American Police Behavior Tied To Supreme Court’s Dred Scott Decision…

Do you know what both­ers me the most with all of this police vio­lence toward peo­ple of col­or and African-Americans in particular?
The (“copol­o­gists”) do…
If only he fol­lowed the offi­cer’s com­mand. If only he stopped mov­ing. If only he stopped walk­ing. If only he stopped talking.
If only he rolled over. If only he did not rollover. If only he stopped breath­ing. It nev­er stops.
The white-splain­ing cou­pled with cop-splain­ing has become so nau­se­at­ing that I sum­mar­i­ly dis­miss any white per­son­’s per­spec­tives on police vio­lence, and that’s not fair because not all white peo­ple are racist jackasses.
The idea from these igno­ra­mus­es who make excus­es for the white race sol­diers, is that police are only vio­lent because the vic­tims of their vio­lence make them com­mit vio­lence on them by not bow­ing down in com­plete feal­ty to the peo­ple they hire to keep them safe.
Nowhere else in a demo­c­ra­t­ic soci­ety are the ser­vants’ over­lords over the tax­pay­ing cit­i­zens except in the United States. Nowhere else in a civ­i­lized soci­ety are police allowed to oper­ate as American cops oper­ate as race sol­diers against the cit­i­zens who hire them.
The sad real­i­ty is that the acts of sav­agery that police com­mit against peo­ple of col­or and, in some cas­es, poor whites far exceed what the American soci­ety would tol­er­ate against a dog, cat, or any oth­er animal.
And so we must con­front the sem­i­nal ques­tion of ‘why are white Americans so tol­er­ant of police vio­lence against Black people?



Michael Vick was sen­tenced to prison for allow­ing dogs to fight. Vick him­self was not inti­mate­ly involved; nev­er­the­less, he was con­vict­ed and sent to prison.
Now, as a co-own­er with my wife of our beau­ti­ful Lab-Mix Bud, I can­not imag­ine ever kick­ing Bud under any cir­cum­stances. I can’t even bear the thought of step­ping on his tail by accident.
Why then would a police offi­cer kick a human being? Why would a police offi­cer kick anoth­er human being as offi­cers in Miami Beach, Florida, and Orangeburg, South Carolina, do it anyway?
But the so-called police offi­cers who kick and oth­er­wise phys­i­cal­ly assault Black peo­ple, repug­nant though they are, pale in com­par­i­son to the repug­nant sav­ages who get on social media to give suc­cor and sup­port to their repug­nant attacks on often­times hand­cuffed, unarmed and help­less people.

When pressed by the (lame stream media), peo­ple like Kamala Harris claim that America is not a racist coun­try out of polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy. They need to check that lie at the door and spend a few min­utes on social media plat­forms and read the com­ments com­ing from the sav­age crea­tures who dwell in the deep­est dark­est recess­es of the dark web.
There is no redemp­tion for those crea­tures; there is no rea­son­ing with them; their souls are of anoth­er world.
They are the imbe­ciles who stormed the Capitol on January 6th2021. They are those who sup­port those imbe­ciles. They are the ones who believed Donald Trump’s lie that he won the elec­tions of 2020. —-In that bunch, there is not a sin­gle one of those racist crea­tures who would not rel­ish see­ing the extinc­tion of the entire Black race and sees the police as the means to get to that outcome.

On March 6, 1857, the United States Supreme Court in a 7 – 2 deci­sion, ruled that an enslaved man who had lived in a free State and Territory where slav­ery was pro­hib­it­ed was not enti­tled to free­dom; that African ‑Americans were not, and could nev­er be cit­i­zens of the United States.
That the Missouri com­pro­mise of (1820) which declared free all ter­ri­to­ries west of Missouri and north of lat­i­tude 36º30,’
was unconstitutional.
That supreme court deci­sion added fuel to the sec­tion­al con­tro­ver­sy and pushed the coun­try clos­er to civ­il war.
That supreme court rul­ing was the deci­sion that would become known as the Dred Scott decision.
According to (Britannica)The court’s deci­sion in Scott v Sanford was wide­ly panned by Constitutional schol­ars and was wide­ly con­sid­ered to be the worst deci­sion ever ren­dered by the supreme court >
In par­tic­u­lar, it was cit­ed as the most egre­gious exam­ple in the court’s his­to­ry of wrong­ly impos­ing a judi­cial solu­tion on a polit­i­cal problem.
A lat­er chief jus­tice Charles Evans Hughes famous­ly char­ac­ter­ized the Dred Scott deci­sion as the court’s great self-inflict­ed wound.
Those con­sti­tu­tion­al schol­ars and the late Charles Evans Hughes must be turn­ing in their graves at what the John Roberts court has done to this nations’ sta­bil­i­ty in the Shelby coun­ty Alabama Versus Holder deci­sion in 2013..
The Dred Scott deci­sion was argued to have pushed the coun­try clos­er to the civ­il war, which began on April 12, 1861, result­ing in the loss of approx­i­mate­ly 750,000 sol­diers and an unde­ter­mined num­ber of civilians.

At the risk of get­ting too nerdy, I pull back, suf­fic­ing to say that the Dred Scott deci­sion still guides police actions today. The aver­age cop today is gen­er­al­ly a guy or girl that did not do too well in school.
I know we have heard that in anoth­er local­i­ty; this time, it is true. There are no short­ages of oppor­tu­ni­ties in the United States for white people.
The aver­age white cop was a fail­ure in school who grav­i­tat­ed to law enforce­ment to show that they are somebody.
I was shocked to see one depart­ment right here in New York show­cas­ing on their social media page offi­cers who were arrest­ed and con­vict­ed sev­er­al times and were still allowed to become police officers.
Police offi­cers still believe that they have no duty to respect­ful of African-Americans and the courts have sel­dom di=one any­thing to dis­suade them from that attitude.
If the Dred Scott deci­sion pushed the coun­try clos­er to the civ­il war, I won­der what Shelby County Alabama v Holder did?
Oh, wait-we have already begun to see. They stormed the Capitol in an attempt to over­throw the gov­ern­ment, and with no real con­se­quences for Trump and his white nation­al­ist army, this is just the beginning.
I hope the Roberts court is pleased with its work.
At this point, nev­er mind the court’s doc­trine of qual­i­fied immunity.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.