All 5 Living Former U.S. Presidents To Attend Hurricane Relief Concert

All 5 Living Former U.S. Presidents To Attend Hurricane Relief Concert

Former pres­i­dents Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama plan to attend a hur­ri­cane relief con­cert at Texas A&M University lat­er this month, fol­low­ing a dev­as­tat­ing string of storms that has affect­ed mil­lions across Texas, Florida and the Caribbean.

The event, called “Deep from the Heart: The One America Appeal Concert,” will be host­ed by the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and fea­ture per­for­mances from musi­cians includ­ing Alabama, The Gatlin Brothers, Lyle Lovett and Cassadee Pope. All funds raised from tick­et sales will go to help storm victims.

This cat­a­stroph­ic hur­ri­cane sea­son has already caused hun­dreds of bil­lions of dol­lars in prop­er­ty dam­age, dis­placed mil­lions and destroyed entire com­mu­ni­ties,” a press release announc­ing the event said. “As a result, our fel­low Americans are fac­ing over­whelm­ing chal­lenges. The stag­ger­ing, urgent need is sim­ply beyond the capac­i­ty of gov­ern­ment alone to address.”

In a state­ment, George H.W. Bush said the con­cert would empha­size that those affect­ed by hur­ri­canes Harvey, Maria and Irma would be tak­en care of “for the long haul,” say­ing such effort would con­tin­ue “even if the path to recov­ery feels like a road that goes on forever.”

The 43rd pres­i­dent and I, and our dis­tin­guished col­leagues in this ‘One America Appeal,’ are very grate­ful to these won­der­ful per­form­ers — some of them old friends, some of them new — for giv­ing their time and tal­ent to help the urgent cause of hur­ri­cane recov­ery in Texas, Florida, and the Caribbean,” the elder Bush said in a state­ment.

Donald Trump is unaf­fil­i­at­ed with the cam­paign, but has trav­eled to TexasFlorida and most recent­ly Puerto Rico after the storms passed. Trump came under fire on Tuesday for throw­ing paper tow­els at sur­vivors of Hurricane Maria and say­ing the storm wasn’t a “real cat­a­stro­phe” like Hurricane Katrina, even though 3 mil­lion res­i­dents were with­out pow­er at the time.

The White House on Wednesday asked Congress for an addi­tion­al $29 bil­lion in aid to help Puerto Rico and oth­er areas recov­er from the storms, includ­ing near­ly $13 bil­lion for FEMA.