A Peek Into The Rise Of America’s Warrior Cop…

The warrior cop
The war­rior cop

It’s nev­er end­ing, a sit­u­a­tion in law enforce­ment which ought to end rather mild­ly with the arrest of a sus­pect, ends with the sus­pect dead.
Oh by the way the sus­pect is male and just hap­pen to be African-American.
Welcome to the era of the American Warrior cop.
It is sick­en­ing what is hap­pen­ing and it real­ly begs the ques­tion , “who the hell will save Black-America?
I ask this because Black-America is bliss­ful­ly uncon­cerned about it’s own survival. 

Eric Harris was shot and killed by a reserve deputy who fired his gun after alleged­ly mis­tak­ing it for his taser, accord­ing to a state­ment from the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office.

It was a mis­take. That’s the blasé expla­na­tion Oklahoma offi­cials gave after the fatal shoot­ing of an unarmed black man by a white deputy who acci­den­tal­ly pulled his gun when he meant to use his Taser. The encounter was cap­tured on a dis­turb­ing video released by police on Friday — nine days after the fatal Tulsa shooting.

Harris bolt­ed from offi­cers who were try­ing to arrest him for sell­ing a 9 mm. semi­au­to­mat­ic pis­tol and ammu­ni­tion to under­cov­er cops. Harris, who was unarmed, had report­ed­ly done time for assault and bat­tery on an offi­cer. He was “absolute­ly a threat when going down,” Tulsa Police Sgt. Jim Clark said at a news con­fer­ence. Sheriff’s Capt. Billy McKelvey claims the arrest­ing offi­cers were not aware Harris had been shot, despite the gun­shot noise and Bates’ admis­sion. They called para­medics and fire­fight­ers, and ren­dered aid when they real­ized, McKelvey said. “He made an inad­ver­tent mis­take,” McKelvey said.
Sgt. Dave Walker told the Tulsa World that police “would not inves­ti­gate the death unless the sheriff’s office asked them to, and they have not asked us to.”

He shot me! He shot me, man. Oh, my god. I’m los­ing my breath,” Eric Harris says as he strug­gles on the ground fol­low­ing the April 2 shoot­ing, which flew under the radar until video emerged a week later.
“Fuck your breath, “Shut the fuck up!”  One of the Savages shout­ed at Harris.
“You shouldn’t have fuck­ing ran!” anoth­er of the sav­ages screamed.
Eric Harris was pro­nounced dead less than an hour later.

In actu­al­i­ty he may have died right there as the bunch of sav­ages dressed in police attire knelt on his head and kept squeez­ing as the life drained out of him.
Eric Harris died as Eric Garner did.
As tens of thou­sands, arguably mil­lions, tens of mil­lions over the decades, have died at the hands of white Americans and their enforcers.


Robert Bates, 73, shot to death suspect Eric Harris in Oklahoma after pulling out his gun instead of his taser, authorities said.
Robert Bates, 73, shot to death sus­pect Eric Harris in Oklahoma after pulling out his gun instead of his taser, author­i­ties said.

The nar­ra­tive sur­round­ing the mur­der of Eric Harris is that 73 year-old Robert Bates the pay-to-play wannabe cop should not have been involved in the sting oper­a­tion which brought Harris down.
The total­i­ty of the dis­cus­sion com­plete­ly excludes the fact that there was absolute­ly no need to ini­ti­ate the use of a taser under the con­di­tions in the video as there were sev­er­al cops on top of Harris who was already sub­dued, includ­ing kneel­ing on his head.
I used the term mur­der in this case despite what we see in the video of mis­ter Bates’s appar­ent shock after fir­ing his weapon.
I do not believe Robert Bates is guilty of murder.
As a for­mer police offi­cer, I am inclined to give him the ben­e­fit of what we saw in the video.
He did not intend to pull and fire his weapon into Eric Harris.
The Department which allowed him to par­tic­i­pate in that sting must be held accountable.
The real mur­der­ers are the oth­er sav­ages, those who shout­ed exple­tives at a sub­dued Eric Harris, ridi­cul­ing his claim that he was los­ing his breath.
Eric Garner was choked to death on Staten Island by macho cop Daniel Pantaleo .
Garner told police sev­er­al times he could not breathe, Pantaleo kept up the pres­sure until Eric Garner was dead.
The NYPD and it’s sup­port­ers still do not get it, they claim if you can­not breath you can­not talk.
What absolute ignorance.
By that mea­sure they are allowed to apply pres­sure to a sus­pect until he can­not speak.
Only then are these demons con­vinced that some­one may actu­al­ly be hav­ing seri­ous prob­lems breathing.
When they have no breath left.
As the world saw Eric Garner is lay­ing in a cemetery.
Daniel Pantaleo did not even have to answer to a court of law for mur­der­ing him in plain view of the entire world.
There is a cal­lous dis­re­gard for the life of black peo­ple in America.
The police are just the enforcers, the real prob­lem is the white struc­ture which stands behind and allows it because it serves their interest.

