Another Love Triangle, Another Soldier Involved Shooting…

According to Police reports, Jamaica Defense force sol­dier pri­vate Stanford Thomas 51-years-old attached to the JDF 3JR, and of a Spanish Town address and who is in a rela­tion­ship with Office Manager Suzette Thomas of an Eltham Vista address in the said parish, went to her house and found anoth­er man there.

According to reports, The sol­dier on see­ing the oth­er man (name with­held), accused Ms. Thomas of cheat­ing.
An argu­ment ensued upon which Ms. Thomas opened the rear grill-gate and allowed the man to exit the premis­es.

The sol­dier then went to the rear of the premis­es as the oth­er man fled, and dis­charged his firearm in the direc­tion on the flee­ing man who jumped a neigh­bor’s fence.
Indications are that the flee­ing man was not hit. According to sources, peo­ple who knew him con­tact­ed him via tele­phone and he con­firmed that he was not injured.

The St Catherine Police who are inves­ti­gat­ing has report­ed­ly con­fis­cat­ed MR Thomas’s firearm for bal­lis­tic test­ing.
The Investigations continue.