Apparent Imminent Challenge To Holness May Well Have Been Averted.

The peri­od begin­ning 1989 to 2011 saw the Jamaica Labor Party (JLP) win­ning One National Election to the People’s National Party’s five.

Winning per­cent­age.

♦1989 PNP wins 45 seats to the JLP’s 15 — 75%— —-25% .

♦1993 PNP wins 52 seats to the JLP’s 8 — - ‑86.7% — 13.3%.

♦1997 PNP wins 50 seats to the JLP’s 10 — – 83.3%— 16.7 %.

♦2002 PNP wins 34 seats to the JLP’s 26 — – 51.6% —46.9%.

♦2007 JLP wins 32 seats to the PNP’s 28 — - 49.98% — - 49.35% .

♦2011 PNP wins 42 seats to the JLP’s 21 — –53.28%– 46.61%.

A com­pa­ny doing this bad­ly would have fold­ed a long time ago. It may also be fair to say if the JLP do not know how to win Elections , maybe they won’t know how to Govern. After they lost the last nation­al elec­tions in 2011, I wrote this about the JLP.

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JLP MUST SNATCH VICTORY FROM THE ASHES OF DEFEAThttps://​mike​beck​les​.com/​m​y​w​p​b​l​o​g​/​?​p​=​2​196.

This was a chal­lenge to Andrew Holness. It was a chance for him to solid­i­fy him­self as the true leader of the Party with strong grass roots sup­port. I have no evi­dence whether Holness ever saw that piece of advice. Whether he saw it or not, that should have been Holness’ strat­e­gy any­way. Andrew Holness was hur­ried­ly annoint­ed to take over the reigns of the Party after the implo­sion and sub­se­quent res­ig­na­tion of Orett Bruce Golding. At the time it appeared that Holness the 39 year-old Minister with Education port­fo­lio, rep­re­sent­ed a new direc­tion and the best foot for­ward for the Labor Party. Had Holness stepped into the vac­u­um cre­at­ed by Golding’s exit with a plan it is fair to assume those with ideas of lead­er­ship would have fall­en in line like the PNP fell in line behind Portia. Whatever the short-com­ings of Jamaica’s Prime Minister ‚no one can rea­son­ably accuse her of not con­nect­ing with peo­ple at the grass roots.

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Recent talk, and what now seem to be an inevitable chal­lenge to Holness by Audley Shaw for the lead­er­ship of the Party may well have been avert­ed, had Holness pressed some flesh him­self. Many now argue that this chal­lenge is good for the Party . They argue it is good to sort out these dif­fer­ences now, so the par­ty may solid­i­fy and be ready for the next National poll con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly due by December 29th 2016, I dis­agree. As the Party which offers the best way for­ward for the coun­try , what bet­ter way to solid­i­fy your lead­er­ship cre­den­tials that to be affirmed by the peo­ple themselves?


Part of being a polit­i­cal leader is being able to ana­lyze and see poten­tial prob­lems before they mate­ri­al­ize. That includes being able to shore up your own base of sup­port with your col­leagues. It includes being able to sway oth­ers to your side. Maybe the forces arrayed against Holness smelled blood in the water. Just maybe they real­ize that Holness was anoint­ed by Golding who does not have that much sway in the Party any­more. Maybe, just maybe, Holness is vul­ner­a­ble and wound­ed. Time will tell if his blus­ter is enough. I sin­cere­ly hope they do not destroy the par­ty in the process.

One thought on “Apparent Imminent Challenge To Holness May Well Have Been Averted.

  1. The grass roots are the ones mess­ing up this coun­try with their pork bar­rel pol­i­tics. They want to sleep all day wake up col­lect tax pay­ers mon­ey, buy clothes, hair­style and par­ty all night long while oth­er peo­ple work. pol­i­tics is about poli­cies, oth­er wise we are doom its not just about win­ning an elec­tion at all cost. who have chil­dren like the so called grass roots push­ing them­selves deep­er and deep­er into pover­ty while wait­ing for the mar­tyr to bail them out

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