can help police offi­cers acquire loans at low­er inter­est rates to alle­vi­ate the prob­lem of transportation.

    • I under­stand Sharnet , (smile) when I start­ed read­ing your response I thought you did not real­ize thatI offered up a solu­tion to the prob­lem, but then I real­ized that indeed you did see that I did.
      My dear Sharnet I am a for­mer detec­tive , I spent a me\re 10 years before leav­ing the JCf. I cried when woman con­sta­ble Johnstnon was objec­ti­fied, abused and mur­dered while trav­el­ling on a bus to work.
      She had no means of defend­ing her­self, she was iden­ti­fied as police offi­cer by the uni­form she had in her bag.
      I cried like a baby when I heard the news.
      I am hap­py to say I was among the small group of offi­cers who erad­i­cat­ed those ver­min from the face of the earth..
      Police Officers are paid to make the pub­lic secure. On that basis the optics is not exact­ly good when we say our mem­bers should not have to be exposed to pub­lic trans­port when it is our jobs to secure the nation.
      I believe the big­ger issue how­ev­er is that Police offi­cers who risk their lives every­day are unable to afford motorcars.
      Hence my sug­ges­tion that the Federation be cre­ative and intuitive.

  2. This is not new when I was at Motorized Patrol in 84 – 87 there were Transportation for Police leav­ing work ‚8−4 and 4 – 12 so it can be done.But with due respect to your opin­ion Mike if oth­er work­ers dont start the if they get it we want it too ‚its just re-start­ing it, but not sure if the we want it too comes along what to do about it

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