Arming Ukraine Could Lead To Nuclear War: Lech Walesa

Former President of Poland Lech Walesa poses for photographers in Monaco on November 15, 2013 (AFP Photo/Va
Former President of Poland Lech Walesa pos­es for pho­tog­ra­phers in Monaco on November 15, 2013 (AFP Photo/​Va

Krynica (Poland) (AFP) — European mil­i­tary assis­tance to Ukraine could lead to a nuclear con­flict between Russia and NATO, accord­ing to Poland’s icon­ic cold war­rior and Nobel Peace Prize lau­re­ate Lech Walesa.

It could lead to a nuclear war,” the anti-Communist leg­end told reporters when asked whether the EU should send weapons to Ukraine to help it fights off sep­a­ratist rebels and Russian aggression.

The EU is well aware that Russia has nuclear weapons. NATO has them too. Must we then destroy each oth­er?” said the for­mer Solidarity trade union leader famous for nego­ti­at­ing a blood­less end to com­mu­nism in Poland in 1989.

This is why the EU keeps on repeat­ing: stop being sil­ly (…) This is why it isn’t get­ting involved too much!” he added, at an annu­al region­al eco­nom­ic in Krynica, south­ern Poland.

The EU on Saturday agreed to impose fresh sanc­tions on Russia should Moscow failed to change its behav­iour in Ukraine, after Kiev said Russian sol­diers were fight­ing along side pro-Moscow rebels.  http://​news​.yahoo​.com/arm­ing-ukraine-could-lead-nuclear-war-lech-wale­sa-183453862.html