Almost Zero Chance Police Will Turn Up Anything In Weapon’s Cache Investigations…

We were made aware that Karima Hudson, the woman at the fore­front of the alleged ship­ment of weapons and ammu­ni­tion dis­cov­ered In Miami des­tined for Jamaica turned her­self in to police rough­ly a week ago.

She was report­ed­ly tak­en into cus­tody on Monday by detec­tives from the Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigation Branch (C‑TOC).
She was detained on sus­pi­cion of con­spir­a­cy to import firearms onto the island.
Her Attorney Oswett Smith told the Media that he sus­pects they are unable to make out a case against his client and that it was prob­a­bly for that rea­son that so far she has not been charged with a crime.

It’s kin­da fun­ny how there are always high pro­file Lawyers, imme­di­ate­ly a reg­u­lar guy on the street is like­ly to be charged with a seri­ous crime!
Wonder where the mon­ey comes from to pay these guys?

I was reli­ably informed that the Police have just final­ly got­ten around to search­ing her home. What if any­thing they found is still a mys­tery thus far.
In fair­ness to the police, [incred­i­bly hard to sup­port the police with their inep­ti­tude these days] I am unaware of what imped­i­ments may have ham­pered their abil­i­ty to secure a war­rant to search her home before?
I do know that it takes time to inter­view wit­ness­es and that based on what they say, police may deter­mine that it makes good sense to search a sus­pec­t’s home.

When a per­son of inter­est decides to turn him/​herself in, its also log­i­cal to assume that he or she may destroy mate­ri­als they believe may have evi­den­tiary val­ue or may impli­cate them.
Notwithstanding, to detec­tives, this is nev­er a deter­rent, trained offi­cers know what to look for, they gen­er­al­ly find mate­ri­als of evi­den­tiary val­ue use­ful for fill­ing out the puzzle.
With that said, it bog­gles the mind that the JCF with all of the empha­sis placed on bring­ing in edu­cat­ed peo­ple into the depart­ment still can­not con­duct and com­plete inves­ti­ga­tions in a way which would make law-abid­ing Jamaicans proud.

Let me be clear, I do not believe this woman is guilty as a prin­ci­pal in this case.
I have no evi­dence out­side that which has been report­ed on in this case. Nevertheless, I believe whole­heart­ed­ly that to the extent that Karima Hudson, is some­how crim­i­nal­ly con­nect­ed to this case her involve­ment is peripheral.

The idea that a woman who worked in a coun­cil office has the kind of mon­ey, con­nec­tions, and grav­i­tas to attempt a crim­i­nal act of this mag­ni­tude is an assault on our intelligence.
What is obvi­ous is that in the same way that some­how the real importers of the arms ship­ment was some­how tipped off and sub­se­quent­ly did not attempt to col­lect the ship­ment, I believe the Investigators in the JCF look­ing at this mat­ter are look­ing no fur­ther than this poor woman.
I believe if this Investigation is approached with pro­fes­sion­al­ism and for­ti­tude the rev­e­la­tions on its con­clu­sion would be earth-shattering.

Now, grant­ed that it would be ludi­crous to believe that the abort­ed ship­ment was the only such ship­ment attempt­ed, the log­i­cal con­clu­sion is that sev­er­al such ship­ments have already slipped through undetected.
With 316 homi­cides in the Parish of St, James alone thus far this year and hun­dreds and hun­dreds of high pow­ered weapons, grenades and oth­er war para­pher­na­lia recov­ered by the police this case can be a bombshell.

This case if inves­ti­gat­ed prop­er­ly could blow the lid off much of what has been hap­pen­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly in the west­ern parish­es of the Island.
Alas, if prece­dent is any indi­ca­tor we will end up with no charges filed against Karima Hudson, no pres­sure applied with a promise of a car­rot with a view to flip­ping her in the event she has some minor role in all of this.

Let us be clear-eyed about this, there is a big fish some­where in Jamaica to whose stew­ard­ship this con­sign­ment was intend­ed. He or she need not wor­ry about ever being inves­ti­gat­ed and bust­ed for his/​her part in flood­ing the Island with guns result­ing this year in well over 1500 dead Jamaicans.
I have no con­fi­dence that despite the hifuleten acronyms C‑TOC or what­ev­er that this inves­ti­ga­tion will yield a damn thing.
No belief that Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime (C‑TOC) is any­thing but anoth­er fan­cy titled bunch of jok­ers and posers.

Maybe just maybe they will cause me to shut up but I have lit­tle fear of that.