Alleged Rapist /​child Killer Gets His…(graphic Image)

Reports are that this man( blue arrow) raped and killed a 14-year-old girl and burned her body some­where in the Denham Town or Arnett Graden’s area of Saint Andrew.

Alleged child rapist and murderer.

Unconfirmed reports are that some res­i­dents of the area ren­dered their own brand of jus­tice and the result was cer­tain­ly not what this alleged accused expected.

This medi­um cer­tain­ly does not sup­port this kind of jus­tice, the chances of the wrong per­son get­ting caught up in the mad­ness are all too real and the con­se­quences far too dire.
how­ev­er, if he is guilty of the crimes alleged against him and with the pre­vail­ing sys­tem of jus­tice being met­ed out at all lev­els of the Jamaican jus­tice sys­tem these images are going to con­tin­ue into the future.

This sto­ry has been updat­ed since post­ing (Area of killing still uncon­firmed fully)