Apartheid State Dependent On American Tax-payers, Denies Entry To Their Elected Representatives…

Freshman Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar(Religion Muslim)

Those who cham­pi­on America and the west­ern world’s sup­port for the [Apartheid state of Israel], gen­er­al­ly argues that Israel is the only Democracy in that neighborhood.[sic]


A gov­ern­ment in which the supreme pow­er is vest­ed in the peo­ple and exer­cised by them direct­ly or indi­rect­ly through a sys­tem of rep­re­sen­ta­tion usu­al­ly involv­ing peri­od­i­cal­ly held free elec­tions.
By that asser­tion, the term [democ­ra­cy] is sub­ject to the inter­pre­ta­tion of the per­son or group claim­ing democ­ra­cy, as the Palestinian peo­ple liv­ing under the bootheels of Israel has no say elec­toral­ly, what Israel does to them.
America’s heavy finan­cial and oth­er sup­port for the apartheid state is seem­ing­ly root­ed in some­thing far more unspo­ken or sin­is­ter than the aver­age per­son under­stands.
Those who speak out at Israel’s geno­cide and crimes against human­i­ty put them­selves at tremen­dous risks.
Speaking out against Israel is like­ly to get one ostra­cized, impris­oned or worse.
For dar­ing to take any protest action against the apartheid state, Americans will risk prison, if Democrats and Republicans alike get their way.
People across the globe who care about human­i­ty must be clear that both Republicans and Democrats have sup­port­ed and draft­ed leg­is­la­tion crim­i­nal­iz­ing Americans who would boy­cott the apartheid state.
A bipar­ti­san Senate bill would make boy­cotting Israel pun­ish­able by up to 20 years in prison. 

Image result for rashida tlaib
Freshman Michigan’s Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (Religion Muslim)

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are two Muslim US Representatives, both are part of the so-called Squad of four first-term US Congresswomen, who have been sin­gled out for the ire of the bul­ly-in-chief for their pro­gres­sive poli­cies and their oppo­si­tion to Israel’s treat­ment of the Palestinian peo­ple.
The oth­er two mem­bers are Massachusetts US Representative Ayanna Presley and New York’s Alexandria Ocasio Cortes round­ing out the quar­tet.
Trump lam­bast­ed the four telling them to go back to where they came from, argu­ing, that they came from bro­ken coun­tries which need­ed their assis­tance.
The igno­ra­mus, while glow­ing in the racist chant (send them back), of his equal­ly moron­ic and racist sup­port­ers, had no idea that all but Ilhan Omar were born in the United States. All are US cit­i­zens, as they have to be, to sit in the con­gress.
Both Tlaib and Omar were slat­ed to vis­it Israel as part of a trip orga­nized by a long­time Palestinian law­mak­er Hanan Ashrawi. 


According to the New York Times; Ms. Omar had been sched­uled to arrive on Sunday for a tour of the West Bank, part­ly under the aus­pices of an orga­ni­za­tion head­ed by a long­time Palestinian law­mak­er, Hanan Ashrawi, that was expect­ed to high­light Palestinian griev­ances over the Israeli occu­pa­tion. The women were plan­ning to vis­it the West Bank cities of Hebron, Ramallah and Bethlehem, as well as Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem, accord­ing to Ms. Ashrawi, includ­ing a vis­it to the Al Aqsa Mosque, a hot­ly con­test­ed and volatile holy site. Most of the del­e­ga­tion was expect­ed to depart on Aug. 22, but Ms. Tlaib had been plan­ning to stay on to vis­it rel­a­tives in the West Bank.

Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel has denied the two law-mak­ers access to the apartheid state after Donald Trump tweet­ed; It would show great weak­ness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to vis­it. They hate Israel & all Jewish peo­ple, & there is noth­ing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a dis­grace!
On the ques­tion of dis­grace, this has got to be the great­est act of pro­jec­tion ever, imag­ine the dis­grace that this moron is actu­al­ly in the white house?
Nevertheless, the great­est tragedy is that the apartheid state of Israel which exist with the largess of American tax­pay­ers, has demon­strat­ed that Israel is the actu­al head of the American Government.
The fact that a for­eign Government that lit­er­al­ly lives off the tax dol­lars of Americans, and in par­tic­u­lar African-Americans tax dol­lars, would refuse access to two women of col­or, shows the lev­el of pow­er that American politi­cians have giv­en to this nation they cre­at­ed in 1948.
Republicans brought Netanyahu a [war crim­i­nal] into the coun­try to address a joint sit­ting of the Congress dur­ing President Obama’s tenure.
Democrats who had the option of boy­cotting the sit­ting, sat there and cheered as the dis­gust­ing racist dis­re­spect­ed the sit­ting American President.

The arro­gance of Benjamin Netanyahu is pal­pa­ble. A racist moron like the occu­pant of the white house, Netanyahu has con­sis­tent­ly belit­tled African peo­ple call­ing them [infil­tra­tors] who would effec­tive­ly change the make­up of the apartheid state from its white major­i­ty, a view shared by Donald Trump and his sup­port­ers in the Republican par­ty. (see Trumps’ immi­gra­tion & abor­tion poli­cies)
Unfortunately, the so-called Evangelical move­ment of which the Black church is a part, (though seg­re­gat­ed from each oth­er) share the non­sen­si­cal view that Israel is sup­pos­ed­ly a place ordained by the God of the Bible and that the white peo­ple liv­ing there who ran from Germany’s Adolph Hitler, are some­how God’s cho­sen peo­ple.
Chosen for what I do not know?
However, the appro­pri­a­tion of the Hebrew faith by the Germans who had adopt­ed the faith, has got to be the great­est iden­ti­ty theft ever per­pe­trat­ed in the his­to­ry of mankind.
That a peo­ple who genet­i­cal­ly have no ties to the region can claim that [they] have a right to land stolen and giv­en to them, is one of the trav­es­ties of mod­ern times.
If this is the way the God of the Bible oper­ates, I want no part of that God.
However, we know that like the apartheid state of South Africa, every wrong will be right­ed.
The God of my life guar­an­tees that, of that, they can be assured.