Abbott Floats Clemency For Indicted Austin Police Officers

So as you read this sto­ry, you will see exact­ly what is hap­pen­ing in the United States, using the log­ic of crim­i­nal Donald Trump, who did not see crim­i­nals he did not like or want to par­don regard­less of their crimes, except, of course, if they were Black.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has decid­ed to fur­ther politi­cize the vio­lence that crim­i­nal cops per­pet­u­ate on cit­i­zens dai­ly. Violence that result in seri­ous injuries and 1055 dead cit­i­zens in 2021 at the hands of police officers.
Just take a wild guess at the race of the peo­ple abused by the igno­rant, brutish thugs that Gregg Abbott wants to grant clemen­cy to? (Publisher)

Greg Abbott

Greg Abbott lashed out Wednesday at the local pros­e­cu­tor in his state’s cap­i­tal, float­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of clemen­cy to 19 Austin police offi­cers indict­ed for tac­tics used dur­ing 2020 demon­stra­tions against racial injustice.
Abbott, a Republican, allud­ed to the local police union’s asser­tion that charg­ing the offi­cers was a “polit­i­cal sham” in his first pub­lic state­ment on the indict­ments, includ­ing against two offi­cers involved in injury cas­es that the city has offered to pay mil­lions of dol­lars to set­tle. “In Austin, law enforce­ment offi­cers defend­ed the state Capitol from crim­i­nal assault, pro­tect­ed the Austin Police Department head­quar­ters from being over­run, cleared the inter­state from being shut down, and dis­rupt­ed crim­i­nal activ­i­ty in areas across the city,” Abbott said. “Many offi­cers were phys­i­cal­ly attacked while pro­tect­ing Austin. Those offi­cers should be praised for their efforts, not prosecuted.”
The gov­er­nor’s state­ment did not men­tion demon­stra­tors who were hurt, includ­ing some critically.

Nelson Linder, pres­i­dent of the Austin NAACP, said the governor’s announce­ment seemed pre­ma­ture and sent the wrong mes­sage on police bru­tal­i­ty. “I think it shows an imbal­ance in the city when it comes to pub­lic safe­ty,” Linder said.
“As a Black per­son and Brown per­son and for every­one else as well, we ought to be very con­cerned about the politi­ciza­tion of police mis­con­duct,” Linder said.
Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza’s cam­paign promised to take a tougher stance on police account­abil­i­ty, but he has denied that the charges are dri­ven by politics.
In a state­ment Wednesday, Garza’s office said: “no one is above the law” and that the inves­ti­ga­tion into the mat­ter con­tin­ues. Read the remain­der of the sto­ry here. https://​news​.yahoo​.com/​a​b​b​o​t​t​-​f​l​o​a​t​s​-​c​l​e​m​e​n​c​y​-​i​n​d​i​c​t​e​d​-​a​u​s​t​i​n​-​1​9​2​8​0​5​3​5​6​.​h​tml