Arkansas Cop Kills 16-Year-Old Aries Clark Outside Youth Center

I never expected not to see my son again.”

A 16-year-old black teen in Arkansas was fatal­ly shot by a cop while out­side a youth treat­ment center.

Aries Clark was at East Arkansas Youth Services on Tuesday ― an emer­gency shel­ter for youths that his par­ents had sent him to for behav­ioral issues ― when the shoot­ing occurred.

I nev­er expect­ed not to see my son again,” the boy’s moth­er, Vicky Clark, told WMC. “I saw him that Thursday, and we were try­ing to fig­ure out how we were going to do ther­a­py to get help for him.”

Arkansas State Police told the pub­li­ca­tion that an offi­cer with the Marion Police Department shot Clark at 7 p.m., moments after arriv­ing. The boy was tak­en to a hos­pi­tal where he lat­er died.

Marion Police Chief Gary Kelley declined to release infor­ma­tion relat­ed to the shoot­ing, say­ing only that two offi­cers have been placed on paid admin­is­tra­tive leave, accord­ing to KATV.

The Arkansas State Police declined to release more infor­ma­tion when asked by HuffPost, cit­ing the ongo­ing investigation.

Clark’s grand­moth­er, Vickie Burks, said she was in the process of try­ing to get full cus­tody of her grandson.