Jamaica’s crim­i­nal rights fra­ter­ni­ty are fight­ing to have some of the coun­tries most bar­bar­ic pris­on­ers removed from the com­pe­tent super­vi­sion of the coun­try’s mil­i­tary. These men are housed at a facil­i­ty called the Horizon Remand Center in Kingston. We are reli­ably informed some of them are on a hunger strike in an attempt to draw atten­tion to their claims of being abused. My heart felt sug­ges­tion is to let these mur­der­ers have their wish let them starve to death. As I have talked about in two pre­vi­ous blogs, at the heart of this now report­ed hunger strike, are ser­i­al con­vict­ed mur­der­ers who are final­ly made to con­form with dis­ci­pline. They have devised a plan to assault mem­bers of the mil­i­tary guard­ing them, throw­ing fae­ces on them and when they are sub­dued they have high-priced defense lawyers fil­ing legal briefs in the coun­try’s high­est court claim­ing abuse.

No one is sug­gest­ing that any pris­on­er incar­cer­at­ed by the state should be rou­tine­ly or sum­mar­i­ly abused, far from it, These men are absolute­ly not the aver­age run of the mill inmates these are large­ly con­vict­ed mur­der­ers, who have fig­ured out how to manip­u­late the sys­tem in order to con­tin­ue to run their crim­i­nal enter­pris­es from inside the prison sys­tem This is a well thought out strat­e­gy that is being enhanced by the gov­ern­ment which has assigned every agency they can get their hands on to com­mence inves­ti­ga­tions. Exactly what these mur­der­ing slime balls want­ed in the first place.

Leading the charge in con­demn­ing the sol­diers and demand­ing their removal, for doing what they were sup­posed to do, con­trol vio­lent mur­der­ers is this woman Carolyn Gomes a pedi­a­tri­cian who has found­ed a far left lob­by group called Jamaicans for justice(JFJ). She has used every tool at her dis­pos­al includ­ing align­ing her­self with International Human Rights Organizations which actu­al­ly do real Human rights work for the advance­ment and uplift­ing of humanity.

Gomes how­ev­er has used her immense influ­ence in Jamaica , to impact leg­is­la­tion heav­i­ly in favor of crim­i­nals. Gomes we are told has a per­son­al vendet­ta against police offi­cers, of course in Jamaica being against the police is a cer­tain path­way to fame, and suc­cess. The Government has bestowed the Order of Jamaica on her , a high nation­al Honor. She has also received the 2008 human rights prize for her state­ments alleg­ing Extra-judi­cial killings by police. This is not to say there haven’t been and still aren’t cas­es of eye­brow rais­ing accounts of police shoot­ing. The fact is Gomes has no inde­pen­dent infor­ma­tion that will indict accounts of events giv­en by police inves­ti­ga­tors or any oth­er agency that are part of the coun­try’s jus­tice sys­tem, to include the office of the Director of Public Prosecutor. Gomes a soft-spo­ken woman ‚eas­i­ly like­able is a decep­tive char­la­tan whom has wormed her way into the hearts and sym­pa­thy of those with whom she cross­es paths.America’s quar­ter­ly 

Every year thou­sands of Jamaica’s 2.8 mil­lion peo­ple are direct­ly or indi­rect­ly impact­ed by crime and acts of ter­ror, per­pet­u­at­ed by heart­less, heav­i­ly armed men whom have decid­ed­ly adopt­ed a pos­ture of liv­ing by their own rules. They mur­der , rape, and com­mit all types of egre­gious acts against some of their own kind, but large­ly against inno­cent Jamaicans. The coun­try’s jus­tice sys­tem is a revolv­ing door which allows crim­i­nals arrest­ed on mul­ti­ple mur­der charges back onto the streets time and again only to see them kill over and over again, only to be arrest­ed and grant­ed bail again and again. The police are under­paid, under­staffed, cor­rupt in some instances, under appre­ci­at­ed, and un sup­port­ed by ade­quate leg­is­la­tion which would make their work eas­i­er and the coun­try safer.