The Wall Street Journal one of the Nation’s lead­ing Conservative Publication,and an enti­ty no one could accuse of being slack in it’s sup­port of cops,stated in a Aug. 7th.2013 Article Titled, Rise of the war­rior cop.
Quote: “Since the 1960s, in response to a range of per­ceived threats, law-enforce­ment agen­cies across the U.S., at every lev­el of gov­ern­ment, have been blur­ring the line between police offi­cer and sol­dier. Driven by mar­tial rhetoric and the avail­abil­i­ty of mil­i­tary-style equip­ment — from bay­o­nets and M‑16 rifles to armored per­son­nel car­ri­ers — American police forces have often adopt­ed a mind-set pre­vi­ous­ly reserved for the bat­tle­field. The war on drugs and, more recent­ly, post‑9/​11 anti-ter­ror­ism efforts have cre­at­ed a new fig­ure on the U.S. scene: the war­rior cop — armed to the teeth, ready to deal harsh­ly with tar­get­ed wrong­do­ers, and a grow­ing threat to famil­iar American liberties”.

Eric Harris was shot and killed by a reserve deputy who fired his gun after mistaking it for his taser, according to a statement from the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office.
Eric Harris was shot and killed by a reserve deputy who fired his gun after mis­tak­ing it for his taser, accord­ing to a state­ment from the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office.

The per­ceived wrong­do­ers are America’s black male.
Every arrest is esca­lat­ed into a mil­i­tary style event.
Events which under nor­mal cir­cum­stances would not raise an eye­brow were they done in the nor­mal ways of policing.
The idea that a sus­pect would run seem to be some­thing incon­ceiv­able these days.
One of the rea­son for this are laws which make it a crime to run from police.
This gives the new war­rior cop the idea that he now has the right to mur­der a flee­ing suspect.
The war­rior cop is now cop, pros­e­cu­tor, judge and executioner.
To hell with the pre­sump­tion of inno­cence, to hell with due process.
Welcome to the world of the Patriot Act and the new police state.

At the begin­ning of this Article I asked who “who will save Black-America?
I asked that ques­tion in the con­text of the way in which the black talk­ing-heads who hap­pen to make it onto tele­vi­sion allow the dis­cus­sion to go.
They all seem some­how stuck in the throes of slav­ery , unable to extri­cate them­selves from the nar­ra­tive designed by the slave-master.
The killing of Eric Harris was avoid­able. Yes Harris was engaged in a crime but if America is to be believed, cops do not get to apply the death penal­ty at their leisure and discretion.

A flee­ing sus­pect is not an anom­aly, faced with prison peo­ple run , it is a nor­mal human reaction.
It is not a licence for sadis­tic sav­ages to kill someone.
More and more the world is get­ting a view into the sor­did bel­ly which is America’s mytho­log­i­cal Justice system.
A sys­tem which sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly allows it’s agents to unlaw­ful­ly kill it’s own cit­i­zens with­out con­se­quence, while berat­ing oth­er nations about civ­il and human rights.
The hypocrisy is stun­ning yet under­stand­able by those who always main­tained that America’s crim­i­nal Justice sys­tem was actu­al­ly two sep­a­rate sys­tems, one for whites and one for every­one else.
The poor pathet­ic black talk­ing heads are unable to see that the real tragedy of Eric Harris’ killing is not that he was shot by an old man, but that after he was shot a group of sav­ages act­ing under the aus­pices of the law, knelt on his head until he was dead, all while hurl­ing exple­tive-laced insults at him.

The new default posi­tion is that a black man who was tick­et­ed as a col­lege stu­dent for jay-walk­ing may be jus­ti­fi­ably killed forty years lat­er, because he received that ticket.
Now any­one famil­iar with America’s sys­tem of jus­tice under­stands how young black men are tar­get­ed by law-enforcement.
For a young black male to avoid police con­tact he must almost make him­self invisible.
This makes every black male killed by police, deserv­ing of death.
Until the almost 40 mil­lion black peo­ple in America decide enough is enough there will be no change.