
Recently Retired Senior Superintendent of Police Renetto Adams came out scathing­ly against the Jamaican police force he served for 41 years.

download (8)The JLP under (Sir Alexander) Bustamante dealt effec­tive­ly with the Coral Gardens riots of 1963; Mr (Edward) Seaga, when he was prime min­is­ter, gave up a list of 13 crim­i­nals to include the infa­mous ‘Dudus’ (Christopher Coke), but the com­mis­sion­er at the time Col (Trevor) MacMillan failed to act upon it. Those 13 men have all either been killed or are in prison,” Adams said.Read more: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​A​d​ams – Scrap-the-police-force#ixzz2Y1HlgyTJ

Senior Superintendent Adams is a for­mer cop who came to promi­nence some­where in the mid to late 1990’s, dur­ing my time in the depart­ment I nev­er saw him at any crime scenes, The CIB fra­ter­ni­ty was real­ly a tight-knit fraternity.Jamaican crime fight­ers, with the excep­tion of cer­tain units out of the Mobile Reserve and a few uni­form cops were main­ly plain clothes officers.

Adams rose to infamy for sev­er­al con­tro­ver­sial killings, includ­ing the Krawle killings in which sev­er­al young men lost their lives , as well as an ill-advised for­ay into Tivoli Gardens (or as he calls it Ti-va-li)which again end­ed with sev­er­al peo­ple killed. One thing I learned and tried to remem­ber while I served was not seek fame, do the job and go home. The Jamaican pub­lic endeared them­selves to cer­tain police offi­cers because those offi­cers were tough, kind, gen­tle, depend­able, hon­est, trust­wor­thy, nev­er because they are bru­tal. Many cops opt­ed for the lat­ter and found out real quick­ly that what emanates from that is hatred and resentment.

Former Superintendent Adams loves polic­ing, he wants to see a crime free Jamaica like many of us do. He has made eye­brow-rais­ing com­ments in the past, but his recent com­ments call­ing for the dis­band­ment of the police force has lit­er­al­ly shown that the deci­sion not to con­sid­er him for the top cop job was a sound one.

I find his com­ments to be self serv­ing and small-mind­ed. Adams argues that the force is cor­rupt, that is true, there are far too many offi­cers in the force who should not be, but by and large I believe this com­mis­sion­er has done a good job in weed­ing out bad cops from the depart­ment. A for­mer col­league of mine appro­pri­ate­ly asked why did Adams not call for the dis­band­ment of the force while he was serv­ing for a full 41 years?

Were the deci­sion to be tak­en to dis­band the police force what would be put in it’s place in the inter­im? Adams argues that after dis­band­ing the depart­ment the author­i­ties should embark on a process of select­ing qual­i­fied clean can­di­dates to fill the posi­tions. Might I inquire from mis­ter Adams where would these peo­ple come from? Would they come from the same pop­u­la­tion pool, or would Jamaican author­i­ties have to go to the plan­et kryp­ton to find these Superman type cops Adams references.

I sug­gest that mis­ter Adams find con­struc­tive ways to aid the rule of law as so many are doing after hav­ing left, we love Jamaica that’s the rea­son we decid­ed to serve, don’t make a spec­ta­cle of your­self, if you have noth­ing good to say shut up.

2 thoughts on “Adams”

  1. Mike , I have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty of work­ing with Mr. Adams and he can best be described, euphemisti­cal­ly, as an intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged man , a nar­cis­sist and an ego­tist. He uses the the media to raise his pro­file and have mas­tered the art of pub­lic­i­ty and it has worked for him . He is a man of many words and lit­tle action most of the engage­ments were done by blind com­mit­ted sub­or­di­nates He is now the own­er of a secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny and a secu­ri­ty con­sul­tant. Given his pre­vi­ous motives remain­ing vis­i­ble in the pub­lic eye ben­e­fits him . There can be no oth­er ratio­nal expla­na­tion ‚com­ing from some­one who sug­gest that the Force should be dis­band­ed . I am not au fait with the con­text in which the state­ment was made , how­ev­er, pri­ma fascie , this would be an absurd state­ment to make giv­en the pre­vail­ing circumstances.

  2. I total­ly concur,his state­ments are always intemperate,devoid of though, and seem to always be the first self-serv­ing thing which comes to his mouth. Bad as that is , the real cul­prits are those in the media which con­tin­ue to give him a plat­form for his rants.

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