Alabama Pastor Arrested While Watering His Neighbor’s Flowers..

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Pastor Jennings

Dumb big­ot­ed cops, the bane of police depart­ments across America no longer the excep­tions as some would have you believe they are the rule. The idea is not to pro­tect and serve; it is to bul­ly, arrest and even kill.
Pastor Jennings did iden­ti­fy him­self even though he had no oblig­a­tion to do that; he also told them he lived right across the street.
Here we have a trio of hick cops, includ­ing what appears to be a super­vi­sor with no abil­i­ty to think crit­i­cal­ly, who went to the arrest option rather than walk away after they saw that there was no crime being committed.
The crime pas­tor Jennings com­mit­ted was “con­tempt of cop.”
First, they refer to him as ‘man,’ not sir, ‘lis­ten to me, man.’ How do I know you were water­ing flow­ers? Because he had a water hose in his hand with after flow from it.
Here is the thing, these men­tal midgets would have approached a white man com­plete­ly; dif­fer­ent­ly, it would have been hi there, sir; sor­ry to both­er you, and there would have been no demand for identification.
Furthermore, Pastor Jennings [did] tell the clown that he was pas­tor Jennings and that he was water­ing his neigh­bor’s flowers.
That ought to have been the end of it; sor­ry to both­er you sir and be on their way. But they are so addict­ed to demand­ing black peo­ple’s iden­ti­fi­ca­tions that they are not sure how to oper­ate when they are told no.
Even when they have the per­son­’s name, they now demand their social secu­ri­ty num­ber, which they have absolute­ly no right to.
The tragedy inher­ent in this sad affair is that they actu­al­ly planned what kind of charge to ginn up to charge him with on cam­era. The charge they end­ed up with was ‘obstruc­tion of gov­ern­men­tal oper­a­tions, which was prompt­ly dismissed.
The white woman refused to give her name and was allowed to walk away with­out charge.

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