ANC May Lose Power For The First Time In 30-years…

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The nation of South Africa vot­ed in Parliamentary elec­tions on May 29th; the par­ty that gains more than 50% of the vote elects the next pres­i­dent. The African National Congress (ANC), the par­ty of for­mer President Nelson Mandela, has ruled South Africa for three decades since the end of white minor­i­ty rule and seems set to lose its major­i­ty for the first time.
After 30 years, the ANC may have fall­en vic­tim to the mal­adies of many pre­vi­ous polit­i­cal par­ties that evolved from colo­nial strug­gles. The ANC has been wracked with accu­sa­tions of cor­rup­tion scan­dals, poor man­age­ment, and the inabil­i­ty to deliv­er on much of its promis­es to the nation’s large­ly black community.

Cyril Ramaphosa

As a con­se­quence, many peo­ple have become frus­trat­ed with the par­ty that formed the first demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­ern­ment after the demise of the apartheid régime minor­i­ty rule was overturned.
Before I go fur­ther, I must remind you, my read­ers, that the Western Powers, the United States, England, France, and most oth­er European Nations sup­port­ed white minor­i­ty rule all across Africa where it exist­ed, not just in South Africa.
They also brand­ed Nelson Mandela and the ANC a ter­ror­ist and ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion, respectively.

Julius Malema (JuJu)

The ANC will most like­ly receive the largest share of the votes, allow­ing it to remain the most pow­er­ful polit­i­cal force in the coun­try. Consequently, it will still be able to form a coali­tion gov­ern­ment in which President Cyril Ramaphosa will retain the presidency.
According to Reuters, after 42% of the votes have been tab­u­lat­ed, the ANC has received 42.7%, while the Democratic Alliance (DA) is in sec­ond place with 23.6%. uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), a new par­ty led by for­mer pres­i­dent Jacob Zuma, was at 10% and eat­ing into ANC sup­port, par­tic­u­lar­ly in KwaZulu-Natal, his home province and a tra­di­tion­al strong­hold of the rul­ing party.
MK had also over­tak­en the left-lean­ing Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) led by Julius Malema, cur­rent­ly the third biggest par­ty in par­lia­ment, at 9.5%.

But for the tra­di­tion­al short mem­o­ry of Blacks and their seem­ing­ly high tol­er­ance for sec­ond-class cit­i­zen­ship, the DA par­ty should be a par­ty in name only.

The Democratic Alliance, the par­ty that is the sec­ond most pow­er­ful to date, is the par­ty large­ly of the white upper mid­dle class who ben­e­fit­ted under apartheid rule; it has sig­nif­i­cant sup­port from Indians with­in the country.
It behooves the ANC [not] to ally with the Democratic Alliance to retain pow­er, as it would rep­re­sent a slap in the face of all the free­dom fight­ers who have sac­ri­ficed to see the end of apartheid rule in South Africa.
The worst thing Cyril Ramaphosa could do to keep pow­er is to ally him­self with the Democratic Alliance, a par­ty some of whose sup­port­ers long for a civ­il war to return the nation to the dark days of minor­i­ty rule just three decades past.
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have sol­id plans, not just for South Africa but for the reuni­fi­ca­tion of the entire African con­ti­nent to become one nation again. This has caused Western nations to car­i­ca­ture him as a clown unwor­thy of attention.
The real clown is not only the Western pow­ers but the black Africans who would cast a vote for the cor­rupt ANC or, worse, elect the Lilly-white Democratic Alliance to return them to white rule.
Melema advo­cates for nation­al­iz­ing South African mines and Banks, as well as lands sup­pos­ed­ly owned by white South Africans.
These ideas could lead to eco­nom­ic dis­as­ter if not approached cor­rect­ly. Governments should not be in the busi­ness of own­ing banks but should heav­i­ly reg­u­late them on behalf of all the peo­ple. The mines should be nation­al­ized and returned to the South African peo­ple. The Government should appro­pri­ate the land, and the white set­tlers should be giv­en the right to use it and con­tin­ue what­ev­er they have going on with them.
Malema and the EFF are wor­thy of the atten­tion of the South African people.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
