The United States Supreme Court today pulled off a stroke of bril­liant but devi­ous genius in the way it han­dled two deci­sions before it. Yesterday June 252013, the world learned that the United States through its high­est court, struck down sec­tion 5 of the land-mark 1965 vot­ing rights act signed by President Lyndon Johnson.

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President Lyndon Johnson and Dr Martin Luther King

The 1965 vot­ing Rights Act was a fit­ting cli­max to decades of atroc­i­ties vis­it­ed on African-Americans who only wished to par­tic­i­pate in the con­cept of democ­ra­cy, the right to vote. These atroc­i­ties includ­ed the most grue­some mur­ders, rape, and a pletho­ra oth­er crimes. It guar­an­teed Blacks in America the right to take part in the notion pre­sent­ed in the Constitution that all men are cre­at­ed equal.

The right to vote, is the right to be involved in the demo­c­ra­t­ic process of one man one vote. It is the cor­ner-stone of the prin­ci­ple of democ­ra­cy. Yet over the last 4 hun­dred years in America, the white major­i­ty did not allow black Americans to enjoy the dig­ni­ty of being humans in a land they set­tled long before Christopher Columbus even got here.

Many African-Americans Jews, and gen­tile whites died to win that sim­ple right that the white major­i­ty takes for grant­ed as a result of white priv­i­lege. Notwithstanding the US Supreme Court struck down sec­tion 5 of that Act , know­ing full well that the dys­func­tion­al Congress may nev­er be able to fine tune this Act. Ironically, the pri­ma­ry rea­son the major­i­ty sites for changes to the Act through Chief Justice Roberts is that the South of yes­ter­year no longer exist. The shock­ing real­i­ty of this state­ment is that the Right wing of this court is argu­ing that the Act should be changed because it has been suc­cess­ful. It is no sur­prise that John Roberts want­ed that Law changed even as a young lawyer in the Reagan Administration.

In the minor­i­ty dis­sent writ­ten by Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, she argues that the action of the court is tan­ta­mount to throw­ing out your umbrel­la in a rain-storm because you aren’t get­ting wet. It was a shock­ing­ly cal­lous and bla­tant dis­re­gard for the gross injus­tices which has been inflict­ed on African-Americans in this coun­try. Acquiescing to the demands of Shelby County Alabama, when they can shown no harm that the law has done is uncon­scionable. It is a slap in the face to well mean­ing peo­ple all over the world, and an affront to their dignity.

Striking down sec­tion 5 of the Voting Rights Acts in fact say­ing “We know you have been bad but because we made sure you are not bad any­more we will stop ensur­ing that you remain good”. This makes no sense, many of the peo­ple who were around in the ear­ly 1960’s stand­ing in the way of African-Americans right to vote are still alive and a part of the process there.

Even so ‚over the last elec­tion cycle there have been bla­tant­ly overt attempts to pre­vent peo­ple of col­or from vot­ing all across America. How could a court get a deci­sion so bla­tant­ly wrong? Except of course, that the deci­sion of that court is a part of an orches­trat­ed strat­e­gy to return blacks to the pre-civ­il rights era.


The deci­sion of the Supreme Court the very next day June 26th 2013 which strikes down the Federal Defense of mar­riage act, is a bril­liant yet devi­ous stroke of genius. The Court is patent­ly aware that the eupho­ria of Gays being allowed to mar­ry would be momentous.

The 5 right wing judges which swept away the rights of African Americans just a day ear­li­er under­stands that their shame­ful deci­sion would be over-shad­owed by their lat­est actions , that of strik­ing down DOMA . They gam­bled it would lit­er­al­ly sweep away their cal­lous actions of the day before like a Tsunami, they were right.

All across America gays and les­bians, and those who sup­port mar­riage equal­i­ty are in cel­e­bra­to­ry mode, while the rights of almost 40 mil­lion black peo­ple were set back almost 50 years in one egre­gious and shame­ful rul­ing. They had to know the impli­ca­tions, yet they did it any­way. I often won­dered what it must have felt like to live in the America of the 50’s and 60’s, yes­ter­day I felt like I was right there.

No one will be talk­ing about the grave injus­tice done to blacks in that deci­sion of Shelby coun­ty Vs Holder, it will all dis­ap­pear in the eupho­ria of the rul­ing giv­ing gays and les­bians the right to mar­ry. Once again Black Americans are pawns in the process, a total­ly dis­pos­able and despised people.


  1. Everything to enhance the white agen­da, the court has been always there as their part­ner. They hate that in a few years they are going to a minor­i­ty. This action is tan­ta­mount to judi­cial activism. It is a sad day for black peo­ple in the coun­try where they claim all peo­ple are “equal.” The only thing this court is doing is plant­i­ng the seeds of extinc­tion of the “Republican Party” each time they and their oper­a­tives do some­thing to pre­vent the blacks and Hispanics to par­tic­i­pate in the polit­i­cal process; they came out in num­bers nev­er seen before, this is a blow to the minor­i­ty, but it only strength­ens and unites us more. Thanks to these “Devils” on the Highest Court in America. They are the dev­ils in gowns, and their place and seat are reserved in “hell!” I hope when I die, I am one of the enforcers of the Lord’s law! To God be the glo­ry; hatred only breeds hatred, our gen­er­a­tions are not like our ances­tors. You can­not cud­dled, love or show­er your ene­mies with ros­es, you pray that the good Lord take care of them with his pow­er which no man on earth can counter.
    What don’t kill us make us stronger!!! This only embold­ens me to vote for any “Democrat” even a dog. I don’t care who the Republicans will is beside the “D” nev­er, ever get my vote, never!!!

    • Thanks for your con­tin­ued vig­i­lance to the cause of the rule of law and jus­tice Chris. I admire your courage in speak­ing truth to pow­er, not con­tent to sit by and enjoy your life sim­ply because you are ok. “Evil per­sists when good men remain silent”
      “A threat to jus­tice any­where is a threat to jus­tice everywhere”.
      The Supreme court gave gays and les­bians the right to mar­ry, even as I reserve the right to dis­agree with their lifestyle, I also under­stand the need to let God Almighty be the judge. And so be it.

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