The courts are over-bur­dened with case loads to the point cop killers are told by Judges to go home, after the court is unable to empan­el a jury 11 years after they were arrest­ed . These are men who ambushed a police offi­cer slaugh­tered him and stole his pis­tol. They are walk­ing the streets of Jamaica free men, That is what the lives of police offi­cers are worth in Jamaica.

This is just the tip of the ice­berg, the sys­tem is gross­ly over­bur­dened. As we speak there are tens of thou­sands of seri­ous cas­es that are before the courts that may nev­er see a res­o­lu­tion. In essence those offend­ers, some of them mur­der­ers, will nev­er pay for their crimes.

In addi­tion only about 32% of mur­ders are actu­al­ly cleared up by the JCF and an even more depress­ing 7% con­vic­tion rate in the courts. Due large­ly to shod­dy inves­tiga­tive work by police, inept pros­e­cu­tion, reluc­tant wit­ness­es, and in many cas­es sim­ple things like no copi­er in the court’s office to repro­duce doc­u­ments. This in a coun­try which spends 10’s of mil­lions of dol­lars upgrad­ing gov­ern­ment hous­es for Ministers of Government.

I have placed here for your infor­ma­tion and analy­sis the facts as they are made avail­able, due to the invalu­able work of the peo­ple at the Jamaica Observer .These are the peo­ple mem­bers of Jamaica’s mil­i­tary are being per­se­cut­ed for subduing.


Below are the details of their con­vic­tions and charges:

Kevin ‘Richie Poo’ Tyndale, was also col­lared in a rur­al St James vil­lage, tried and sen­tenced to a total of 90 years on gun-relat­ed, wound­ing and rob­bery charges. But because the sen­tences on the three counts are to run con­cur­rent­ly, Tyndale will serve only 30 years.

Police also said Tyndale is a sus­pect in sev­er­al oth­er major crimes, includ­ing rob­bery and August 2003 mur­der of Jervis Lobban in Mud Town, St Andrew, anoth­er stomp­ing ground for the Gideon Warriors gang. He was con­vict­ed for the 2003 shoot­ing and rob­bery of an August Town, St Andrew, busi­ness­man who was shot six times and his jew­ellery and licensed firearm tak­en. According to the police and the evi­dence led in the closed court pro­ceed­ings, as the busi­ness­man lay wound­ed, Tyndale stood over him and shot him at point-blank range in the head. The busi­ness­man sur­vived and was able to iden­ti­fy Tyndale as one of his attack­ers. The man still has a bul­let lodged in his head. Tyndale denied the alle­ga­tions and told the court that he was at home at the time of the shoot­ing. Police claimed he was the gang’s sec­ond in com­mand until Andem’s cap­ture. According to police claims at the time, Tyndale wet his pants, sniffle.


Joel Andem was for years the nation’s most feared fugi­tive, top­ping the most want­ed list for months. The leader of the noto­ri­ous Gideon Warriors Gang is cur­rent­ly serv­ing a 20-year sen­tence for shoot­ing with intent. Andem, who police sus­pect was involved in at least 23 mur­ders, was also sen­tenced to 12 years’ impris­on­ment at hard labour on a charge of ille­gal pos­ses­sion of a firearm. In addi­tion, he was slapped with anoth­er 20-year prison sen­tence in rela­tion to oth­er gun-relat­ed charges. Andem’s gang, which oper­at­ed pri­mar­i­ly from the hilly Kintyre area of St Andrew, was blamed for a reign of ter­ror in the Papine/​August Town dis­tricts of the parish and for extor­tion rack­ets at mar­kets and trans­porta­tion cen­tres. Gang mem­bers have also been accused of rob­beries, rapes and killings, includ­ing the August 2000 kid­nap­ping and mur­der of ser­vice sta­tion oper­a­tor Sylvia Edwards, whose body was found in a shal­low grave. The Gideon Warriors gang came to nation­al promi­nence in ear­ly 2002 when the police, dur­ing a raid at their camp at Rawly Hill Gully — sev­en kilo­me­tres from Kintyre — found video record­ings of Andem and his men, armed with high-pow­ered rifles and oth­er weapons, host­ing a Christmas treat for chil­dren in the com­mu­ni­ty and frol­ick­ing with each other.

AndemLivity Coke

The record­ing also showed gang mem­bers issu­ing threats against the police.

