Another Unarmed Black Man Murdered By Police (video)

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Let’s be clear about polic­ing in the United as it relates to polic­ing; it is not bro­ken. It works exact­ly as it was designed, i.e., police offi­cers are giv­en over­whelm­ing pow­ers over cit­i­zens large­ly with­out consequences.
With an under­stand­ing that on the exe­cu­tion end, those pow­ers would be uti­lized against Blacks and Native people.
The only snag in that con­struct is that cell­phone cam­eras have brought the grue­some­ness of what police have been doing to black peo­ple for cen­turies front and center.
Though nau­se­at­ed by the behav­ior of the police after decades of watch­ing their actions, see­ing vivid video evi­dence of their actions, and doing the nec­es­sary read­ing and research, I refuse to give all of the blame to them.
Police are the low­est on the totem pole. Police are the last in line, those who exe­cute the devi­ous poli­cies enshrined into laws designed to con­tin­ue the prac­tice of white suprema­cy and sub­se­quent sub­ju­ga­tion of blacks in America.
It is a [sys­tem] that oper­ates like a well-oiled machine begin­ning with state and fed­er­al leg­is­la­tors, judges, pros­e­cu­tors, police, and oth­er cogs in the wheel of injustice.
One of the more frus­trat­ing aspects of the social jus­tice fight has been the intran­si­gence of the courts to cor­rect the behav­ior of police by rul­ing in a straight­for­ward way that leaves no doubt about what police offi­cers can get away with.
From the high­est fed­er­al court to the low­est town court, jus­tices and judges have cast aside the con­sti­tu­tion of the United States to cre­ate judi­cial immu­ni­ty for cops.

The most infu­ri­at­ing aspect of this mur­der­ous sys­tem in the United States that pass­es for law enforce­ment is the total bull­shit they feed the pop­u­la­tion when police mur­der inno­cent unarmed civilians.
With every case that stretch­es the bound­aries of creduli­ty, they stretch the ratio­nale for what is jus­ti­fied for police use of force.
But that is only the begin­ning of it; with what we are wit­ness­ing today, it is laugh­able that uncor­rob­o­rat­ed police tes­ti­mo­ny would be accept­ed by a court to con­vict an individual.
Regardless of the num­ber of cops that tes­ti­fy to an event, their tes­ti­mo­ny should [not] be used to con­vict with­out sub­stan­tial inde­pen­dent cor­rob­o­ra­tion. It is unfor­tu­nate, but that is where we are as a soci­ety. They are a bunch of liars, plain and simple.
The sad real­i­ty is that far too many Americans are mis­in­formed, con­sumed by racial hatred, or both. As such, the anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic forces that require a police state for its legit­i­ma­cy and sur­vival con­vince them that the bar­bar­ic mur­der of some cit­i­zens is nec­es­sary for their well-being and survival.
It is the domes­tic equiv­a­lent of the Islamic ter­ror­ist boogey­man and what they fed the nation to jus­ti­fy wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, “if we don’t fight them over there, we will have to fight them over here.”
There is no out­right war against Islamic Terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, so the black com­mu­ni­ty is pub­lic ene­my num­ber one.
They have con­vinced them­selves and the nation that mur­der is jus­ti­fied even when there is no crime, and no vic­tim, as long as the police deem it warranted.(mb)
How is this dif­fer­ent than what was done to George Floyd or Tyree Nichols?
Let us wait to see if these white killers will face imme­di­ate ter­mi­na­tion and crim­i­nal indict­ment as the black­ones in Memphis.

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police release body camera video in arrest of man who died after tasing

The city of Raleigh released body cam­era, dash cam­era and sur­veil­lance video Friday show­ing the January arrest of a man who died after police offi­cers tased him three times. Darryl “Tyree” Williams died after being tased with stun guns three times by two Raleigh police offi­cers on Jan. 17. He was 32 years old. Officers J.T. Thomas and C.D. Robinson were patrolling on Rock Quarry Road when they saw Williams in a car out­side a sweep­stakes par­lor, accord­ing to a report police issued after the fatal encounter. In the videos Thomas calls for back­up, and Officer D. L. Aquino lat­er arrives. Thomas approach­es Williams’ car and finds two peo­ple, one in the driver’s seat and one in the passenger’s.
The videos show Williams get­ting out of the car as an offi­cer asks him mul­ti­ple times to sit on a curb. He repeat­ed­ly asks offi­cers why he is being stopped and why he is being asked to sit on the curb.
While offi­cers search the vehi­cle, the videos show Robinson find­ing and remov­ing a fold­ed, dol­lar bill from Williams’ pants pock­et con­tain­ing what police have pre­vi­ous­ly described as “a white pow­dery sub­stance con­sis­tent with the appear­ance of cocaine.”
Police offi­cer J.R. Scott arrives soon after.

Four offi­cers attempt to take Williams into cus­tody, but he “con­tin­ued to resist their efforts and was able to over­pow­er and pull away from them,” the police report states. Officers warn Williams to “stop or you are going to get tased,” the videos show. “Mr. Williams con­tin­ued to active­ly resist the offi­cers by push­ing them and refus­ing to place his hands behind his back,” the report con­tin­ues. “At this point, Officer Robinson deployed his Taser, tem­porar­i­ly stop­ping Mr. Williams and caus­ing him to fall to the ground in front of one of the busi­ness­es in the area.” During the exchange, Williams was pushed into garbage. The report says Williams man­aged to break away and run. When offi­cers caught up with him, both Thomas and Robinson deployed their stun guns on Williams’ body. Two offi­cers on the video are seen on top of Williams, all with tasers drawn. After the sec­ond time he was tased, Williams told the offi­cers he had a heart condition.

I have heart prob­lems. Please … please,” Williams cries to the offi­cers. Williams was tased twice while he was on the ground with mul­ti­ple offi­cers on top of him. “Relax man, relax,” one of the offi­cers is heard say­ing on the videos. EMS was called to the scene after Williams seems to have lost con­scious­ness. “Is he breath­ing?” one of the offi­cers asks. “I don’t feel a pulse.” Several more offi­cers arrive while the offi­cers debat­ed Williams’ phys­i­cal con­di­tion. For sev­er­al min­utes they ques­tioned if Williams had a pulse and if he was breath­ing. Eventually, offi­cers deter­mined he was not breath­ing and did not have a pulse and began CPR while EMS was en route. Around 2 a.m., Williams was tak­en to the hos­pi­tal for his injuries. He was pro­nounced dead at 3:00 a.m.