Are You Watching The George Zimmerman Trial?

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I haven’t giv­en evi­dence in a crim­i­nal tri­al in many years, but what I saw over the last sev­er­al days in that Florida court room does not bode well for the pros­e­cu­tion. I can­not say what it is but there seem to be some­thing real­ly off between the pros­e­cu­tion and it’s witnesses.

It almost seem that there is bad blood between the pros­e­cu­tor and the police wit­ness­es, In all my time around law enforce­ment and the years watch­ing law enforce­ment close­ly, I have nev­er seen police wit­ness­es for the pros­e­cu­tion actu­al­ly give char­ac­ter evi­dence for the accused.

I mean, turn out the lights, every­one go home, first we have a tri­al in the mur­der of a 17-year-old African-American boy, the jus­tice sys­tem could not find a sin­gle black man , or any man for this tri­al. In fact what we hear is that there are 5 white women, I am yet unsure what the eth­nic­i­ty of the 6th juror is.

Then the most insult­ing thing that could poten­tial­ly hap­pen to Tracey Martin and Sabrina Fulton, the cops who ought to give the best evi­dence for the pros­e­cu­tion’s case turn up and give char­ac­ter evi­dence for the defendant.

Why did the lead inves­ti­ga­tor sud­den­ly get put back to reg­u­lar uni­form patrol , and why did he show up giv­ing char­ac­ter evi­dence for the accused ? This was the same lead Investigator Chris Serino who believed George Zimmerman should face manslaugh­ter charges, why has he changed his sto­ry , why has he been reas­signed to patrol?

There is some­thing seri­ous­ly wrong with the way this tri­al is being han­dled, I sus­pect all hell is going to break loose if peo­ple do not feel that jus­tice is being served , we will con­tin­ue to watch.