All Talk, No Solutions From JFJ


Though not the only rea­son, the large num­ber of Jamaican Nationals being deport­ed back to the Country has posed a stub­born prob­lem for law enforce­ment and the over­all growth of the coun­try. Not all per­sons deport­ed are crim­i­nals , nei­ther are all peo­ple deport­ed engag­ing in crim­i­nal behav­ior. The size of Jamaica’s econ­o­my does how­ev­er make it more dif­fi­cult for the coun­try to absorb its res­i­dents in a mean­ing­ful way. There are how­ev­er those who are hard-core crim­i­nals who are pos­ing seri­ous chal­lenges to the coun­try’s already chal­lenged secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus. Some of these crim­i­nals are sophis­ti­cat­ed orga­nized crime oper­a­tives, well versed in first world technologies.

This makes the job of the already sus­pect, ill-equipped, law enforce­ment agen­cies even more chal­leng­ing. First World Law enforce­ment Agencies are well aware of the sophis­ti­ca­tion and deter­mi­na­tion of Jamaican crim­i­nals. The depor­ta­tion num­bers does speak to that fact to some degree! Many of the crim­i­nal ele­ments return­ing to the coun­try have set up elab­o­rate crim­i­nal empires, their activ­i­ties include,though not con­fined to, extor­tion, gun-run­ning, drug-deal­ing, mur­der-for-hire, Lottery-scams, Insurance-frauds and a pha­lanx of oth­er seri­ous crimes. Many of these crimes are not new to Jamaica, and nei­ther are the pur­vey­ors. With these new oper­a­tives return­ing to the coun­try bloody turf-wars ensue with mas­sive blood-let­ting between fac­tions com­pet­ing for turf and influence.

Here in the United States as well as Canada and Great Britain Law Enforcement Agencies are giv­en free-rein to bring crim­i­nals to jus­tice. Jamaican Criminals have felt the brunt of laws specif­i­cal­ly designed toward their demise. Laws like the Rockefella drug laws and the Rico Statue have dec­i­mat­ed their oper­a­tions, fill­ing pris­ons and ensur­ing thou­sands of depor­ta­tions. The reverse is true in Jamaica, rather than beef up the abil­i­ties of the police by .

1)Removing crim­i­nal ele­ments from with­in the ranks of the police. 2)Improve train­ing. 3) Improving the Investigative arm. 4) Toughen and broad­en crim­i­nal penal­ties. 5)Improve the office of Director of Prosecution (DPP). 6) Removing lib­er­al crim­i­nal-lov­ing judges from the bench. &) Replacing them with no non­sense judges. 7) Enact strong anti-gang leg­is­la­tion, mak­ing it bad busi­ness to engage in crim­i­nal activ­i­ty or to be ass­co­ci­at­ed with a gang.

Instead of embark­ing on the afore­men­tioned, the Government embarked on a pro­gram of dis­man­tling the police force by destroy­ing the morale of it’s offi­cers. This they did by. 1) Removing and mar­ganal­iz­ing strong deci­sive street cops from the depart­ment. 2) Create an Agency designed to make crim­i­nals of cops exe­cut­ing their duties. 3) Establish poli­cies from the talk­ing points of spe­cial inter­est crim­i­nal rights lob­by JFJ. 4)Empower the crim­i­nal under­world by default.


Justice Minister Mark Golding

Justice Minister Welcomes INDECOM Court Ruling:http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​l​a​t​e​s​t​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​.​p​h​p​?​i​d​=​4​9​229 Speaking at a pub­lic forum host­ed by human rights lob­by group Jamaicans for Justice yes­ter­day, Senator Golding empha­sised that the pow­ers pos­sessed by offi­cers of INDECOM to arrest, charge and pros­e­cute do not under­mine the con­sti­tu­tion­al author­i­ty of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Golding was react­ing to the Court’s deci­sion against 8 Police ofi­cers who chal­lenged the Authority of INDECOM“s pow­er to request state­ments from mem­bers of the force. It is instruc­tive that the Justice Minister’s response was deliv­ered at a forum host­ed by Jamaicans For Justice the nation’s fore­most anti-police aggi­ta­tor. and sup­port­er of those who have com­mit­ted crim­i­nal activ­i­ties and arrest­ed by police.

