Anderson “I’m Learning On The Job”

A few days ago I wrote a short arti­cle in which I spoke to asser­tions made by the Gleaner’s Editorial page cri­tique of the Commissioner of Police Major General Antony Anderson,s silence since he took office, over five months ago.
Many read­ers were aghast, some angry that I dared to argue that Anderson was silent large­ly because he was learn­ing on the job.
My com­ments weren’t exact­ly pejo­ra­tive, they were sim­ply stat­ing indis­putable facts.
Anderson, [regard­less of how sharp he is], can­not speak to issues which he knows noth­ing about.

Those are facts, so every­time Jamaican author­i­ties con­vince you that they are about to place a square peg in a round hole and you are all glee­ful because you are told by the media elites that no one else can do the job, be pre­pared to lose some of your lives wait­ing for results.

Faux- Shock At Antony Anderson’s Silence: He’s Learning On The Job, Hello…

Though no fan of out­siders run­ning the force by any stretch, I have zero abil­i­ty to impact polit­i­cal deci­sions any­where in the world, least of all in Jamaica.
I have to live with their choic­es like every­one else, but since hope is not a strat­e­gy those of us with a voice must raise them where nec­es­sary to con­grat­u­late their suc­cess­es but cer­tain­ly to speak out when they fall short of their mandates.

I loved the JCF because of the nobil­i­ty of its mis­sion nev­er­the­less, I was moved to exit rather quick­ly because of what I saw dur­ing my brief stay.
Not only was the lead­er­ship bereft of ideas and exper­tise, those who aspired to replace those in lead­er­ship large­ly sub­scribed to the very same brand of lead­er­ship. A lead­er­ship which was defined by crony­ism, nepo­tism, slav­ish polit­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy, news car­ry­ing and a gen­er­al cul­ture of incom­pe­tence and dysfunction.
In the jock­ey­ing for atten­tion amidst that chaos, there was pre­cious lit­tle time left for crim­i­nal intel­li­gence continuity.
The fore­gone though not com­pre­hen­sive in speak­ing to the ills of the lead­er­ship, gives a bird’s eye view of what obtains, as well as the way that dys­func­tion cre­at­ed a rank and file which was forced to jock­ey for atten­tion as well, in many cas­es act­ing against their own long-term self-interest.

As a con­se­quence, many of the mem­bers of the rank and file who spent their work­ing lives in the depart­ment with­out reach­ing the gazetted ranks still strug­gle unfor­tu­nate­ly to under­stand how the force is and has been less than effi­cient on all fronts, includ­ing the way they were treat­ed dur­ing their service.
Whether this is a result of a lack of edu­ca­tion and or expo­sure I will leave that judg­ment call to oth­ers, suf­fic­ing to say that far too many are stuck in the nar­row con­fines of the force even years after they were liberated.


I don’t know Antony Anderson but It seems to me that unlike some of his sup­port­ers that there is one pos­i­tive thing to be said about him, he speaks the truth.
Speaking at a Gleaner’s Editor’s forum on Thursday Anderson speak­ing to the very same silence per­cep­tion said the following.

So I have been in for five months, and the first thing you have to do when com­ing into the job is to pay atten­tion to the most press­ing con­cerns in the pub­lic space, which at the time, was the rate of mur­ders. We were trend­ing down­wards, but we were still above last year,

Anderson went on, “As some­one who came to the JCF from the out­side, I did not know every­thing about the orga­ni­za­tion even though I spent a career close to it.
There’s still a lot to learn when you come in, and, obvi­ous­ly, you want to see how much tal­ent there is, where it is, and why it is that the pub­lic feel the way they do about the JCF. I had to under­stand that and what con­cerns the police offi­cers inter­nal­ly also.”

Understanding what con­cerns the police offi­cers should not be an after­thought, it ought to be job one. It’s inter­est­ing that he had to artic­u­late that, even though he was close to the force he did not know any­thing about it’s operations.
A les­son for those who believe that a mechan­i­cal engi­neer is qual­i­fied to per­form brain surgery.
Yes, learn­ing on the job con­sumes time, valu­able time which cost lives and mas­sive hurt for inno­cent people.
Anderson is ben­e­fit­ting from the dec­la­ra­tion of the state of emer­gency which saw large con­tin­gents of police and sol­diers being dropped into parts of Saint James and St Catherine.

This though real­ly impor­tant, is unsus­tain­able. Those with a lit­tle mem­o­ry will recall just how seri­ous crimes took a pre­cip­i­tous drop after the secu­ri­ty forces show of force in Tivoli Gardens.
This is no dif­fer­ent, and so the idea that he is strate­giz­ing , bring­ing him­self and the Agency up to speed, will only hold as long as the state of emer­gency is in place.
The def­er­ence and sup­port he is receiv­ing are remark­able though it is not infinite.

Drop the Mic.