A Tale Of Two Cities, (not) By Charles Dickens

view from the deck of the shadows restaurant, overlooking the shadows marina
view from the deck of the Shadows restau­rant, over­look­ing the shad­ows marina

In my last Blog I high­light­ed the dis­par­i­ty in the way the city of Poughkeepsie was being run. I talked about the lack of Sanitation ser­vices in some parts of the city while oth­er parts are kept in pris­tine con­di­tion. I also

garbage strewn streets derelict buildings and crime is a staple on the 500 block
garbage strewn streets, derelict build­ings and crime are sta­ples on the 500 block

made clear that the Mayor needs to do a bet­ter job as all res­i­dents of the City deserve the same treatment.

I must also add that it is the respon­si­bil­i­ty or res­i­dents to take care of their com­mu­ni­ty. Eating from a paper plate and then sim­ply drop­ping it on the side­walk after fin­ish­ing the meal is com­mon sight here. The notion of walk­ing and eat­ing a full meal is prob­a­bly an alien con­cept to some of you , not so here. In some instances piz­za box­es are strewn on the side­walk, left exact­ly where the piz­za ran out or where the wind dis­card­ed it .

The dif­fer­ence in the life of the city is very sharp. Poverty, drugs , vio­lence, guns and sol­id mid­dle class life coex­ist togeth­er. Yet as if miles apart. It occurred to me today as I had brunch with my wife, that at the risk of sound­ing arro­gant or grand, life is large­ly depen­dent on the choic­es we make. We can decide to com­plain about the things which are wrong in our lives. Just how poor we are, just how bad­ly we have been treat­ed, or we may use those adver­si­ties as cat­a­lysts to empow­er ourselves.

Our city is infest­ed with drug users and push­ers. A few days ago a young man Shiquan M. Krouser, 27, was shot and killed by 1400949637000-db-shooting-0514-3586Police. It is alleged that he attacked and injured a female police offi­cer. Police respond­ed to a report of a man who was “dust­ed up” — high on angel dust or PCP — “caus­ing a dis­tur­bance, stop­ping cars, yelling and scream­ing,” at the inter­sec­tion of Main and Academy streets ear­ly Saturday morn­ing, “all they (offi­cers) know is the per­son they encoun­tered,” Chief Ron Knapp said. http://​www​.pough​keep​siejour​nal​.com/​s​t​o​r​y​/​n​e​w​s​/​c​r​i​m​e​/​2​0​1​4​/​0​5​/​2​7​/​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​n​a​a​c​p​-​i​n​v​e​s​t​i​g​a​t​e​-​s​h​o​o​t​i​n​g​/​9​6​4​7​1​75/

20140608_135925One could argue that the chal­lenges fac­ing the City Of Poughkeepsie are no dif­fer­ent than any oth­er city. There may be some ele­ment of truth to that.

I believe how­ev­er, that in a city this small , the dis­par­i­ty is pret­ty wide. Walk the streets of this city and you get a feel for what I’m talk­ing about. Drugs can be sourced on almost every cor­ner. Prostitutes roam the streets night and day 20140608_142939and shoot­ings are nev­er far away.

Inside the Shadows Restaurant the Sunday after­noon crowd enjoyed fine din­ing in a com­fort­able and ele­gant atmos­phere. It does seem we chose to live the way we live .20140608_142949 We are not bound by our present cir­cum­stance. How we react to adver­si­ties will impact what hap­pens to us going for­ward. Truly Poughkeepsie is a lot like oth­er American cities, she has some chal­lenges not found in oth­er cities how­ev­er. Residents of this Mid ‑Hudson City can do bet­ter to remove this stig­ma that our city is just a drug town where peo­ple go to get high, or as one crit­ic told me once ” a place where old peo­ple retire” .

This is a city where one is nev­er far from the Hudson River. The new­ly ren­o­vat­ed Walk-way over the Hudson is one of America’s newest and most scenic National Parks. We have two fab­u­lous Colleges here, State of the Art Hospitals and great din­ing. This lit­tle City on the Hudson can be a great place to live, it all depends on we the people.