Amidst The Sanitizing Of The Coral Gardens Uprising In Favor Of Rastafarians, Here Is An Undeniable Fact..

A great friend of mine for­ward­ed this bit of per­ti­nent his­to­ry. I thought it would be a great idea to post it so that every­one can have a truer his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive of what tran­spired at Coral Gardens Montego Bay in 1963.
Much of the dia­logue that suc­ceed­ed the events at Coral Gardens has been san­i­tized and white­washed to cre­ate the per­cep­tion of an out-of-con­trol colo­nial police sys­tem out to get the poor law-abid­ing Rastafarians instead of the facts, which are clear and concise.
The true sto­ry was of Rastafarians opposed to the social order, who want­ed to take prop­er­ty that was not theirs and decid­ed to com­mit arson and murder.
Those are the facts.
What the san­i­tized nar­ra­tive cre­at­ed by the anti-police liars at the UWI left out are the fac­tu­al con­se­quences the Rastafarian anar­chists’ actions left, includ­ing the sto­ry of the valiant Police Constable Errol Campbell, who recent­ly transitioned.

Former Constable Errol Campbell, who recent­ly tran­si­tioned, was funer­al­ized at the Falmouth SDA church on Sunday, December 18th, 2022.
He enlist­ed in the JCF in 1959 at 19 years old. While sta­tioned at the Barnett Street Police Station, he was on his day off when an Inspector Fisher instruct­ed him to join oth­er mem­bers and respond to a dis­pute at a gas sta­tion in Coral Gardens where the Rastafarian com­mu­ni­ty had set fire to a gas sta­tion on Holy Thursday, 1963. 

Constable Campbell was 23 years old at the time.
Upon arrival at Coral Gardens, the Police were ambushed. Constable Campbell fell and was chopped in the head, caus­ing his brain to become vis­i­ble. He also received injuries to his back, from which he nev­er recovered.
He was rushed to Cornwall Regional Hospital sit­u­at­ed on the Hip Strip and placed on ice, pre­sumed dead like the oth­ers. A doc­tor who lat­er both­ered to take a clos­er look at him real­ized he was still alive.
He respond­ed, ” This one has a lit­tle life left; take him out” he was then air­lift­ed to Kingston.

He has been bedrid­den from then until the time of his death on the 23rd of November 2022 at the age of 82 years old.
In his life­time, he was vis­it­ed sev­er­al times by the Trelawny Police Division (espe­cial­ly dur­ing Police Week) and by JCF Retired mem­bers Association Islandwide.
Tributes were done by the Commissioner of Police, The Trelawny Police Division, the Jamaica Police Federation, The Retired Members Association of the JCF, and his fam­i­ly, to name a few.
His fam­i­ly and the Trelawny Division also planned the funer­al ser­vice and exe­cut­ed with Police pres­ence from the Division.

No. 931 Cons Errol Winston Campbell RIP.

Instead of con­demn­ing this trav­es­ty for what it tru­ly was, the Government of Jamaica (Party neu­tral), in asso­ci­a­tion with their elit­ist anti-police friends, have apol­o­gized to the mur­der­ous crim­i­nals who ter­ror­ized prop­er­ty own­ers, set their prop­er­ty afire, mur­dered police offi­cers, and com­mit­ted oth­er crimes against the state.
Is there any won­der that our coun­try has become the poster child for mur­der­ous crim­i­nal behav­ior upon which the nation’s lead­ers are now forced to be traips­ing over­seas in search of help to deal with the onslaught of vio­lent crim­i­nal­i­ty they cre­at­ed and nurtured?
The Coral Gardens débâ­cle is not the only time that the Jamaican Government sided with anti-gov­ern­ment sedi­tion­ists against the secu­ri­ty forces after they brave­ly defend­ed Jamaican democracy.
Regardless of the many and var­ied accounts of what may have been per­co­lat­ing between Rastafarians and the Jamaican state that led up to the Good Friday inci­dent, one thing is clear, the unlaw­ful acts com­mit­ted by Rastafarians, against the state and per­son­al prop­er­ty are undeniable.
It occurred again in 2010 in Tivoli Gardens, and the police and mil­i­tary restored the coun­try to san­i­ty. As is cus­tom­ary, instead of hon­or­ing their brav­ery, the Jamaican gov­ern­ment apol­o­gized to the crim­i­nals, gave them tax­pay­er’s mon­ey, and com­mis­sioned an inquiry aimed sole­ly at cas­ti­gat­ing and dimin­ish­ing the secu­ri­ty forces.
They did not even have the decen­cy and hon­or of choos­ing a Jamaican to do the dirty work, they chose a foreigner.
That is the lev­el of lead­er­ship that Jamaica enjoys.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.