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Head of Criminal Rights lob­by (JFJ)Carolyn Gomes

Gomes has waged a sys­tem­at­ic scorched earth assault against Jamaican police offi­cers who take deci­sive actions against Jamaican crim­i­nals , every year many offi­cers lose their lives in the line of duty scores more are gunned down in their homes, while they social­ize and in var­i­ous oth­er sit­u­a­tions. Police record hun­dreds of inci­dents each year where crim­i­nals have trad­ed gun­fire with their patrols. In many instances offi­cers are shot and injuried. Unfortunately,many also make the ulti­mate sacrafice. It is an affront that Carolyn Gomes is allowed to source large sums of mon­ey over­seas in her scorched earth camapign against Jamaican law enforce­ment and law abid­ing Jamaicans. Her cru­sade has pro­vid­ed cov­er, aid and com­fort to some of the world’s most bar­bar­ic degenerates,she sub­se­quent­ly need not con­cern her­self with her own safe­ty , it is lit­er­al­ly guranteed.

I have kept this issue front and cen­ter in this medi­um, not because I believe in the Jamaican Police. Not because I believe there are no crim­i­nal cops who kill peo­ple undu­ly. I do so because I believe in the inden­spe­bil­i­ty of the rule of law, if our coun­try is to avoid becom­ing a failed state. Gomes has skill­ful­ly stoked the divide between the police and the pub­lic, with the help of for­eign han­dlers, some of whom are impor­tant parts of INDECOM. Just a few days ago she galling­ly called for the res­ig­na­tion of the Commissioner of police. This Commissioner has done more to fur­ther the agen­da of the crim­i­nal rights lob­by than any of his coun­ter­parts. Her call was such an affront that well know Defense Attorney Queens Council Howard Hamilton, with whom I have had my share of dis­agree­ments, blast­ed Gomes stat­ing>The recent call­ing for the head of the com­mis­sion­er of police by Dr Carolyn Gomes of Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) is most unfair and unjustified.

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Howard Hamilton QC.

Hamilton went on to say quote: She inher­ent­ly sub­mits that the mur­der rate for 2013 would be a cause of con­cern for even a First-World coun­try, much less for lit­tle Jamaica, but she offers no sug­ges­tion as to what the com­mis­sion­er should have done, or be doing, to stem this haem­or­rhage, short of stop­ping them before they occurred.The real ques­tion Dr Gomes should have asked of the com­mis­sion­er is “Do you have the mod­ern machin­ery and man­pow­er? Are your patrol cars equipped with com­put­ers that can give infor­ma­tion of every licensed vehi­cle on the road with­in sec­onds? Have you got the fire­pow­er that can match what he knows to be on the streets? Does he have under his com­mand the nec­es­sary man­pow­er that he needs to real­ly police this island?” http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​1​1​2​7​/​c​l​e​i​s​u​r​e​/​c​l​e​i​s​u​r​e​2​.​h​tml.

Jamaicans are final­ly open­ing their eyes to what Carolyn Gomes and her for­eign han­dlers rep­re­sent to Jamaica. I have had my share of argu­ments with Hamilton regard­ing the rule of law, it is good to see that on this issue, he has got­ten it right. What is need­ed is more peo­ple stand­ing with those of us who are say­ing “NO”, we rec­og­nize that the police are far from per­fect, we rec­og­nize that INDECOM is a good idea, just not as con­sti­tut­ed and empow­ered. We will stand with our police and send a strong sig­nal to crim­i­nals and those who give them aid and com­fort, that we are the ones who suf­fer and we will have no more of it. Jamaica’s image has tak­en sig­nif­i­cant beat­ings with tremen­dous con­se­quences for all her cit­i­zens. If we are to begin to reverse these con­se­quences we must begin by stand­ing with the rule of law.

