Appointment Of Greg Christie A Ray Of Hope…

The choice of for­mer Contractor General Greg Christie to lead the Integrity Commission of Jamaica should offer some hope to peo­ple of hon­or in the coun­try.
The for­mer Contractor General has been one of the most out­spo­ken offi­cials on the issue of cor­rup­tion ever to hold pub­lic office.
Greg Christie would have been expo­nen­tial­ly more suc­cess­ful dur­ing his time as head of the Contractor General’s Department, if he had pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al powers.

During his 7‑year stint as Contractor General, Christie was accused by the JLP, that some of his com­ments would cause com­pe­tent and skilled Jamaicans to think twice before join­ing the pub­lic sec­tor for fear that their rep­u­ta­tion could be dam­aged beyond repair.
The equal­ly pathet­ic PNP accused the then Contractor General of being overzeal­ous.
The fact that Greg Christie would be attacked by both polit­i­cal par­ties is indeed evi­dence that he was step­ping on their toes.
Jamaica needs more Greg Christies, not fewer.

The peo­ple can only pros­per when there is a moral and hon­est Government. One of the most debil­i­tat­ing chal­lenges our coun­try faces, is the deca­dent issue of across the board cor­rup­tion.
By him­self, Greg Christie can do lit­tle, but togeth­er we all can do a lot.
Even as the cor­ro­sive influ­ence of mor­bid cor­rup­tion has tak­en over the Governments of larg­er more pow­er­ful nations, it still behooves Jamaica to con­tin­ue to strive for clean and hon­est lead­er­ship in gov­ern­ment.
It is for that rea­son that we ful­ly endorse the appoint­ment of Greg Christie to head the Integrity Commission.