Another Black History month is near its end, and the question from me is, what have we accomplished as melanated people, particularly here in America?
Police the domestic army of white nationalists continue to injure and kill Black people with [increasing] ferocity, and the system is unwilling to hold them accountable.
More importantly, however, is the sense of dormancy that still engulfs the majority of Black America, a community that seems to have not a care in the world outside of fake wigs, fake hair and nails drinking, and lascivious endeavors- a death spiral that is centered on the desire to entertain and be entertained.
Whenever atrocities are committed against our people, it is the minority that takes to the streets while the majority sit and home and hope that the efforts of a few will bring change to the many; some don’t even hope at all.
Even with our best efforts, staying informed, staying alert, voting, challenging the status quo, electing people we can better lobby, there are no guarantees that there will be positive outcomes.
The fact is that even among those who say they are the least hostile, the least anti-black, lurks wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Hello Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Senema, anti-black Democrats who were elected on a progressive agenda but turned their backs on the agenda to uphold white minority rule.

Many African-Americans still subscribe to the irrational theory that race relations will change for the better… Data do not support that belief, nor is it supported by events across America 54 Years after degenerate elements assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr himself warned against what he characterized before his death as ‘the tranquil drug of gradualism’ as he eloquently spoke about ‘the fierce urgency of now. The idea of not succumbing to the lies of those who say times have changed, things are better-the idea that given time America will shed its ignorant racist past and embrace modernity. All lies, the fathers sucked the sour grapes of hatred and bigotry the teeth of the children are inexorably set on edge.
The children of murderers, rapists, brutish colonizers are not about to become good God-fearing citizens who believe in equality for humanity. It is insanity to expect the sons and daughters of your oppressors to change and become your sudden savior.
If it starts dirty, it ends dirty. On every issue germane to the wellbeing of people of color, elements of the United States government have been consistently hostile. From the White House to the Supreme Court and millions of homes all across the expanse of the fifty states, it is government policy to discriminate against people of color. The brutish indifferent display of police acting with impunity is the most visible example of those discriminator policies manifesting themselves.
Redlining is no longer being written in the law, but Blacks are still excluded from certain neighborhoods. Blacks who have beaten the odds and purchased homes have their homes undervalued by racist appraisers. Even when the old redlining laws of the post-reconstruction era are supposedly not used anymore, the mindset of the sons and daughters of those who drafted those laws are the same and, in many cases, worse than their forebearers.
Laws are being passed all across the country to make it exponentially more difficult to vote; how could this happen, you ask?
The short answer is that the United States Supreme Court in 2013, for no valid reason other than to make it easy to roll back voting rights, eviscerated the 1965 Voting Rights Act leaving it an empty shell.
John Roberts, the Chief Justice and a former Reagan Administration lawyer, is vehemently hostile to the idea of one man one vote. Under Chief Justice John Roberts, a Bush Appointee, the 1965 Voting Rights Act was destroyed under the guise that it is no longer needed because times have changed.
Sure, times have changed, but people’s hatred has not. The John Roberts Supreme court with Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, the now-deceased Antonin Scalia, & Anthony Kennedy ensured that it destroyed settled law opening the gate for the present assault on voting rights by those who would see Black people returned to the cotton plantation and a place of abject servitude.
So what are we doing as a people to ensure that our children and grandchildren do not become serfs to the children and grandchildren of those who hate and oppress us? Is it just about commemorating the struggles of the past, or is it about embracing a new kind of militancy that demands equal space to breathe on God’s green earth?
How do we develop that militancy if we refuse to educate ourselves about who we really are and not who they say we are?
How do we demand change if we continue to believe the lie taught us by our birthright-appropriators that we are a gentile people instead of God’s Hebrew people created in his image? When will we rise to recognize the curse of the four hundred years is over, and it is a time of Black progress?
Are we going to get up off our rear ends and take what’s rightfully ours, or are we going to continue to be beholden to the teachings of the slave Bible?
The idea that things are getting better or will be better given time has been turned on its head over and over again. The scorched earth assault on critical race theory by the fascist right is an attempt to whitewash history. They want to superimpose a kind and gentle face onto the monster of four hundred years of white genocide against our people.
If you are opposed to the truth of history being told to children, your or ours, it is because you are on the wrong side of history.
There is no they, just us-no, they are not going to give me this or that. You’re damn right about that their fathers and four fathers stole from us. They will continue to steal from us unless we recognize who we are, not inferior but superior, not slaves but enslaved, not savages but the ones who brought savages into the light. We taught them history, mathematics, astronomy. We taught them that the earth was not flat, but round.
We are a people who cooked our meat when others were eating their raw blood dripping from it. We are the people who created democratic councils (the system of government we now claim to have) and created universities; yeah, we created those.
None of that history has been taught to African-Americans children, nor has it been taught to Caucasian children.
For those reasons, Ron Desantis in Florida, Ron Johnson in Wisconsin, the imbecilic Cuban Ted Cruz, and others do not want that history taught to young American children.
As I said earlier, if you are afraid of the things you did in the past, it is because of what you did wrong. Now, of course, this does not apply to Ted Cruz or Clarence Thomas; they are still enslaved people who are quite comfortable on the plantation…
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog