Absolute Hypocrisy !!!

Now that the new report con­firmed that TOM BRADY knew about and par­tic­i­pat­ed in deflat­ing the foot­balls against the COLTS,wonder what the gold­en boy’s pun­ish­ment will be.
Will there be two types of jus­tice in his pun­ish­ment as there is in the gen­er­al jus­tice system.?
Already we are hear­ing all types of nuanced expla­na­tions and attempts to excuse him.
This guy stood before the nation­al media and lied unequivocally.
On Television they speak about this trag­ic betray­al of trust as if its nothing.
Panelist smile and use flow­ery lan­guage to refer to Tom Brady.
Ex-NFL play­ers, black and white, act as if what Tom Brady did was no big deal. They use lan­guage like step­ping over the line.
I under­stand the blacks have to par­rot the nar­ra­tive, after all they want to con­tin­ue see­ing their mugs on TV.

Brady at speaking event
Brady at speak­ing event

What the hell is step­ping over the line? Some even admit to break­ing rules in a sor­did attempt to make the pub­lic believe what Brady and the Patriots did is no big deal.
If tam­per­ing with game-balls was no big deal why does the League have it’s Referees inspect game-balls pri­or to games?
The truth of the mat­ter is that it is a big deal. If balls are under-inflat­ed it allows quar­ter­backs and oth­er ball han­dlers to have a bet­ter grip on the ball than a ball which is ful­ly inflated.
In wet con­di­tions this could make all the dif­fer­ence whether a quar­ter­back is able to throw the ball with pin-point accu­ra­cy or not.
It’s all about hav­ing a good grip on the ball.

It may also be the dif­fer­ence in whether a receiv­er is able to cor­ral an errant pass.
Simply put, deflat­ed balls give the team which uses them a decid­ed edge over its competitor.
I am not inter­est­ed in any argu­ment about Brady’s greatness.
I am not inter­est­ed in hear­ing that the Patriots does not need to cheat to win.
The fact is from all accounts they cheat­ed to gain and advan­tage , it’s not the first time they have been caught cheating.
I am inclined to believe that if they have been caught cheat­ing twice that maybe its the way the go about doing business.
So when the hyp­ocrites ask stu­pid­ly, whether the cham­pi­onships the Patriots won are taint­ed, I encour­age them to step back and lis­ten to them­selves make ass­es of them­selves, when they ask those asi­nine questions.

The face of a cheat
The face of a cheat

If you cheat to win , you are a cheater, what­ev­er you derive as a result of your unscrupu­lous actions is taint­ed, dirty and filthy.
The text mes­sages between the two equip­ment guys accord­ing to the inves­ti­ga­tions, revealed all any­one needs to know, they spoke at length about deflat­ing the balls for Brady.
Not just that, but Brady refused to coöper­ate with the inves­ti­ga­tions, he d
id not give them access to his text mes­sages or email which he knew would direct­ly impli­cate him.
On that note this guy should be sus­pend­ed for an entire sea­son and although the game was not the Super-Bowl they should lose the tro­phy .
Nothing else in my mind will be pun­ish­ment enough.
If a slap on the wrist is what it takes to cheat and win then why would teams not do it and pay the money?
It is not the first time the Patriots orga­ni­za­tion have been caught cheating.
They stole the New York Jets signs and were giv­en a slap on the wrist by the league.

This orga­ni­za­tion is not a win­ner it is a despi­ca­ble cheat­ing orga­ni­za­tion.
Sports is sup­posed to be sacro­sanct, noble, it
is sup­posed to rep­re­sent the best of our efforts.
And when you lose you pick your­self up, dust your­self off, go back to the draw­ing board and re cal­i­brate.
It is the great­est exam­ple of how we should live our lives
When you cheat at sports all of that is destroyed.

This cheating liar had a chance to come clean when asked about deflate-gate . He chose not tell the truth
This cheat­ing liar had a chance to come clean when asked about deflate-gate .
He chose not tell the truth

Lance Armstrong cheat­ed and lied for years, his actions gets brushed under the table like they nev­er existed.
Ben Roethlisberger abused young women the media and some in soci­ety pre­tend­ed he did not do any­thing wrong.
Marion Jones received prison time for less. For years they went after Barry Bonds in an effort to put him in prison.
The fact that Bonds is not in prison is not because they haven’t tried.
Countless oth­er play­ers have been severe­ly pun­ished for smok­ing mar­i­jua­na or using oth­er banned substances.
They sav­aged Michael Vick for par­tic­i­pat­ing in a dog-fight­ing ring, some­thing which is cul­tur­al where Vick came from.

 quarterback Tom Brady arrives by helicopter for a speaking event at Salem State
quar­ter­back Tom Brady arrives by heli­copter for a speak­ing event at Salem State

The lev­el of utter hypocrisy is stun­ning, it stinks to high heaven.
Rice was pun­ished for punch­ing out his wife, some­thing inex­cus­able but which occurred off the field. So too was Adrian Petersen sus­pend­ed by the league, his crime spank­ing his own kid, again it’s his right to pun­ish his kid as long as he does not abuse the child.
The Government ought to have no right to dic­tate to par­ents whether they can scold their child or not. Petersen was pun­ished in the jus­tice sys­tem and sus­pend­ed by the NFL.
Yesterday Tom Brady arrived by heli­copter to thun­der­ous applause to deliv­er a speech to an audi­to­ri­um of ador­ing sec­u­lar hedo­nis­tic hypocrites.