America At The Founding And The Tragic Irony It Is Today…

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Imagine a coun­try that is sup­posed to be the old­est democracy[sic]; in that coun­try, the high­est court is the Supreme Court. Merriam-Webster defines SUPREME this way: high­est in rank or author­i­ty, espe­cial­ly in a posi­tion of unques­tioned author­i­ty, dom­i­nance, or influ­ence). So, there is no won­der that the right-wing MAGA plants on that court believe the law does not apply to them; they accept mil­lions in lux­u­ry gifts and fly insur­rec­tion­ist flags at their prop­er­ty with­out a care that they should be ques­tioned, take away the con­sti­tu­tion­al and fun­da­men­tal rights of tens of mil­lions of cit­i­zens at their whim and decree.
The chief of those supreme crea­tures even refus­es to meet with US Senators to dis­cuss the burn­ing ethics ques­tions; he claims that in the inter­est of sep­a­ra­tion of pow­ers, the court should not have to answer Congress because it is a co-equal branch of gov­ern­ment. (Hahaha) They were actu­al­ly placed in posi­tions of pow­er by the same US Senators.

The sto­ry goes that George Washington, a slave­hold­er, hero of the War of Independence, and the Republic’s first pres­i­dent, had to push hard against being made King. The sad irony is that the set­tlers who arrived in America and even­tu­al­ly warred against Britain and King George’s tyran­ny and even­tu­al­ly won, result­ing in the repub­lic’s cre­ation, were fight­ing against the idea of a monarch rul­ing over them.
One would think that those sup­posed bril­liant supe­ri­or beings, [sic] hav­ing just defeat­ed the British Monarchy, would not want to cre­ate a monar­chy in the new nation they had just estab­lished. Conventional wis­dom would mil­i­tate against that, and ulti­mate­ly it did.
But did it?
If five indi­vid­u­als on the [Supreme Court] can reverse the rights enjoyed by peo­ple for 49 years, see Roe v Wade. And if they can destroy the val­i­da­tion of basic rights once denied to a seg­ment of the pop­u­la­tion for an even longer peri­od. And if no one has the author­i­ty even to ques­tion them, how is that nation a democ­ra­cy? How is that coun­try, not a monarchy?

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So for those peo­ple pay­ing atten­tion, when Donald Trump asked the court to rule that he has the supreme right to break the laws, includ­ing killing his polit­i­cal oppo­nents, and the court takes the case, which it is not oblig­at­ed to do, and when it fails to make a sim­ple rul­ing of, ‘hell fuck­ing no, you are not allowed to break the laws with­out con­se­quence,’ you are con­strained by the laws like every­one else, that court has lost all legit­i­ma­cy. The Supreme Court knows that the longer it takes to say no, you are not allowed to com­mit felonies with­out con­se­quence, the clos­er it gets to the pres­i­den­tial elec­tions hop­ing that Trump wins. The Federal crim­i­nal charges against him go away because Trump would make them disappear.
In delay­ing a deci­sion, the court has placed its fin­gers on the scale in favor of Donald Trump, much like the unqual­i­fied fed­er­al judge Eileen Cannon in Florida, who has used her posi­tion as a fed­er­al judge as a free law firm for Donald Trump. Even if the deci­sion is what it must be, you do not have the right to break the laws; the delay has already been a win for Donald Trump’s strat­e­gy of run­ning out the clock, hop­ing he will be elect­ed president.

The Supreme Court as an insti­tu­tion is so bad­ly dam­aged that it is impos­si­ble to see how this court can be viewed with any legit­i­ma­cy going forward.
In 2016, the Republican Party real­ized its decades-long goal of putting an amoral, immoral, emp­ty suit into the White House.
It had been a dream of the par­ty guid­ed by the burn­ing need to pro­tect white suprema­cy in America. With stag­nant white birthrates and con­tin­ued migra­tion of peo­ple of col­or into the coun­try, the par­ty embarked on a scorched earth pol­i­cy to pro­tect con­trol using every tool at its dis­pos­al, even if it meant ditch­ing the gov­ern­ing prin­ci­ple of democ­ra­cy it feigned cham­pi­oning decades ago.
Reversing the Dobbs deci­sion and demo­niz­ing immi­grants at the state and fed­er­al lev­els has been a bi-fold strat­e­gy to lim­it the brown­ing and increase the whitening.
If those goals can­not be attained with the alacrity and def­i­n­i­tion they desire, then they are will­ing to resort to turn­ing the coun­try into an auto­crat­ic state gov­erned by a mind­less, deranged autocrat.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.