AMERICA IS ON TRIAL’: Al Sharpton On Ferguson Protests

Rev Al Sharpton
Rev Al Sharpton

Michael Brown is gone. You can run what­ev­er video you want. He is not on tri­al. America is on tri­al!” Sharpton declared at the Greater St. Marks Family Church, accord­ing to video post­ed by Fox 2. “I have nev­er in all my years seen some­thing as offen­sive and insult­ing as a police chief releas­ing a tape of a young man try­ing to smear him before we even have his funeral.” 

America as a nation, Missouri as a state, Ferguson as a city, is at a defin­ing moment on whether or not we know and are mature enough to han­dle polic­ing — whether it goes over the line or not. We can­not lec­ture nations around the world about how they han­dle polic­ing and we have an inabil­i­ty of han­dling it in our own nation. All police­men are not bad; most police­men are not bad. But all of them are not right all the time. And when they’re wrong, they must pay for being wrong just like cit­i­zens pay when they’re wrong,”
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