Arm Propagandist Terrence Williams And Let Him Police The Country…


INDECOM has been in exis­tence since 2010. The Agency’s head and the poli­ti-fools who cre­at­ed and main­tain it argues that it is an act of par­lia­ment. As if an act of par­lia­ment is some­thing that is irre­versible.
The agency releas­es it’s quar­ter­ly reports in grandiose fash­ion, replete with media gag­gle at it’s plush New Kingston Offices. All this, while the police which has served the Jamaican peo­ple for 303-years still occu­py run down delip­i­dat­ed work­spaces, unfit for habi­ta­tion.
That, how­ev­er, is a mat­ter for anoth­er time. The point is that the com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM believes that the quar­ter­ly report must be crit­i­cal of, and con­fronta­tion­al with the police,. Terrence Williams does not believe that a report can be com­pli­men­ta­ry, or con­cil­ia­to­ry.
So every quar­ter he trots out like the lit­tle troll he is, to tear down the Police depart­ment with some cocka­mamie sto­ry or anoth­er, that he feels will gar­ner the most back­lash against the police when he bitch­es against some wrong­do­ing or another.

Never mind that all across Jamaica peo­ple are drop­ping like flies to the maraud­ing gun­men and nobody seems to have a clue how to stop the killings.
One of the most insane things that I have heard, is the total­ly ridicu­lous call for the police to stop shoot­ing crim­i­nals.
As far as Terrence Williams is con­cerned inno­cent dead Jamaicans is in no way con­nect­ed to the num­ber of vio­lent con­fronta­tions police have with crim­i­nals.
But he is not alone, there are many of these sanc­ti­mo­nious, self-indul­gent fools who Monday morn­ing-quar­ter­back what­ev­er police do with a crit­i­cal eye. Horace Levy and Peter Espeut are two of the lead­ing pro­pa­gan­dists,’ et al, as well. Never mind that nei­ther of these par­a­sites has ever been shot at, much less shot by crim­i­nals.
The oth­er non­sense we hear is that it is up to the police to min­i­mize the num­ber of gang­sters they kill.
In oth­er words, Jamaican cops oper­at­ing in one of the most volatile and hos­tile envi­ron­ments on the plan­et, must be the most sur­gi­cal in how they do their jobs.
Never mind that before one per­forms cos­met­ic surgery to remove the scars, the all-impor­tant work of life-sav­ing surgery must first be done.
That means that we first remove the mur­der­ers before we con­tem­plate any­thing else.

Image result for jamaica's terrence williams
Terrence Williams

The idea of over­sight for police offi­cers is not a nov­el con­cept, this writer, a for­mer police offi­cer, under­stands this all too well. Accountability works for the good of cit­i­zens and police alike.
Where we run into prob­lems is when those who take on the task of over­sight turn their mis­sion into a cru­sade, because they are of the belief in that over­sight means lord­ing over, and being in con­trol of.
Terrence Williams exem­pli­fies that.

It is with that in mind that the com­ments of the police fed­er­a­tion chair­man were so appro­pri­ate in respond­ing to Terrence Williams’ out­ra­geous rec­om­men­da­tions to the gov­ern­ment.
Sergeant Patrae Rowe police fed­er­a­tion chair­man blast­ed Williams’ com­ments in INDECOM’s quar­ter­ly report as absurd.
Williams, in his usu­al glo­ry-hound per­sona, rec­om­mend­ed that cops charged with what he calls (egre­gious breach­es of law or prac­tice) be dis­charged from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) with­out await­ing crim­i­nal proceedings. 

