As African-Americans Become More Educated, More Informed And More Assertive About Their Rights, Police Will By Default Become More Violent

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It is pret­ty easy to scroll past the atroc­i­ties quick­ly these days and pre­tend that they are anom­alies, as some would like to have you believe. Move on to some­thing more palat­able, some­thing less demand­ing on our souls to speak up.
When the ene­mies of human­i­ty tell you it is not racial, ask them to match these facts with white vic​tims​.You know what I am talk­ing about; for years, we saw the images of ema­ci­at­ed babies, flies in their mouths, noses, and eyes, ribs stick­ing out of their sus­te­nance-deprived, mal­nu­tri­tion-rav­aged lit­tle bod­ies as their moth­ers, hard­ly in any bet­ter shape, holds them and try to give comfort.
We scrolled past because we felt help­less, that there was noth­ing we could do, so we hur­ried­ly scrolled past, changed the chan­nel, or turned the page.
But where were those who claim to speak for the Lord? Those who took your mon­ey every chance they get while telling you that it is what God com­mands you to do?
What about the oth­er things we are sup­posed to do? Like look­ing out for the hun­gry, the poor, the des­ti­tute, the wid­owed, the incar­cer­at­ed, the orphaned?
Don’t they count?
This is no dif­fer­ent; they tell you if only they obeyed com­mands, if only they obeyed, if only they sat, if only they stood, if only they did not move, if only they moved, if only they did not fall asleep, if only they weren’t sit­ting at home, if only they were at home, if only they had sig­naled when turn­ing, if only they had repaired the bro­ken tail­light, if only they weren’t Black.…. that’s what you actu­al­ly mean!!!
It is an exter­mi­na­tion cam­paign sanc­tioned by the robed gods on the Supreme Court, an enti­ty that has a shame­ful his­to­ry against the rights, dig­ni­ty, auton­o­my, and exis­tence of African-Americans.
Its rul­ings, and more so its poli­cies, Ie (qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty), gave carte blanch to police to mur­der with­out fear of consequence.


.Black man was beat­en by cop to with­in an inch of his life. (Aaron Larry Bowman).
.Black woman tack­led by cop while walk­ing her dog. (Nikkita Brown).
.Black man killed by police who pulled him over for bro­ken tail light. (Malcolm Williams ).
.Black kid mur­dered by cop while play­ing in the park with a toy gun only 12-years ‑old. (Tamir Rice).
. Black man killed by cops in Walmart for hav­ing a rifle he picked up to pur­chase from Walmart. (John Crawford).
. Black woman dies in police cus­tody after being arrest­ed for not using a turn sig­nal. (Sandra Bland).
. Black man mur­dered by cop in his apart­ment as he watched tele­vi­sion and ate ice cream. (Botham Jean).
. Black man mur­dered by cop who taught he was using her taser. (Daunte Wright).
.Black man mur­dered by police for stand­ing out­side his home. (Amadou Diallo).
.Black man mur­dered by police for stand­ing behind his door. (Kenneth Chamberlain).
.Black man mur­dered by police for stand­ing out­side store sell­ing loose cig­a­rettes. (Eric Garner).
.Black man mur­dered by cops for dri­ving while Black. (Philando Castille).
.Black man mur­dered by cops for sell­ing CD’s & DVD’s out­side gas sta­tion. (Alton Sterling).
.Black man mur­der by cops Riding in the pas­sen­ger’s seat of a car. (Jordan Edwards).
.Black man mur­dered by cop while hold­ing a cell phone. (Stephon Clark).
.Black woman killed by cop in her own home as she played video game with her nephew. (Atatiana Jefferson).
.Black woman killed by cops as she sleeps in her house. (Breonna Taylor).
.Black man killed by cops for alleged­ly pass­ing a fake $20 note in a store. (George Floyd)
.Black man killed by cop stand­ing in friend’s garage. (Andre Hill).
.Black man killed by police while walk­ing home from a con­ve­nience store. (Manuel Ellis).
.Black man killed by cops after falling asleep in his car. (Rashard Brooks).
.Black man killed by cops after men­tal episode. (Daniel Prude).
.Black woman killed by cops after boyfriend asked cops to escort her from home. (Aura Rosser).
.Black man killed by cops while rid­ing shack­led in police van. (Freddie Gray).
.Black woman killed by cops while hav­ing a men­tal episode. (Fanisha Fonville).
.Black woman killed by cops who invad­ed her home. (Michelle Cesseaux).
.Black man killed by cop for walk­ing in stair­well of girl­friend’s build­ing. ( Akai Gurley).
.Black man killed by cop for walk­ing across the street. (Michael Brown).
Black woman killed by cop for try­ing to leave her home. (Tanisha Anderson).
.Black woman killed by cops after her car ran into cruis­er. (Gabriella Nevarez).
.Black man killed by cops after they ille­gal­ly stopped him walk­ing home. (Elijah McClain).

According to NPR, Since 2015, police have fatal­ly shot at least 135 unarmed Black men and women nation­wide, an NPR inves­ti­ga­tion found. NPR reviewed police, court, and oth­er records to exam­ine the details of the cas­es. At least 75% of the offi­cers were white. The lat­est one hap­pened this month in Killeen, Texas, when Patrick Warren Sr., 52, was fatal­ly shot by an offi­cer respond­ing to a men­tal health call.
Time Magazine wrote; People Expected Police Behavior to Change After George Floyd’s Murder. The Numbers Tell a Different Story.
“Since June 2020, police in the U.S. have killed peo­ple across dif­fer­ent back­grounds at vir­tu­al­ly the same rate that they have for the past five years, accord­ing to sev­er­al sur­veys, despite a pan­dem­ic that kept many peo­ple at home. As of April 30, there had only been six days this year on which police did not kill a civil­ian while on duty, accord­ing to Mapping Police Violence. Many promised reforms have stalled at the state lev­el — includ­ing in the Minnesota leg­is­la­ture—as well as in Washington, with the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 dying in the Senate: Time said.

Ending police vio­lence would mean a col­lec­tive con­sen­sus to dis­man­tle the white pow­er struc­ture that police were cre­at­ed to pro­tect and defend.
Therefore, as African-Americans become more edu­cat­ed, more informed, and more assertive about their rights, police will, by default, become more violent.
For those rea­sons, police did not step back from the unlaw­ful mur­ders after George Floyd was mur­dered; if any­thing, they became more bru­tal by the numbers.
They have a role to ful­fill, which has always been to keep Black and Brown peo­ple in their place in defense of white supremacy.
It is for those rea­sons that the African-American com­mu­ni­ty must see the police not as an enti­ty that they can call for help. The police in Black com­mu­ni­ties, and to Black peo­ple in America are occu­py­ing armies and prowl­ing mer­ce­nar­ies ready to kill to main­tain and pre­serve white power…






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.