America’s Right-Wing Created And Nurtured This Militancy:

People in this coun­try and all over the world are strug­gling with the insult­ing and demean­ing ver­dict of 6 women in Sanford Florida, five of whom self-iden­ti­fied as white. Some of us have whis­tled in the wind for years, that as a peo­ple we sim­ply are head­ing in the wrong direc­tion. I have per­son­al­ly argued that the elec­tion of Barack Obama to the high­est office in the coun­try, though a tremen­dous feat of accom­plish­ment and source of great pride, is also a dou­ble hedged sword for black America.


Let me be clear, there are white Americans who are incred­i­bly decent human beings. Throughout the strug­gles, spawn­ing slav­ery to the present fight for basic human rights and dig­ni­ty, there has been white peo­ple right along­side blacks. Even as peo­ple take to the streets in cities and towns all over the coun­try, to reg­is­ter their dis­gust with this ver­dict, that mosa­ic is very evi­dent. All through­out that peri­od white peo­ple have giv­en much in blood and trea­sure in the fight against the forces of evil.

There how­ev­er is a back­ward half of white America which still har­bors what I call a Southern men­tal­i­ty, not that they all reside in the South, far from it, just a mind­set which believes in white priv­i­lege and suprema­cy. There may be one liv­ing next door to you, in the open they say they are not racist but behind closed doors they latch onto pre­his­toric and nean­derthal con­cepts about race.

It is that mind­set which makes a white woman who sat on the jury, straight-away gave the ben­e­fit of the doubt to the accused mur­der­er. This is unprece­dent­ed, giv­en that the state of Florida tries chil­dren as adults for cer­tain crimes.

Johnathan Capehart: opin­ion writer for the Washington Post.

Juror B37, whose image was obscured dur­ing the inter­view with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, said she believes the neigh­bor­hood watch vol­un­teer was well-inten­tioned but became overzeal­ous because of a string of break-ins in his Sanford, Fla. neigh­bor­hood. The woman has lived in the Sanford, Fla., area for 18 years and has two daugh­ters – a 24-year-old pet groomer and a 27-year-old col­lege stu­dent. During jury selec­tion, she said she had been called for jury duty four times pre­vi­ous­ly but nev­er select­ed to sit on a case. Martin Literary Management announced Monday that it was rep­re­sent­ing B37 and her hus­band, who is an attor­ney. But agency head Sharlene Martin released a state­ment late Monday say­ing she was no longer rep­re­sent­ing the juror and that the juror had dropped the book idea.http://​usnews​.nbc​news​.com/​_​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​1​3​/​0​7​/​1​6​/​1​9​4​8​8​8​1​5​-​z​i​m​m​e​r​m​a​n​-​j​u​r​o​r​-​h​e​-​s​h​o​u​l​d​n​t​-​h​a​v​e​-​g​o​t​t​e​n​-​o​u​t​-​o​f​-​t​h​a​t​-​car

Johnathan Capehart opin­ion writer for the Washington Post spoke to the lack of empa­thy, that a teenag­er lost his life for doing absolute­ly noth­ing wrong. In fact Capehart argues her entire com­ments was all about George, this George that, it seemed to be the entire talk­ing points of the defense.

Since appear­ing on the Anderson Cooper show on CNN where she gave her inter­view, this juror seemed to have a had a come to Jesus moment, in the less than 24 hours since the inter­view juror B‑37 released a state­ment doing a walk-back of sorts from what appeared to be a pro-Zimmerman stance.

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Rush Limbaugh:

We in the black com­mu­ni­ty and those who empathize with our sit­u­a­tion, must be aware that there is sys­tem­at­ic and entrenched racism still in the bow­els of this coun­try. There is a them against us men­tal­i­ty which re-emerged on the sur­face after the elec­tion of Barack Obama to the presidency.

Many includ­ing elect­ed mem­bers of the United States House and even in the sen­ate are guilty, both by co-mis­sion and omis­sion in con­tribut­ing to this wave of right wing mil­i­tan­cy, which has swept over the coun­try since the elec­tion of the first man of col­or to the presidency.

download (18)images (6)Michelle Malkin : Sean Hannity:
There is nur­tur­ing of racial hatred in America on a dai­ly basis, it is fed through right wing talk-radio, and Fox tele­vi­sion. It is not sim­ply dis­agree­ing with every­thing Obama, it has metas­ta­sized into much more incen­di­ary rhetoric, Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,Glen Beck, Michelle Malkin, Bill Reilly, Anne Coulter, are just a few of the race-baiters. This kind of race-bait­ing rhetoric does not fall on deaf ears, it is fer­til­iz­er and water, on fer­tile soil. Why would any­one be sur­prised when the seeds germinate?

US Rep. Andy Harris MD:

Maryland Congress-man Andy Harris had this to say:

We’re hung up on this one case, where this one fel­low was, in fact, found not guilty by a jury. That’s the way the American law sys­tem works. Get over it,”“We missed the for­est through the trees to a large extent with all the huge issues going on in the world,” Harris said.

Clearly a black teenager’s life is incon­se­quen­tial to this moron, so those out­raged by the despi­ca­ble ver­dict, should just move on and accept it. It goes to the heart of what I believe is deep root­ed insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism that per­me­ates the entire sys­tem, includ­ing the coun­try’s leg­is­la­ture. If this is the men­tal­i­ty of those who make the laws, how can we expect this coun­try’s white major­i­ty to do the right thing for all Americans?

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Since President Obama was elect­ed, whites in red states have made a mad rush on gun stores, buy­ing up guns and ammu­ni­tion. Those are the sane ones, oth­ers have devel­oped a bunker men­tal­i­ty, stock­ing up on food and sur­vival para­pher­na­lia, prepar­ing for a race war or what they con­clude is an immi­nent cat­a­clysmic event. We may laugh at the luna­cy of these imbe­ciles but the fact is they exist, they are igno­rant, and they are heav­i­ly armed.

This mil­i­ta­riza­tion is not only con­fined to these lunatics, we have seen the mil­i­ta­riza­tion of police depart­ments, America’s police depart­ments are vir­tu­al armies. In state hous­es all over the coun­try the right-wing passed passed laws which are designed to ensure that the will of the major­i­ty is cir­cum­vent­ed. Even the Country’s Supreme Court has deter­mined that the 1965 vot­ing rights act should not stand as con­sti­tut­ed, nev­er mind that it brings fideli­ty to the process.

This is Obama’s America, the Trayvon Martin case is a wake-up call for all Americans, more so for peo­ple of col­or. If you thought the idio­cy of racial suprema­cy was a thing of the past you are wrong. This case estab­lish­es that all men of col­or are sus­pects, not just young black men, all men. The mil­i­tan­cy that killed Trayvon Martin kill many and incar­cer­ate thou­sands of black men every year. Police depart­ments do it arbi­trar­i­ly and noth­ing is being done about it, if you don’t believe me look inside America’s pris­ons and jails.

Tomorrow we talk about per­son­al responsibility.