Actress Maureen O’Hara Dies At 95

Irish-American actress Maureen O'Hara has died. She was 95.
Irish-American actress Maureen O’Hara has died. She was 95.

Irish-American actress Maureen O’Hara has died. She was 95.

The Parent Trap star’s fam­i­ly con­firmed to The Irish Times that she passed away from nat­ur­al caus­es in her sleep on Saturday.

The FitzSimons fam­i­ly (O’Hara was born Maureen FitzSimons) issued a state­ment, say­ing, “Maureen was our lov­ing moth­er, grand­moth­er, great-grand­moth­er and friend. She passed peace­ful­ly sur­round­ed by her lov­ing fam­i­ly as they cel­e­brat­ed her life lis­ten­ing to music from her favorite movie, The Quiet Man.”

Per the Irish Times, the fam­i­ly praised O’Hara, who received an hon­orary Academy Award in 2014, for hav­ing brought “unyield­ing strength and sud­den sen­si­tiv­i­ty to every role she played.”.

Her char­ac­ters were feisty and fear­less, just as she was in real life,” the fam­i­ly’s state­ment con­tin­ued. “She was also proud­ly Irish and spent her entire life­time shar­ing her her­itage and the won­der­ful cul­ture of the Emerald Isle with the world.”

O’Hara’s fam­i­ly not­ed in their state­ment that while she “cher­ished her pri­va­cy, she always appre­ci­at­ed the expres­sions of good will from peo­ple around the world and from all walks of life. She espe­cial­ly loved it when chil­dren recog­nised her from her role in Miracle on 34th Street and asked her: ‘Are you the lady who knows Santa Claus?’ She always answered: ‘Yes I am. What would you like me to tell him?’ ”

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The late actress’s fam­i­ly, which includes her daugh­ter Brownyn FitzSimons, said, per The Irish Times, “While we mourn the loss of a very won­der­ful woman, we also cel­e­brate her remark­able life and hope that it serves as an exam­ple to young peo­ple around the world, espe­cial­ly in Ireland, to work hard to make their dreams come true and to always have the courage to stand up for themselves.”

The fam­i­ly not­ed, per The Irish Times, that for those wish­ing to hon­or O’Hara, they “have a sim­ple request: vis­it Ireland one day and think of her.”
See more here : Actress Maureen O’Hara Dies at 95