Anderson Undeserving Of Chair

From con­trib­u­tor Chris Porter.

As a for­mer mem­ber of the Jamaican Constabulary Force who was a Police Cadet and a Detective Constable, sta­tioned at Hunts Bay Police Station I do not sup­port, any out­sider to lead the Jamaican Constabulary Force, period!
I know that Mr. Anderson has a dirty lit­tle secret: Deep down he knows and feels like a com­plete fraud because he has no law enforce­ment expe­ri­ences or accom­plish­ments. His ele­va­tion is the result of serendip­i­tous luck, polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion, and nepo­tism why he is giv­en a job that he is NOT qual­i­fied to do or fit to even sit in the chair.

There are sev­er­al mem­bers in the Jamaican Constabulary Force who are more edu­cat­ed than the cur­rent Prime Minister, Members of the Parliament, and Mr. Anthony Anderson.
How on God’s earth he is giv­en a job that he has no busi­ness, or expe­ri­ence doing at any stage of his life? The man, despite evi­dence that indi­cates he is skilled and quite suc­cess­ful in the Jamaican Defense Force, is fraud­u­lent. He was nev­er a police offi­cer, but a paper tiger in the army and a cof­fee boy for the Prime Minister.

Only in Jamaica, a sol­dier can be the Commissioner of Police. This is mad­ness he doesn’t have the req­ui­site skillset to be a police offi­cer because he has no cer­ti­fi­ca­tion as a “Law Enforcement Officer!”
As a Jamaican, and a for­mer mem­ber of the Jamaican Constabulary Force, I am appeal­ing, beseech­ing and ask­ing every mem­ber of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, not to sup­port or encour­age this man: Major Anthony Anderson.

The resis­tance must start as of March 19, 2018, work smarter, not hard­er! If he suc­ceeds on your dime, you guys can kiss that chair good­bye! Look what hap­pened the oth­er day when the same Prime Minister and his cronies tried to put the Chief Justice on pro­ba­tion? The judges knew that they were com­ing after the head judge’s chair and they called a meet­ing and locked down the courts in Jamaica.They sent a mes­sage to the polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment: If your friends want to be the Chief Justice of Jamaica, let he/​she go to law school, work in the deplorable con­di­tions, and wait your turn due to your qual­i­fi­ca­tion by expe­ri­ences (QBE).

That’s how the judge’s got the atten­tion of the Jamaican Labor Party gov­ern­ment, and they backed off…Do you think for a minute that the Judge’s didn’t hear the rumors that the Chair was going to be giv­en to one of their polit­i­cal hacks! Police offi­cers, it is time for you to unite against the sys­tem which is con­trolled by elect­ed crim­i­nals who have no love for the police and they have lots of friends who are mak­ing crazy mon­ey in the criminal’s under­world! If he, Mr. Anderson want­ed to be a police offi­cer he should have gone through Basic train­ing at the Jamaican Police Academy: go to class­rooms, learn about the laws, the pow­ers of arrest, grad­u­ate, and gained expe­ri­ence of being a police offi­cer in Jamaica.

I spent twen­ty-three months at the Jamaican Police Academy because I want­ed to be a police offi­cer. He is an appointee and, his place is not in our midst because he does not know the strug­gles of a police officer’s life. Mr. Anderson can­not empathize with us (Members of the Jamaican Constabulary Force). And his appoint­ment by the polit­i­cal class, elit­ists, and crim­i­nals in gov­ern­ment is a sig­nal to every mem­ber of the Jamaican Constabulary Force that you are NOT good enough to lead an orga­ni­za­tion that you have giv­en your all, most of your life to.

So, they are mak­ing sure that this chair is a reserve for their uptown friends and not the poor man’s chil­dren. And this is the way they are telling you to stay in your place, poor coun­try peo­ple chil­dren. Its incum­bent on every mem­ber to unite against this man and the sys­tem, because it is stack against all of you. It is a pity that no one would file an injunc­tion pre­vent­ing him from tak­ing the chair as the top cop.

The man has no qual­i­fi­ca­tions to be the Commissioner of Police, and should not be giv­en the job, But in Jamaica nepo­tism, crony­ism, and mal­adroit peo­ple are giv­en jobs that they have no busi­ness doing at all! If the pipes in your house are leak­ing and caus­ing flood­ing, do you hire a plumber or a bak­er? The bak­er bakes bread, and the plumber is trained to install and repair the pipe sys­tem for water to flow freely.

Finally, I am beseech­ing, appeal­ing and beg­ging every mem­ber of the Jamaican Constabulary Force: Gazetted offi­cers, to the rank and file, resist, do not sup­port, or wel­come this out­sider (Mr. Anderson) into our midst, he is NOT a police offi­cer; he is an impos­tor. To date has the polit­i­cal class ever installed one of our for­mer Commissioner of Police to be the head of the Jamaican Defense Force?

No! Work smart, not hard! Let him (Major Anderson) fail mis­er­ably like the oth­er two before. He is NOT a police offi­cer, but a wannabe police offi­cer who has no busi­ness being the Commissioner of Police of our pres­ti­gious organization!

Mister Porter is a for­mer Detective con­sta­ble in the JCF, he is also a US mil­i­tary vet­er­an with active duty expe­ri­ence. Mister Porter con­tin­ues to ral­ly around and avail him­self to law enforce­ment best prac­tices in our country.

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