Are Residents Of St. Andrew South Western Better Off After Portia’s 43 Years?

Present the flow­ers , pop the cham­pagne and march out the band, Portia Simpson Miller is final­ly retir­ing from rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al pol­i­tics after 43 long years.

White Wings way a sec­tion of Portia;s constituency

Now her par­ty, and even the oth­er par­ty are mag­nan­i­mous , effer­ves­cent in praise of Miller.
The Intellectual ghet­to is ready to bestow a hon­orary dis­tin­guished fel­low  award on her ‚and there will cer­tain­ly be nation­al hon­ors in the future.
By the way, what are those nation­al hon­ors worth now , I mean every­one has one of those these days?

Portia Simpson Miller has done well for.….…. , well Portia Simpson Miller. There is no deny­ing that.
She rose from hum­ble begin­nings in rur­al St, Catherine to the pin­na­cle of polit­i­cal pow­er on the Island with­out the ben­e­fit of much for­mal education.
Given Jamaica’s racial caste sys­tem her mete­oric rise is noth­ing to be sneered at.
Her ascen­dan­cy to the top polit­i­cal office is tes­ta­ment to her grit and deter­mi­na­tion if not her abil­i­ty to get things done.


As the acco­lades pour in and the revi­sion­ist his­to­ri­ans begin the unright­eous task of san­i­tiz­ing her record for pos­ter­i­ty, it is impor­tant that those be viewed against the facts.
Portia Simpson Miller, like most Jamaican politi­cians, went into pol­i­tics for self , not out of some undy­ing ded­i­ca­tion to serve others.
The best way to judge a per­son is to look at what they have done in the past.
Remove the cult-like ide­o­log­i­cal fer­vor from her died-in-the wool sup­port­ers and there is not much left which would speak to 43 years as a leader who has served in var­i­ous capacities.

Is Portia Simpson Miller unique in this respect?
Of course not !
Without delv­ing into 43 years of polit­i­cal his­to­ry which are book-end­ed by a seat on the parish Council and two stints as Prime Minister , Mrs Miller has missed mul­ti­ple oppor­tu­ni­ties to be great.

Her refusal to join with Andrew Holness in a sym­bol­ic march through zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions( gar­risons) , her sys­tem­at­ic refusal to eschew polit­i­cal gar­risons, refus­ing to vote to extend the lim­it­ed state of emer­gency in 2010, are only a few of the times in which Simpson Miller myopi­cal­ly chose parochial polit­i­cal pos­tur­ing over the nation’s greater good.

Pipes with no water …

As Simpson Miller ride off into the sun­set the tor­ren­tial out­pour­ing of putrid praise will flow nau­se­at­ing a few .
I will be among those who will not shed a tear to see the back of her.
Portia Simpson Miller accom­plished much more for her­self as a black woman ‚than many men more accom­plished could ever have .
There is no deny­ing her that.
In terms of accom­plish­ment for our nation I am yet to see the results.

The ques­tion for our nation and more specif­i­cal­ly , res­i­dents of St. Andrew South Western is this .
How well has Portia’s 43 years of rep­re­sen­ta­tion turned out for you?

Adiós Portia .……No tears here !

One thought on “Are Residents Of St. Andrew South Western Better Off After Portia’s 43 Years?

  1. As a for­mer Detective Constable at Hunts Bay Police Station, I can say that I have seen a trans­for­ma­tion of Mrs. Portia Simpson-Miller from being an active pro­tec­tor of the crim­i­nals in her con­stituen­cy and obstruct­ing the police to work­ing behind the scenes.

    My place of birth is Jones Town, Kingston 12, BM are the he let­ters on birth cer­tifi­cate. So, I am expect­ed to fall in line as “junglist and a PNP activist” in the police force. 

    In 1991, when I was sta­tioned at Crofts Hill Police Station, the mem­ber of par­lia­ment Mr. Horace Dalley told me in the pres­ence of oth­er police offi­cers that the two of us can­not stay there because I am arrest­ing his con­stituents. These were peo­ple who were break­ing the laws of Jamaica from mis­de­meanors to felonies. I was instruct­ed to work with mem­ber of par­lia­ment and the hier­ar­chy would take care of me.

    The late Michael Manley was the prime min­is­ter and cor­rupt Roy Thompson was the Commissioner of Police. 

    James Forbes, Dooley were at the Jamaican Police Federation and they con­coct­ed lies and trans­ferred me and Cpl. Lloyd Scott, whom they labeled as a laborite.

    The police offi­cers who were left at the sta­tion: saw no evil, hear no evil, do no evil, know no evil and they were PNPLGBTQ activists first and PNPLGBTQ police next.

    I had fam­i­ly in Jungle, who were involved in pol­i­tics from in the days of the “strug­gle.” Some of them are still liv­ing there. They were instru­men­tal in get­ting me trans­ferred from St. Elizabeth to St. Andrew South.

    In August 1992, I start­ed to work at Hunts Bay Police Station. Every time Hunts Bay Police arrest­ed any of the gang­sters in the divi­sion, Portia Simpson-Miller would be at the Supt’s office. 

    During my time at Hunts Bay Police Station there is Not a sin­gle police offi­cer that was trans­ferred because of any case that they were investigating. 

    Mrs. Portia Simpson-Miller is a pro-police politi­cian in every way you can think of. Whenever, there is any fatal shoot­ing in her con­stituen­cy and the peo­ple block­ing the pub­lic thor­ough­fares. She would come in per­son and tell them to remove the block­ages and instruct­ed them to coöper­ate with the investigators. 

    She would nev­er inter­fere with the inves­ti­ga­tions for the officer(s) to be sus­pend­ed from duty. She has her flaws but she is bet­ter than a lot of the politi­cians in Jamaica. 

    At one time when two known crim­i­nals in the police force tem­po­rary trans­fers me from St. Andrew South to St. Andrew Central (Half Way Tree). Citizens in her con­stituen­cy lob­bied her for my return and I spent only nine days at Half Way Tree. 

    She helped a lot of peo­ple in her con­stituen­cy, whose lives are much bet­ter, com­par­ing to oth­ers in the garrisons. 

    I’d nev­er received any pro­mo­tion because it was said that the hier­ar­chy can­not con­trol me and I was­n’t a reli­able play­er. I would­n’t play ball with the thieves with­in the police force. 

    Portia Simpson-Miller have done her best for the con­stituen­cy and they got what they deserved; she has done a lot for them and what she could do. If she can sleep with­out seda­tives, that means that her con­science is clear. I would choose her ANY day over the cur­rent Prime min­is­ter and Horace Dalley.

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