A Texas Police Officer Who Once Gave A Homeless Man A Feces Sandwich Has Been Fired Again After Outpouring Of Anger

This is typ­i­cal of how things get done. Rather than fire these mis­cre­ants and take their law enforce­ment cre­den­tials which pre­vent them from ever serv­ing as police offi­cers when they do things like these, they allow them to go where­upon oth­er depart­ments hire them.

By Alia Shoaib.

  • A Texas police offi­cer was fired from the San Antonio police depart­ment after two inci­dents involv­ing feces.
  • In one inci­dent, offi­cer Matthew Luckhurst fed a home­less man a sand­wich with feces in it.
  • He was lat­er hired by the Floresville depart­ment but has been fired after an out­pour­ing of anger.

A Texas police offi­cer, who first lost his job in 2016 after giv­ing a home­less man a feces sand­wich, has been fired by a sec­ond Texan police depart­ment, reports said.

The San Antonio police depart­ment indef­i­nite­ly released Matthew Luckhurst after a sep­a­rate inci­dent in 2016. He was lat­er hired by the police depart­ment in Floresville, Texas, local out­let KSAT reported

The city’s may­or said there had been an out­pour­ing of emails from locals who were unhap­py Luckhurst had been re-employed as a police officer.

Mayor Cissy Gonzalez-Dippel said in a state­ment: “Matthew Luckhurst was released from employ­ment with the Floresville Police Department yes­ter­day Dec. 13th.”

Our city man­ag­er, Andy Joslin is imple­ment­ing stricter hir­ing poli­cies for all city of Floresville employ­ees. He is also work­ing with Chief Herrera on the Reserve program.”

Luckhurst was first ter­mi­nat­ed by the San Antonio police in 2016 after an inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion deter­mined that he placed feces between slices of bread and gave it to a home­less man while on duty, accord­ing to KSAT.

The police offi­cer won an appeal over the feces sand­wich inci­dent due to a local gov­ern­ment code that pre­vents offi­cers from being dis­ci­plined for con­duct occur­ring over 180 days ago, the out­let reported.

He was lat­er giv­en a sec­ond indef­i­nite sus­pen­sion fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion into a sep­a­rate inci­dent in which he alleged­ly failed to flush feces down a toi­let in the wom­en’s restroom at the down­town bike patrol office and spread a “brown tapi­o­ca-like sub­stance” on the seat.

Luckhurst took respon­si­bil­i­ty for the toi­let inci­dent but said it was a prank and apol­o­gized: “In hind­sight, it was imma­ture,” he said at a hear­ing, per KSAT.

However, he did not win his appeal against the toi­let inci­dent. The arbi­tra­tor assigned to the case decid­ing that SAPD Chief William McManus was jus­ti­fied in ter­mi­nat­ing him, cit­ing the “egre­gious nature of Luckhurst’s con­duct aimed at women.”