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Looming shut-down of the American Federal Government. Where else in the world would a minor­i­ty of the minor­i­ty par­ty be able to shut down the oper­a­tions of the Government? Anyway you don’t need to answer that.

My last Article asked just how much wealth is enough. Well clear­ly the peo­ple behind the Tea-Party move­ment have decid­ed that it can nev­er be enough. Tea Party Republican House mem­bers sup­port­ed by Jim Demint’s Heritage Foundation and Dick Armey’s Freedom Works and a pletho­ra of Right-wing groups have decid­ed to do seri­ous dam­age to the still strug­gling American econ­o­my, and by exten­sion the World’s economy.

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Mark Meadows.

Newly ger­ry­man­dered Congressional dis­tricts makes this kind of hostage pol­i­tics pos­si­ble. Mark Meadows, is a new­ly elect­ed con­gres­sion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive and one of the most stri­dent Tea-Party plants in the US House of Representatives. Meadows rep­re­sents the 11 th District in the west­ern part of North Carolina.

Most of the far right ide­o­log­i­cal zealots in the US House of Representatives are white men. Many of them are from the South. These guys are all about States rights, why you ask ? At the state lev­el they are able to manip­u­late and mis­treat racial minori­ties. They nev­er liked the Federal Government which came out of the Civil war. Jefferson Davis the Confederate leader is hailed by them despite his trai­tor­ous war against his own country.

These peo­ple who make up the Tea-Party and those who back them do not want a Federal Government which func­tions effec­tive­ly, they are there to ensure it does exact­ly the oppo­site. In all of this there is none more pathet­ic than the Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner. Boehner is not from the South, he is from hum­ble begin­nings. John Boehner could end this non­sense if he was a man. Boehner could end this utter­ly counter-pro­duc­tive exer­cise by going over to the Leader of the Minority in the House Nancy Pelosi and strike a deal. Those Republicans who want to dis­rupt the econ­o­my could vote no. There would be enough Democratic votes to pass a clean Bill which funds the Government with­out none of the non­sense to defund the afford­able Care Act.

This exer­cise is about tak­ing down Obama and his sig­na­ture domes­tic accom­plish­ment. No mat­ter how many times House Republicans send this spend­ing Bill back to the Senate with lan­guage to defund the Affordable Care act it can­not become law. There sim­ply isn’t 67 votes in the Senate to allow pas­sage. Even if it did the President of the United States would veto it. It is there­fore about dis­rupt­ing the econ­o­my, irre­spec­tive of the dam­age they cause, so they may win the Senate in 2014. A Florida Congress man acknowl­edged this recently.