Am I The Only Person Who Finds The Sudden Focus On Crime Curious At A Time When The Nation Has Been Asked To Revisit How It Sees Policing”?

I have asked the ques­tion before in two sep­a­rate arti­cles, ” am the only per­son who finds the sud­den focus on crime curi­ous at best?
I’m not point­ing fin­gers; how­ev­er, it seems that there are fac­tions out there who are quite will­ing to see the sta­tus quo remain intact; they may not be active police offi­cers. Still, I do not put it beyond those who would like to see police con­tin­ue to oper­ate the way they are, con­tin­ue to oper­ate with impunity.
How bet­ter can it be for white suprema­cists and skin­heads to con­tin­ue infil­trat­ing and using police depart­ments to car­ry out their cen­turies-old cam­paign of ter­ror against African-Americans?
Almost two decades after the FBI warned of white suprema­cists infil­trat­ing [what were already racist police depart­ments], noth­ing has been done sub­stan­tive­ly to weed out those so taint­ed and put in place mea­sures to ensure that where racism rears, its ugly head it will be swift­ly chopped off.
For over three decades, vio­lent crime has trend­ed down across America, yet if you lis­ten to some peo­ple, you would think the sky is falling.
Fivethirtyeight​.com respond­ed in an arti­cle titled; ( Many Americans Are Convinced Crime Is Rising In The U.S. They’re Wrong).
It argues, “their fear makes every­one less safe.” I will briefly touch on the source of their fear in short order.
However, fivethir​tyeight​.com stat­ed, We are ter­ri­ble at esti­mat­ing our risk of crime — much worse than we are at guess­ing the dan­ger of oth­er bad things. Across that decade, respon­dents put their chance of being robbed in the com­ing year at about 15 per­cent. Looking back, the actu­al rate of rob­bery was 1.2 per­cent. In con­trast, when asked to rate their risk of upcom­ing job loss, peo­ple guessed it was about 14.5 per­cent — much clos­er to the actu­al job loss rate of 12.9 percent.
In oth­er words, we feel the risk of crime more acute­ly. We are cer­tain crime is ris­ing when it isn’t, con­vinced our risk of vic­tim­iza­tion is high­er than it actu­al­ly is.

What has been the source of that irra­tional fear in recent times? Two words Donald Trump.
An ego­ma­ni­a­cal, nar­cis­sis­tic, patho­log­i­cal liar. Trump dur­ing Obama’s pres­i­den­cy. Trump before he took that esca­la­tor in his gaudy Manhattan build­ing, Trump for all of the cam­paign sea­son of 2016. Trump today, a pathol­o­gy of lies and Russian ‑styled mis­in­for­ma­tion pumped into the nation­al blood­stream by FOX & and the pletho­ra of bot­tom-feed­ing race-bait­ing out­lets on behalf of the vilest most racist per­son to occu­py the White House in our lifetime.
Despots need fear to have peo­ple coa­lesce around them; Donald Trump is an unin­tel­li­gent, mind­less lunatic who has no idea how to gov­ern. Still, he loves the trap­pings of pow­er the American Presidency affords.
After tast­ing pow­er between 2017 & 2021, despite the shock, he expe­ri­enced after the Russians installed him in 2016 and the ini­tial, “oh shit,” I have no idea what to do, he decid­ed that he would burn the coun­try down if that’s what it took to keep power.
What’s not to like syco­phants bow down in idol­a­trous wor­ship of you. You can­not be pros­e­cut­ed regard­less of the crimes you com­mit, so says the Justice Department. You can steal all you want; after all, the pres­i­den­cy is yours to use as a tool of grift coer­cion and extortion.
Most of all, for the aver­age tyrant like Trump, it is the pow­er to kill whomev­er he hates, ask Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
Nah.….….…. it was­n’t just Soleimani; he want­ed US troops to kill Black Americans who were demon­strat­ing against his police state that con­tin­ues to kill inno­cent unarmed African-Americans too, so there is that as well.
The pal­pa­bil­i­ty of fear allows weak-mind­ed peo­ple to cede their lib­er­ty to tyrants who claim they alone can pro­tect them.
In actu­al­i­ty, those tyrants care only about con­sol­i­dat­ing pow­er to enrich them­selves and those they care about, imme­di­ate fam­i­ly and friends.
That pret­ty much sums up who and what Donald Trump is.

The data below was released by Pew Research Center, which out­lined that crime is [not] going up as Trump and his syco­phants would have you believe. Property crime in the U.S. is much more com­mon than vio­lent crime. In 2019, the FBI report­ed a total of 2,109.9 prop­er­ty crimes per 100,000 peo­ple, com­pared with 379.4 vio­lent crimes per 100,000 peo­ple. By far, the most com­mon form of prop­er­ty crime in 2019 was larceny/​theft, fol­lowed by bur­glary and motor vehi­cle theft. Among vio­lent crimes, aggra­vat­ed assault was the most com­mon offense, fol­lowed by rob­bery, rape, and mur­der/non-neg­li­gent manslaugh­ter. Both the FBI and BJS data show dra­mat­ic declines in U.S. vio­lent and prop­er­ty crime rates since the ear­ly 1990s when crime spiked across much of the nation. Pew argues.

Theft is most common property crime, assault is most common violent crime

Keegan Casteel

So whose inter­est is served by these killings? We know that there have been white suprema­cists involved in Black Lives Matter Protests. We know that some have been exposed as they destroyed prop­er­ty in Portland, Oregon, in 2020 to lay blame on BLM.
We know that white suprema­cists have donned fake black skin as they com­mit crimes, again hop­ing to blame black activists.
This is true even as it is in no way an excuse for the moron­ic Black punks who con­tin­ue to shoot each oth­er and even small chil­dren in their reck­less crim­i­nal conduct.
For exam­ple, in the city of Chicago, Ilinois where gun crimes con­tin­ue to be a major prob­lem.…. and by the way, a city in which the Black & Brown com­mu­ni­ty has absolute­ly no trust or respect for their cor­rupt and abu­sive police depart­ment, an Iowa man was arrest­ed and charged after a rifle and ammu­ni­tion were found near a win­dow inside his hotel room in down­town Chicago on the Fourth of July, offi­cials said.
A mem­ber of the clean­ing staff at the W Hotel alert­ed author­i­ties about firearms he found “in a very sus­pi­cious posi­tion inside one of the rooms” on Sunday, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said Tuesday.
What was Keegan Casteel, 32, of Ankeny, Iowa, doing in Chicago with a rifle, hand­gun, and five mag­a­zines in a hotel room?
According to Prosecutors on Tuesday, the rifle had four mag­a­zines next to it and a live round in the cham­ber, Chicago ABC sta­tion WLS reported.
Police said Casteel does not have a crim­i­nal his­to­ry. He also did not have a Firearms Owner Identification Card in Illinois, Brown said, which is need­ed to have a gun in the state legal­ly. He is licensed to car­ry in the gun-crazy state of Iowa.
A judge, how­ev­er, grant­ed Casteel bail in the sum of $10,000 and allows him to return to Iowa if he can post bail.
Of course, as you all know, by now, if he can come up with a thou­sand dol­lars, he will walk out and head home to Iowa until his tri­al begins.
Chicago suf­fered a bloody hol­i­day week­end, with 100 peo­ple shot since Friday night, 18 fatal­ly, offi­cials said Tuesday.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.