2 thoughts on “All Talk, No Solutions From JFJ

  1. I have often said it is not the police that kills and maim peo­ple but the lit­tle boys who we grow at home as crim­i­nals and unleash them in every orga­ni­za­tion so has to under­mine these orga­ni­za­tions. At the con­stab­u­lary train­ing insti­tu­tions we were not trained as crim­i­nals but how to appre­hend crim­i­nals and pre­vent crim­i­nal activ­i­ties. car­olyn gomes and her affil­i­ates are the cor­ner­stone behind crim­i­nal activ­i­ties and should be prop­er­ly inves­ti­gat­ed and charged for aid­ing and abet­ting crim­i­nal ele­ments in this coun­try. Where did she get her pow­ers from? call­ing for res­ig­na­tions as she sees fit, join­ing with any­one or orga­ni­za­tion that is against the police, then is only a fool would not see that her war against the police force is per­son­al, she should be stopped. Corruption is in every orga­ni­za­tion in Jamaica because of the kids we grow and our lives as their par­ent and friends and these kids are the adults of tomor­row who joins orga­ni­za­tions. Do we expects them to auto­mat­i­cal­ly reverse what they had learnt all their 18 years of life out there now that they become police men and women. when are par­ents going to hold them­selves respon­si­ble for their chil­dren’s behav­ior rather than blam­ing the orga­ni­za­tions, when are par­ents going to change their behav­ior to suit the kind of soci­ety they dream of liv­ing in but in all instances par­ents are allowed to give up their respon­si­bil­i­ties to the state. The Dons should take care of their chil­dren, Teachers should teach their chil­dren every thing, chil­dren’s home should assist where the oth­er insti­tu­tions have failed. But if any­thing should hap­pen where a suing mat­ter can arise then all the par­ent­ing skills is imme­di­ate­ly alive and expen­sive lawyers are sought for we now see a means of sur­vival. Change our ways and grow good chil­dren and our prob­lems will be min­i­mized. Get rid of the hus­tling abil­i­ty, more school­ers are involved in lot­to scam­ming than even adults, are their par­ents blind? what is gomes doing about that, the mon­ey she gets should be used to pre­vent them going into crim­i­nal gangs and car­ry­ing out crim­i­nal activ­i­ties, she is ben­e­fit­ting in some way from the pro­ceeds of crime and her name should be writ­ten in com­mon and not cap­i­tal letters.

  2. The dif­fer­ence with Jamaica and the first World coun­tries, is the crim­i­nals in Jamaica get gov­ern­ment con­tracts and have exclu­sive access to the min­is­ters of gov­ern­ment; American politi­cians passed laws to send crim­i­nals to prison, they have no access to the politi­cians; they are treat­ed with dis­dain and as if they are con­ta­gious. Criminals in America can’t vote. 

    You would nev­er see a politi­cian in America going to a lun­cheon with a anti-police orga­ni­za­tion, much less share space with them. That would be the end of the politi­cian career. 

    Majority, of the Jamaica peo­ple are sym­pa­thet­ic to the crim­i­nals, and always blame pover­ty for the crim­i­nal activ­i­ties. Majority, of Americans are “anti-crim­i­nals” and they wor­ship and love the police. 

    When a police offi­cer is killed in America, the com­mu­ni­ty mourn. In Jamaica the peo­ple of the com­mu­ni­ty rejoice. 

    If you are fol­low­ing the news out of the Caribbean, the oth­er Islands don’t want Jamaicans in their coun­tries. Once the immi­gra­tion offi­cial real­ize that the per­son IQ is lim­it­ed, they send them back to Jamaica. 

    This week a gov­ern­ment Minister from Barbados said “they do not want Barbados to be like Jamaica.” It was harsh but it is the truth. 

    Honestly, I don’t go around them here peri­od. There is noth­ing good being said about our peo­ple, they are in dis­ci­pline, obnox­ious, illit­er­ate a d bel­liger­ent in their demeanor. 

    The rea­son why the gov­ern­ments of var­i­ous coun­tries deport­ing them ‚it is the same cul­tur­al rel­a­tivism they brought with them and think there is a Dr. Carolyn Gomes to pre­vent the respec­tive gov­ern­ment to deport them.

    The only vision I am see­ing for Jamaica, is it is going to be the Somalia of the Caribbean. Jamaica is a great crim­i­nal’s paradise.

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