Another Cop Shot And Injured

ST CATHERINE Jamaica – Another police­man is in hos­pi­tal after he was alleged­ly shot this morn­ing in Spanish Town, St Catherine.The police’s Corporate Communications Unit (CCU) said the inci­dent hap­pened about 2:30 am and the con­sta­ble is cur­rent­ly being treat­ed at hos­pi­tal. While CCU did not pro­vide details on the shoot­ing, reports reach­ing OBSERVER ONLINE are that the law­man, who is cur­rent­ly on inter­dic­tion, was work­ing as a secu­ri­ty guard when he was shot by a firearm hold­er. It is believed to be an acci­den­tal shoot­ing. The inci­dent comes after Monday night’s shoot­ing of a police­man dur­ing a rob­bery in Clarendon. He too was admit­ted for treat­ment at hospital.