Andrew Holness Administration Rejects UK Prison Deal

The Andrew Holness admin­is­tra­tion has reject­ed the $5.5 bil­lion offer of the United Kingdom (UK) to help build a mod­ern prison in Jamaica.

Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister Kamina Johnson Smith made the announce­ment in the Senate this morn­ing end­ing almost six months of wait for the answers.

She said the terms of the offer “were not ben­e­fi­cial to Jamaica as a whole”. She did not state exact­ly the unfa­vor­able terms. She also declined to answer ques­tions from Opposition Senator Lambert Brown, who tabled the ques­tions, on whether nego­ti­a­tions are under­way to get favor­able terms.“The mat­ter is closed at this time”. Leader of Opposition Business Mark Golding also could not get an answer on when the offer was rejected.

Johnson Smith said the ques­tions, among oth­ers, were not appro­pri­ate and cit­ed nation­al secu­ri­ty con­cerns. However, she said the ques­tions could be sent to the secu­ri­ty min­istry. “Transparency, where is it?” Brown fired at the Government side. Johnson Smith lat­er accused the Opposition of “grand­stand­ing”. The issue is sen­si­tive for the prime min­is­ter because, while lead­ing the oppo­si­tion last year, he told then British Prime, Minister David Cameron, who announced the deal, that the mon­ey would be bet­ter spent on education.

A known con­di­tion of the deal includ­ed Jamaica accept­ing about 300 British pris­on­ers of Jamaican her­itage to com­plete their sen­tence here. The UK’s $5.5 bil­lion for the 1,500-bed facil­i­ty would only be 40 per cent of the cost. Jamaica would have to find the rest. Public Defender Arlene Harrison Henry has said cur­rent prison con­di­tions are below min­i­mum con­sti­tu­tion­al requirements.
Read more her: http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​1​7​0​1​1​3​/​a​n​d​r​e​w​-​h​o​l​n​e​s​s​-​a​d​m​i​n​i​s​t​r​a​t​i​o​n​-​r​e​j​e​c​t​s​-​u​k​-​p​r​i​s​o​n​-​d​eal