A Simple Reminder For Portia…

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller

It has been my argu­ment all along, if the Brits want to help Jamaica build a prison we accept the deal , but they keep the Jamaicans who are con­vict­ed of crimes in Britain until they have served their sen­tences after which Jamaica has no choice but to accept her nation­als.
If Jamaica accept the deal as it is pre­sent­ed it auto­mat­i­cal­ly means that any Jamaican who com­mits a crime in England will be sent back to do their time in Jamaica into per­pe­tu­ity.
It’s just that sim­ple.
Again might I remind every­one they are send­ing them back to Jamaica to save Britain mon­ey .
Subsequently they have made the tac­ti­cal gam­ble, that Jamaica a poor coun­try will not be able to resist the lure of the mon­ey they offer.
It is inher­ent­ly a bad deal that Jamaica should not even con­sid­er.
Secondly, even if Britain presents the deal as I artic­u­lat­ed it ought not remove from the table the just issue of reparations.

Thank you Madam Prime Minister.