In the wake of the dis­cov­ery of that record­ing as well as a note­book con­tain­ing names which the police feared were intend­ed vic­tims, sev­er­al gang mem­bers were killed in con­fronta­tions with the police and Andem was even­tu­al­ly cap­tured at a house in the hills of St Ann in May 2004. This is the sec­ond time that Andem has accused prison offi­cials of beat­ing him. In 2008, an inves­ti­ga­tion was launched after Andem com­plained to Justice Gloria Smith at the Gun Court that a dozen sol­diers had beat­en him that day. The beat­ing, he said then, hap­pened after he refused to go with them to an upper cell, which made him sick. According to Andem, he had been suf­fer­ing severe headaches and stom­ach pains since the alleged inci­dent in which he alleged he was dragged up a flight of stairs to the cell. Andem’s sec­ond in com­mand, ed and begged not to be killed at the time of his cap­ture. At the time of his arrest cops said Tyndale was a sus­pect in 19 oth­er major crimes, includ­ing mur­der, shoot­ings and rob­beries. Police believe he shot and killed 56 year-old Ena Grant and injured anoth­er woman as they wor­shipped at a church in Land Lease, St Andrew. Scared eye­wit­ness­es on the scene said the assas­sin went to the altar as the pas­tor preached and was warm­ly greet­ed by the man of cloth before he took out his gun and aimed it at Grant. The armed man pulled the trig­ger twice but his gun mis­fired and Grant valiant­ly tried to use her Bible to hit the weapon from her attack­er’s hand. She almost dis­armed him, a church mem­ber said.

Christopher \'Dog Paw\' LintonLynton

The gun stick and the peo­ple start bawl out ‘The blood of Jesus is upon you’. She used her bible and lick him and the gun drop,” the eye­wit­ness told the Observer at the time. But the gun­man, deter­mined that Grant must die, sim­ply went out­side, fixed the weapon and walked back into the house of wor­ship where he pumped three shots into her body. Grant was shot just over her right eye and armpit. When the Observer arrived, her life­less body was still on the church floor. Her glass­es, minus the right lens, were perched on her face and her Bible was trapped beneath her body. The mur­ders of 20 year-old Kimona Simpson, her 24 year-old com­mon-law hus­band Richard Miller, and her nine year-old son Tevin Parchment were also sus­pect­ed to be the work of Tyndale and his cronies.


Michael McLean has been accused of the killing of six mem­bers of a St Thomas fam­i­ly — three of them chil­dren no old­er than nine years old. The mur­dered fam­i­ly mem­bers were iden­ti­fied as three-year-old Lloyd McCool, Jhaid McCool, 6, Jessie Ogilvie, 9, Sean Chin, 8, Farika Martin-McCool, 27 and Terry-Ann Mohammed, also called ‘Teenie’, 42. They all lived at 49 Duhaney Pen Road in the parish. Police report­ed that fish­er­men on the Blue Mahoe Beach in Prospect stum­bled upon the bod­ies of two chil­dren — Lloyd and Jessie — lying togeth­er with their throats cut. The bod­ies of Martin-McCool and her son Sean were found about a half-mile away, on the oth­er side of the beach called ‘Cutters Point’. Their throats were also cut and Martin-McCool had sev­er­al stab wounds in her back. Cops sus­pect­ed that Martin-McCool was run­ning away from her attack­er as she was found lying on her face about 22 yards from her son’s body. Terry-Ann Mohammed’s body was found 12 miles away on the side of a foot­path in Needham Pen. It was burnt beyond recog­ni­tion. Police said the body was iden­ti­fied by a pair of slip­pers she was wear­ing. Police said five days after the mur­ders, McLean led them to the body of Jhaid McCool at Rosemont dis­trict, St Mary. The child’s body was found cov­ered by a piece of board. Both Linton and Coke are fac­ing charges of shoot­ing at the police and sus­pect­ed involve­ment in oth­er seri­ous crimes​.Read more: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​O​b​s​e​r​v​e​r​-​o​n​l​i​n​e​-​e​x​c​l​u​s​ive – Profile-of-the-hunger-strikers#ixzz1nodeNQYv