
I sat through the case of the Central Park Jogger on chan­nel 13, most peo­ple old enough will recall this case involv­ing 4 young African boys and 1 Latino. . Four of the juve­niles charged — Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, and Kharey Wise — offi­cial­ly con­fessed to the crime, and each impli­cat­ed the oth­ers. A fifth sus­pect, Yusef Salaam, made ver­bal admis­sions, but refused to sign a con­fes­sion or make one on video­tape. Salaam was, how­ev­er, impli­cat­ed by all of the oth­er four and con­vict­ed. Salaam’s sup­port­ers and attor­neys charged on appeal that he had been held by police with­out access to par­ents or guardians, but as the major­i­ty appel­late court deci­sion not­ed, that was because Salaam had ini­tial­ly lied to police in claim­ing to be 16, and had backed up his claim with a tran­sit pass that indeed (false­ly, as it turned out) said that he was 16. If a sus­pect has reached 16 years of age, his par­ents or guardians no longer have a right to accom­pa­ny him dur­ing police ques­tion­ing, or to refuse to per­mit him to answer any ques­tions. When Salaam informed police of his true age, police per­mit­ted his moth­er to be present.[9]Wikipedia.

Having been a law enforce­ment offi­cer and a civil­ian it was one of the most sober­ing moments of my life. It brought home to me in a vis­cer­al way just how wrong the sys­tem can get it when most, or all of us believe that the right man is in custody.

The Central Park Jogger case involved the assault and rape of Trisha Meili, a female jog­ger in New York City’s Central Park, on April 19, 1989. Five juve­nile males — four black and one Hispanic — were tried and con­vict­ed for the crime. The con­vic­tions were vacat­ed in 2002 when Matias Reyes, a con­vict­ed rapist and mur­der­er serv­ing a life sen­tence for oth­er crimes, claimed to have com­mit­ted the crime alone and DNA evi­dence con­firmed his involve­ment in the rape. Wikipedia. This case was a cul­mi­na­tion of a per­fect storm of events which seemed like it was bound to occur when it did. It involved Racism, Police Impropriety, what undue pres­sure on police can cause, media that accept what it’s told and not try doing a lit­tler inves­ti­ga­tion on it’s own and a cor­nu­copia of oth­er variables.


One of the lessons which should have been learned from this case is just how wrong we can get it, when we all in a knee-jerk way accept what­ev­er nar­ra­tive we have been fed. Sitting there watch­ing and lis­ten­ing to the sequence of events it was rather galling as media clips were played with the media prac­tion­ers being mere spec­ta­tors and mouth-pieces for the Government’s case..

The Police depart­ment com­mis­sioned a lawyer to inves­ti­gate what had gone wrong with the case, the result was that the inves­ti­ga­tions revealed that the police depart­ment did noth­ing wrong. Essentially the police depart­ment exon­er­at­ed itself from cul­pa­bil­i­ty. The truth is the Police depart­ment was too macho and ashamed to admit that as far as the case of the cen­tral park jog­ger case was con­cerned they got it hor­ri­bly wrong. This is not new with police depart­ments, and the NYPD is cer­tain­ly chief among offend­ers when it comes to issues like these. The case res­onat­ed with a crescen­do as the 5 young men were being pros­e­cut­ed, it went out with a whim­per as they were exon­er­at­ed. The law is an ass if the prac­tion­ers are too ego­is­ti­cal to say we were wrong and we are sorry.

To this very day the woman who pros­e­cut­ed the case and made a name for her­self still stands by the con­vic­tions even as all of the evi­dence shows they were in fact inno­cent. The 5 young wen were rail­road­ed with threats and coher­sion and promis­es of free­dom , they were lured into believ­ing that if each per­son rat­ted out the oth­er they would all go home. It was a lie. The police depart­ment should have apol­o­gized to them but the police is nev­er wrong so no apol­o­gy has been forth­com­ing to these men who have been so egre­gious­ly wronged. In 2003 the 5 men filed a suit against the city of New York for the harm done to them. Ten years lat­er the case is still in discovery.

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For those who talk about jus­tice and democ­ra­cy, do see this doc­u­men­tary http://​www​.pbs​.org/​k​e​n​b​u​r​n​s​/​c​e​n​t​r​a​l​p​a​r​k​f​i​ve/

Trisha the woman who endured that ordeal of being raped and abused is one of the most sought out inspi­ra­tional speak­ers on the lec­ture cir­cuit. Audiences enjoy Trisha’s ener­gy, wit, and poignant sto­ries about the pow­er of the human spir­it. Through her work, book, and lec­tures, she reach­es out to peo­ple strug­gling through recov­ery from any num­ber of prob­lems, offer­ing Hope and Possibility.