In oth­er words, the con­sti­tu­tion­al guar­an­tee of the pre­sump­tion of inno­cence afford­ed to all Jamaicans in the con­sti­tu­tion, is to be removed from police offi­cers.
What makes the demand more out­ra­geous is the fact that police offi­cers are not act­ing on their own when they don their uni­forms, they are act­ing on behalf of the state.
It is with that par­tic­u­lar thought in mind, that devel­oped coun­tries rec­og­nize that offi­cers need an added lay­er of pro­tec­tion. In the United States that pro­tec­tion is called qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty.
Qualified immu­ni­ty is a legal doc­trine in United States fed­er­al law that shields gov­ern­ment offi­cials from being sued for dis­cre­tionary actions per­formed with­in (their offi­cial capac­i­ty), unless their actions vio­lat­ed “clear­ly estab­lished” fed­er­al law or con­sti­tu­tion­al rights.
Of course, any breach has to first be proven before puni­tive sanc­tions are attached to the offend­ing party.

In his own words, Terrence Williams argued, “in egre­gious cas­es, where clear breach­es of pol­i­cy, prac­tice or law are appar­ent… offi­cers be dis­charged from the police ser­vice, with­out await­ing pend­ing crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ings”.
Ha, so there you have it, this very promi­nent lawyer who want­ed to be Director of Public Prosecutions, is advo­cat­ing for a pre­sump­tion of guilt before tri­al. What’s more, he is advo­cat­ing for a pre­sump­tion of guilt in a sit­u­a­tion where arguably there should be a rein­force­ment of the pre­sump­tion of innocence.

At a time when crime is through the roof, at a time when Jamaicans are slaugh­tered in record num­bers, at a time when a sin­gle mur­der does not gar­ner a raised eye­brow, the coun­try needs to ensure that it’s resources and sup­port are square­ly behind its law enforce­ment offi­cers.
Additionally, the police depart­ment can­not retain the offi­cers it has, much less to meet recruit­ment quo­tas, because of shit­ty pay, bad work­ing con­di­tions, and INDECOM, it is way past time for Terrence Williams and Hamish Campbell to go. It is way past time for INDECOM to be disbanded.

It is clear to Jamaicans who chose not to be blind­ed by pol­i­tics that Terrence Williams has one strat­e­gy, and that is to destroy what’s left of the JCF. He has sin­gle-hand­ed­ly done more to aid the expan­sion of crim­i­nal net­works in Jamaica through his Don Quixote style assault on the JCF, than any oth­er per­son ever has.
Sergeant Rowe argued “The nature of polic­ing requires fre­quent inter­ac­tion, vio­lent inter­ac­tion, with crim­i­nals. With the crime rate that Jamaica is cur­rent­ly expe­ri­enc­ing, if the num­ber of police offi­cers involved in a con­fronta­tion with crim­i­nals are to be removed off front-line duties, who does the job of the police? Everybody can’t be removed off front-line duties sim­ply because they are under inves­ti­ga­tion. I think INDECOM’s rea­son has to have more depth than this.”
Rowe’s com­ments were in response to Williams’ absurd rec­om­men­da­tion that “offi­cers under sus­pi­cion should be removed from front-line duties to ensure there is no appear­ance of col­lu­sion or tol­er­ance of such inci­dents.

In oth­er words, val­i­dat­ed con­fir­ma­tion of wrong­do­ing is no longer the goal, mere sus­pi­cion that an offi­cer has done some­thing wrong should be enough to have offi­cers removed from their duties.

This is the kind of think­ing which could only come from (a) a men­tal­ly inca­pac­i­tat­ed indi­vid­ual, or (b) an indi­vid­ual who is so dement­ed, hate­ful and venge­ful that mag­gots have com­plete­ly eat­en away what­ev­er brain mat­ter he had.
That is the derange­ment syn­drome that INDECOM has come to rep­re­sent.
The Jamaican peo­ple have a choice to make.
They can con­tin­ue with this Albatros on the nation’s col­lec­tive back, and watch their loved ones mur­dered dai­ly. Or they can demand that the Act be repealed.
In the mean­time, it behooves those with the pow­er to remove this men­tal degen­er­ate before he does any more harm.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, a busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.