Absolutely Stunning!!

upper chamber
upper cham­ber

Predators and prey, as it is in the Animal Kingdom so too is it with humans. Animals instinc­tive­ly react vio­lent­ly out of the need to eat or when they are threat­ened. Humans on the oth­er hand sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly cal­cu­late how to prey on oth­ers . The defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic which sep­a­rates the two species is the abil­i­ty of humans to rea­son. Since we are able to rea­son , it fol­lows there­fore that when we decid­ed­ly kill some­one, we simul­ta­ne­ous­ly give up the right to expect clemency.

Opposition Senator Merlene Malahoo Forte made an absolute fool of her­self in her con­tri­bu­tion to the debate on a Bill which seeks to expunge the Record of Jamaicans con­vict­ed for pos­sess­ing small quan­ti­ties of Marijuana. In her con­tri­bu­tion the Opposition Senator sug­gest­ed that the record of mur­der­ers should also be expunged as every­one deserves a sec­ond chance. Forte went on to say quote: “In some coun­tries peo­ple are reha­bil­i­tated for the offence of mur­der. Our own Privy Council has stat­ed that not every­one who kills and is con­victed of mur­der should be regard­ed as a mur­derer, in the tra­di­tional sense.

I believe I am miss­ing some­thing here, but what? What am I upset about ?


1) I would like to see the data on reha­bil­i­tat­ed mur­der­ers, and the coun­tries from which they come.

Not every­one who kill and is con­vict­ed of mur­der should be regard­ed as a mur­der­er in the tra­di­tion­al sense?

News for the good­ly Senator/​former Magistrate. If some­one is con­vict­ed of mur­der, that per­son is a mur­der­er. I under­stand that many of the Liberal Elites in Jamaica would like to call vicious killers some­thing else , but they are murderers.

If there are mit­i­gat­ing cir­cum­stances in the com­mis­sion of the offense then the offend­er most cer­tain­ly would have been con­vict­ed of a less­er offense. If it isn’t mur­der the evi­dence may point to Conspiracy. It may point to Manslaughter, It may be mur­der or even manslaugh­ter in a less­er degree based on said spe­cial circumstance.

There is no way how­ev­er to make mur­der pret­ty ‚it is the killing of a human being by anoth­er human with mal­ice aforethought.

If the evi­dence does not sup­port this cri­te­ria , then it was not mur­der. Now I’m not sure what coun­try the Senator is ref­er­enc­ing. Some Scandinavian nations are very cre­ative in the way they approach Punishing crim­i­nals. I am yet to learn whether they actu­al­ly expunge the records of con­vict­ed mur­der­ers. In fact their approach to pun­ish­ment cou­pled with their eco­nom­ic bouyan­cy may be a sig­nif­i­cant fac­tor in their extreme­ly low mur­der rates.

Jamaica has one of the World’s high­est inci­dence of mur­der. Criminals kill with wan­ton dis­re­gard for life. Why would any­one in a posi­tion to influ­ence and shape Policy want mur­der­ers to walk around with pris­tine records. What is the moti­va­tion then for those who decide not to take life.

In Christian Theology it is report­ed that two thieves were cru­ci­fied with Jesus Christ. Jesus did not inter­vene, he did not try to change the penal­ty imposed on them by law. He offered one eter­nal life because he repent­ed. Despite the belief that that thief found solace in the Lord , he still paid the price for his crimes. Actions have consequences.

There is absolute­ly noth­ing wrong with redemp­tion for killers after they pay their debt to soci­ety. We sim­ply do not expunge their record. You get to have a clean record by not com­mit­ting crimes. What is the reward for those who play by the rules? What is the idea behind the con­stant desire to reward the most despi­ca­ble and brutish among us?

Just recent­ly two men report­ed­ly walked into a Car deal­er­ship and sum­mar­i­ly exe­cut­ed a man­ag­er on Maxfield Avenue. Thanks to Technology one of the killers has been appre­hend­ed. This case is no dif­fer­ent than the hun­dreds of homi­cides com­mit­ted in the tiny Caribbean nation annu­al­ly. It is just one where the killer was iden­ti­fied. On the rare occa­sion these dement­ed cretins are caught and con­vict­ed , how could any sane per­son want their record expunged?