Anthony Bourdain Gone Too Soon.

At a time when we some­times won­der whether there is hope for human­i­ty amidst the hate and anger, we found a moment of respite and relax­ation, a few moments of escape into a world of trav­el, sto­ry­telling good food and drink.
Even though most of us can only dream of trav­el­ing to places unknown Anthony Bourdain took us there on the wings of his illus­tri­ous abil­i­ty at sto­ry­telling. As a native of my beloved Jamaica, I could not be more proud than the time Anthony Bourdain vis­it­ed and dived head­first into our rich cul­ture of food music, and our fun lov­ing people.

I shed a tear, though I nev­er met the man I felt like he was fam­i­ly, that is how great he was.
One Twitter user wrote Quote. The thing about #Bourdain was he did­n’t look down on for­eign places he visited&theirquaintness/ back­ward­ness. He dived in, hun­gry to expe­ri­ence. His was­n’t the Orientalist gaze. He saw humanity(& food)everywhere and con­nect­ed with it. RIP.

Anthony Bourdain has trav­eled every­where on the globe.

Anthony Bourdain trav­eled the world and he met many peo­ple the end result was that he emerged a much more enlight­ened indi­vid­ual who saw the world for what it was, diverse, dif­fer­ent, inter­est­ing un-mono­lith­ic and incred­i­bly beautiful.
He was smart enough to appre­ci­ate the beau­ty in the dif­fer­ence. He left us far too soon. All in all, he left us with the dis­tinct abil­i­ty to find com­mon ground and under­stand­ing of the dif­fer­ences in all of us because he under­stood ful­ly that those dif­fer­ences weren’t neg­a­tives, they are the char­ac­ter­is­tics which make our world interesting.