(Addendum To)How Democrats Got Completely Steamrolled By The Right

As a fol­low-up to my Article writ­ten for (Chatt​-​a​-box​.com) and (Medium​.com) yesterday,

How Democrats Got Completely Steamrolled By The Right

I want to add this lit­tle bit of addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion in sup­port of my the­o­ry that Democratic vot­ers want stronger more clear­ly defined poli­cies from their par­ty as opposed to the luke­warm Republican-lite approach which has clear­ly alien­at­ed many vot­ers the least of which is the mil­i­tant left.

According to ( pol​i​tics​.mya​jc​.com) Turnout among black vot­ers soared in last month’s Georgia pri­ma­ry, a show of strength that could bode well for Democrats in this year’s con­tests for gov­er­nor and oth­er statewide offices.
The data show the broad major­i­ty of African-American vot­ers pulled Democratic bal­lots, which could bol­ster the hope of Stacey Abrams, who is rac­ing to be the nation’s first black female gov­er­nor. Her Republican oppo­nent will be decid­ed in a July 24 runoff between Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle and Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

Abrams built her elec­toral strat­e­gy around ener­giz­ing left-lean­ing vot­ers, includ­ing minori­ties, with lib­er­al stances on gun con­trol, crim­i­nal jus­tice ini­tia­tives, and tax pol­i­cy. Her approach was vin­di­cat­ed with a whop­ping vic­to­ry over her oppo­nent, who aimed for a more cen­trist appeal.

A strong case to be made for the Democratic par­ty to stop being a door­mat for the Republican par­ty which has now become a right-wing Fascist par­ty of white men.
Sure vot­ers who leave the Republican par­ty or more appro­pri­ate­ly whom the Republican par­ty has left need a par­ty which reflects their val­ues. Nevertheless, the idea that so-called mod­er­ate Republicans will not sup­port a stri­dent­ly left-lean­ing Democratic Party which sup­ports work­ers rights, uni­ver­sal health­care for all, among oth­er work­ing class issues is patent­ly wrong.

Never lose sight of the fact that many of those vot­ers were actu­al­ly called Reagan Democrats, and many of them vot­ed for Barack Obama twice.
Voters want polit­i­cal par­ties which reflect their values.