After The Campaigning “Dunn”

On Monday, October 30th vot­ers in the St.Mary South East Constituency will go to the polls to chose a mem­ber of Parliament to rep­re­sent them in the House of Representatives.
The seat became vacant after the sit­ting People’s National Party Member of Parliament Dr. Winston Green passed away. Green had won the seat against the Jamaica Labor Party chal­lenger Dr.Norman Dunn by a mere five(5) votes on the last go around.
This elec­tion has much sig­nif­i­cance for both polit­i­cal par­ties. At issue is a sig­nif­i­cant fact that the Governing JLP would like a bit of breath­ing room over and above the one seat it has in the 63 seat Legislature.
At present, the JLP has 32 seats to the PNP’s 31, win­ning the St Mary South East seat would be a tremen­dous boost to the Andrew Holness led JLP which would be up 33 seats to the PNP’s 30.

Norman Dunn the JLP’s candidate

Conversely, was the PNP to retain that seat the par­ty would retain the sta­tus quo and retain a sit­u­a­tion which keeps Andrew Holness and the JLP look­ing over their shoulders.
Retaining the seat would mean that vot­ers want the PNP to be strong and vig­i­lant in Opposition. Winning that seat would indi­cate a will­ing­ness on the part of at least the peo­ple in that con­stituen­cy to give Holness some lever­age to advance his agenda.

In the 26 years since I left Jamaica not much has changed for the better.
Politics is con­duct­ed the very same way, parochial­ly, and appeal­ing to the most base instincts of the poor­est of our people.
Patching roads by the light of trucks at the last moment, hand­ing out box lunch­es and red stripe beer ‚de-bush­ing exer­cis­es, due to the upcom­ing elec­tions is an insult to the intel­li­gence of the peo­ple, yet those prac­tices form part of the real­i­ty of elec­tion­eer­ing Jamaica style.

Dr. Shane Alexis of the PNP

Positively, it is wor­thy of note that polit­i­cal killings are a thing of the past although mur­der has gone up overall.
The trav­el­ing motor­cades and rev­el­ry asso­ci­at­ed with the cam­paigns lend a bit of nos­tal­gia, a feel­ing rem­i­nis­cent of a sim­pler space in time.
Yet despite the pas­sage of time, it appears that not much has changed since the first nation­al elec­tions were held on the Island.

PM Holness walks bar feet with supporters.

Patronage, Poverty, and Puffery seem to dom­i­nate, despite the pas­sage of time. In the end, the Jamaican peo­ple are still where Jamaica start­ed in 1962 when the nation was first giv­en its independence.
Bad roads, no roads, no lights, no potable water, yet ever the polit­i­cal junkies’ peo­ple flock to cam­paign events hang­ing from the sides and steps of vehi­cles, endan­ger­ing their lives for a few moments of an adren­a­line rush.

On Tuesday they go back to their lives as they were before, gone will be the long line of cam­paign vehi­cles, bod­ies hang­ing off with total oblivion.
Gone will be the horns and loud music one man will be the win­ner, the oth­er the los­er, what will be left is the hor­rid defac­ing imagery of orange and green paint splashed crude­ly on build­ings and walls and even trees to make their point.
Stacks of stick­ers, flags, and cam­paign posters will remain, the only reminder of the cam­paign past.

Phillips a dinosaur of pol­i­tics must take some of the blame for the state of affairs not just in that con­stituen­cy but Island-wide.

The images of our nation’s chief exec­u­tive and the can­di­date walk­ing bare feet across streams is not an endear­ing image as I believe they were intend­ed, rather they rep­re­sent the lack of atten­tion which has been placed on the peo­ple’s busi­ness since 1962.
In fair­ness to the Prime Minister, this can­not be laid at his or Dunn’s bare feet.[no pun intended]
What kind of real pro­tec­tion are those bare feet offi­cers able to give to the Prime Minister con­sid­er­ing the weapons in the hands of ordi­nary crim­i­nals and their brazen­ness today?
There need to be change rem­i­nis­cent of where we are in time, none of this is it and the Jamaican peo­ple are worse off for it.