After The Polls Zimbabweans Wait

After assum­ing office sev­er­al months ago, the for­mer deputy President of the ZANU par­ty Emmerson Mnangagwa seeks legit­i­ma­cy from new elec­tions held July 30th, and sanc­tions put in place by some west­ern pow­ers in response to Mugabe’s land reform poli­cies in that country.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa gives a speech at the ZANU-PF ral­ly at the White City Stadium in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Saturday. Shortly after his speech end­ed, there was an explo­sion. Claire Harbage/​NPR

Mnangagwa came into pow­er last November after divi­sions in the ZANU-PF par­ty caused mas­sive upheaval. Weeks of polit­i­cal chaos led for­mer President Robert Mugabe to resign after 37 years in office.
The results of the elec­tions may not be known for days yet even though the leader of the

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On the oth­er side of the coin the head of the largest oppo­si­tion par­ty, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party,40-year-old Nelson Chamisa has tweet­ed that he has already won the elec­tions, though the Zimbabwe Election Commission(ZEC) has not announced a win­ner and has cau­tioned can­di­dates in the elec­tions not to make any announce­ments until (ZEC) has cer­ti­fied the elec­tion results.

The next three days should be a tense wait as Zimbwebians hun­gry for a dif­fer­ent approach wait to see whether their vote will tru­ly reflect their inten­tions when they entered the polling booths.
Let’s hear what young Nelson Camisa has to say about his vision for Zimbabwe post-Robert Mugabe.