There was always an under­stand­ing between the two polit­i­cal par­ties in the United States. When there is a National Security cri­sis both par­ties speak with one voice, they coa­lesce around the President. Democrats did it after the September 11th attacks. Also when the President is on a for­eign trip, crit­i­cism of him ceas­es until he returns. This was so even if the oppo­si­tion par­ty dis­agreed with the trip or the details of said trip. Of course this degree of deco­rum, respect and decen­cy was all before Barack Obama became President.

It is now clear that the Republican Party wants noth­ing to do with Black and Brown peo­ple in this coun­try. This is evi­dent from the seques­tra­tion. Their refusal to pass com­pre­hen­sive Immigration Reform. Their assault on the poor, through demo­niza­tion of food-stamp ben­e­fits . Persistently wast­ing time with over 40 attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, (Obama care). An all out assault on the vot­ing Rights Act. Mass incar­cer­a­tion of men of col­or. The pas­sage of dan­ger­ous laws which dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly allows gun owners(usually white) to kill minori­ties with­out con­se­quence. Blanket Obstructionists tac­tics against the Nation’s first Black President, coun­try be damned.


Ted Cruz:

Now one of the so-called ris­ing stars of the Republican Party Ted Cruz, believes that for­mer North Carolina Racist Jesse Helms, was a man to be admired. In fact Cruz wish­es there were a hun­dred Jesse Helms in the United States Senate. Ted Cruz told a group of con­ser­v­a­tives Wednesday that the Senate needs more peo­ple will­ing to say the “crazy things” that the late-Sen. Jesse Helms used to say. “We need 100 more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate.”

images (1)

Helms won his 1990 reelec­tion cam­paign with one of the most racist polit­i­cal ads in recent mem­o­ry — accus­ing his African-American chal­lenger, then-Charlotte may­or Harvey Gantt, of tak­ing jobs from whites to give to blacks — and devot­ed his time to insti­tu­tion­al­iz­ing homo­pho­bia, with attacks on gays and assaults on AIDS fund­ing. To Helms, LGBT Americans were “weak, moral­ly sick wretch­es,” and AIDS edu­ca­tion was “obscene” and “revolt­ing.http://​www​.thedai​ly​beast​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​/​2​0​1​3​/​0​9​/​1​2​/​t​h​e​-​c​r​a​z​y​-​t​e​d​-​c​r​u​z​-​j​e​s​s​e​-​h​e​l​m​s​-​c​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​o​n​.​h​tml.

With stan­dard bear­ers like Ted Cruz, how does the Republican Party intend to have broad appeal going for­ward. Are we to believe that like their denial of cli­mate change and every­thing sci­en­tif­ic, they are also clos­ing their eyes to their shrink­ing white-male base? Or is the Republican Party con­tent to rel­e­gate itself to the side­lines of his­to­ry like those still await­ing the rise of the South.


Russian President Vladimir Putin:

We knew they all hat­ed Obama , but what make me want to vom­it is that Republicans would active­ly side with Russian President Vladimir Putin who wrote an Op-Ed in the New York Times warn­ing against an American attack on Syria.

Putin begins: Recent events sur­round­ing Syria have prompt­ed me to speak direct­ly to the American peo­ple and their polit­i­cal lead­ers. It is impor­tant to do so at a time of insuf­fi­cient com­mu­ni­ca­tion between our soci­eties. Relations between us have passed through dif­fer­ent stages. We stood against each oth­er dur­ing the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeat­ed the Nazis togeth­er. The uni­ver­sal inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion — the United Nations — was then estab­lished to pre­vent such dev­as­ta­tion from ever hap­pen­ing again.http://​www​.wash​ing​ton​post​.com/​b​l​o​g​s​/​w​o​r​l​d​v​i​e​w​s​/​w​p​/​2​0​1​3​/​0​9​/​1​2​/​v​l​a​d​i​m​i​r​-​p​u​t​i​n​s​-​n​e​w​-​y​o​r​k​-​t​i​m​e​s​-​o​p​-​e​d​-​a​n​n​o​t​a​t​e​d​-​a​n​d​-​f​a​c​t​-​c​h​e​c​k​ed/

Putin went on: It is alarm­ing that mil­i­tary inter­ven­tion in inter­nal con­flicts in for­eign coun­tries has become com­mon­place for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term inter­est? I doubt it. Millions around the world increas­ing­ly see America not as a mod­el of democ­ra­cy but as rely­ing sole­ly on brute force, cob­bling coali­tions togeth­er under the slo­gan “you’re either with us or against us.” But force has proved inef­fec­tive and point­less. Afghanistan is reel­ing, and no one can say what will hap­pen after inter­na­tion­al forces with­draw. Libya is divid­ed into tribes and clans. In Iraq the civ­il war con­tin­ues, with dozens killed each day. In the United States, many draw an anal­o­gy between Iraq and Syria, and ask why their gov­ern­ment would want to repeat recent mis­takes. No mat­ter how tar­get­ed the strikes or how sophis­ti­cat­ed the weapons, civil­ian casu­al­ties are inevitable, includ­ing the elder­ly and chil­dren, whom the strikes are meant to pro­tect.

Suffice to say Putin was direct­ly refer­ring to the last Republican President, George W Bush in the above para­graph. What is nau­se­at­ing is that Republicans are falling over them­selves to agree with Vladimir Putin over their own President. This is the most dis­gust­ing­ly unpa­tri­ot­ic dis­play of racial ani­mus imag­in­able. Even as the Op-Ed direct­ly crit­i­cizes the cow-boy atti­tude of Bush,they sided with him than their own President. That in my mind is dan­ger­ous, and counter pro­duc­tive. America’s ene­mies will exploit dif­fer­ences and weak­ness­es. America is strong not because of racist white men, it is so because of the great cor­nu­copia of cul­tures rep­re­sent­ed in this fab­u­lous mosa­ic. The hatred some whites have for Blacks is rep­re­sen­ta­tive of their own short-com­ings. They should get used to the fact that blacks and Native Americans were here long before Christopher Columbus ever set foot on these shores. There is no sham­ing these racists with­in the Republican Party. In fact the entire par­ty is now a safe haven for the most vile despi­ca­ble human life forms. Whether they are from Alaska to Alabama , from Alabama to Texas these cretins have sure­ly show them­selves over the last four years. Their smell has become a real nui­sance now.