Amnesty International And It’s Surrogates Are Enemies Of Jamaica.

Two inter­est­ing devel­op­ments are play­ing out in our coun­try as we speak​.Today as many of us spend time on Facebook talk­ing about noth­ing that mat­ters, we could actu­al­ly read some­thing which has mean­ing and res­o­nance. Many of us who reside abroad claim to love Jamaica , of course the extent of our love is con­fined to a two-week vis­it dur­ing which we vis­it those who are still domi­ciled there. This gives some of us a feel­ing of accom­plish­ment, we run around check­ing on old friends and class-mates , fam­i­ly mem­bers and just when the moment rubs off for them we are back on an air­plane head­ed back to foreign *.

)The com­pet­ing sto­ry is amnesty International; Demand that the Government of the day com­mis­sion a pan­el to inves­ti­gate what occurred in Tivoli gar­dens 2 years ago.Jamaicaobserver​.com

I will not com­ment too in-depth, except to say that If the con­fes­sions of peo­ple in the know , includ­ing those tes­ti­fy­ing in court today are to be believed Christopher (Dudus) Coke is an evil despi­ca­ble crim­i­nal. As result peo­ple were killed at his hands, if we believe them, peo­ple were killed on his orders, and peo­ple were killed try­ing to return Tivoli to the Jamaican state. In a coun­try which respect­ed the rule of the law , this guy would have been arrest­ed , tried , and sen­tenced for all of those deaths.

Actions have con­se­quence, Jamaicans will have to acquaint them­selves to those real­i­ties and start to under­stand that sup­port­ing crim­i­nals is a bad idea, and a regres­sive pos­ture to take if they want to move to devel­oped world status.

On the day when the most infa­mous and pow­er­ful con­fessed crim­i­nal is before the courts plead­ing for clemen­cy, amnesty inter­na­tion­al, a British based group has seen fit to divert peo­ple’s atten­tion away from the real prob­lem of crime and how it affects the lives of our peo­ple. Attempting instead to play up the actions our coun­try’s secu­ri­ty forces took to annex Tivoli gar­dens to the rest of Jamaica. 

Once again groups which pur­port to rep­re­sent the inter­est of the poor and dis­pos­sessed with­in soci­ety, have shown that they care noth­ing about the most fun­da­men­tal right giv­en to all humans , the right to life.

The peo­ple of Tivoli Gardens have been freed from the shack­les of tyran­ny and oppres­sion. They have the option now of edu­cat­ing their chil­dren if they chose to, with­out hand-outs from any­one. Many peo­ple were not allowed those rights under the rule of the Cokes and oth­ers before them.

I call upon Amnesty International and its local proxy Jamaicans for jus­tice to cease and desist from attempt­ing to desta­bi­lize our country.

We are not illit­er­ate peo­ple we are able to think on our own and for ourselves.What our nation does not need at this moment as it approach­es 50 years from the shack­les of British colo­nial pow­er is for ele­ments of that same pow­er to dic­tate to us how we should han­dle our affairs.

We are a sov­er­eign nation , we hope that you respect our sovereignty.

The Hannah Town Police Station burns as Urban Terrorists run amok 2 years ago burn­ing police sta­tions and killing police officers.

Do us a favor crim­i­nal-rights AMNESTY, go home. I don’t see any police sta­tions burn­ing in Britain.

These are the indeli­ble images seared into the minds of Jamaicans, par­tic­u­lar­ly those liv­ing in coun­tries where the rule of law is respected.